God killed lots of pregnant women, plus the Bible commands that they be ripped open, and gives instructions on how priests should perform abortions on unwanted pregnancies (Numbers 5). Even the Christian church supported and ordered abortions years ago. There's clearly no Biblical reason to oppose abortion.
2007-10-07 05:24:46
answer #1
answered by gelfling 7
For a couple to have a child out of wedlock in these days is just a result of laziness. At least in any industrialized country. There is no reason that anyone should get pregnant when they don't want to. I knew about condoms and birth control pills when I was in middle school and I wasn't even sexually active until I got married. The parents made the choice to have a child when they didn't cover up.
As for having a physically deformed child, have you ever talked with a parent of one. I've had quite a few discussions with them. Most would not trade their child for anything. I have a friend who has three children. Two of them have muscular dystrophy and can hardly move more than their hands and faces. My friend and his wife have had a difficult life taking care of them, but like I said earlier, they wouldn't trade those boys for anything.
I do believe that in cases of rape or where the mother's life is at risk, that abortion could be considered. In the case of unwanted children there are alternatives. There are many loving wonderful couples who are unable to have children and are just waiting for a child to adopt. Instead of aborting a child, consider making a family very happy and providing them a baby.
2007-10-07 13:38:18
answer #2
answered by Senator John McClain 6
Well I don't agree with most anything that you asked (stated).
1. Extreme cases such as rape/incest and life of the mother are exceptions to our counseling against abortion. Embarrassment is not extreme. I have met many people who are technically bastards and they are unashamed. We do encourage that the baby be born and given up for adoption by a 2 parent heterosexual couple but this is not forced and a member of my family (who is LDS and now in good standing) had a child out of wedlock and is still a single mother.
2. I have children with special needs and to think about aborting a child because it does not fit your definition of "NORMAL" is REPUGNANT!!!
3. The LDS church does not tell it's members to vote pro-life nor pro-choice -- we decide this for ourselves, but we must live with-in the standards of our religion regardless of the laws (that is not to say that we should break any laws but that we can hold ourselves additional spiritual laws/commandments).
2007-10-09 07:01:03
answer #3
answered by Dionysus 5
I'm pro-choice.. so I believe everyone should rethink anti-abortion stances.. but Mormons aren't the only ones against abortions.. many people from all different religious backgrounds are. Abortion isn't a subject that can be grouped.. abortion is more of an individual choice if you ask me.. I'm Christian.. while I know some Christians are against abortions.. I am not.. So you can't say Mormons as a whole... you could say why are some people with Mormon beliefs anti-abortion.
2007-10-07 05:30:48
answer #4
answered by *Shayla* 4
Abortion is homicide. If the mum and dad can't have sufficient money to strengthen the toddler they should provide it up for adoption, not kill it. it fairly is particularly like killing a hobo on the line reason he does not have a house. i grew to become into raised detrimental, and that i'm certainly grateful for it. this is annoying at situations, yet it teaches you a great form of superb classes. i'd in no way, ever desire to be wealthy. If the toddler grew to become into born out of wedlock, then the mum and dad ought to take the ends up of their strikes and characteristic the toddler. they'd nonetheless provide it up for adoption. the toddler does not need to die because of the fact the mum and dad have been stupid and did something they regretted. i've got theory some lot of questions and the only motives i can even think of roughly abortion being ok, is that if the guy grew to become into raped (and that's as much as the raped guy or woman, they don't ought to do away with the youngster), or if having the toddler would kill the mum.
2016-10-21 08:21:18
answer #5
answered by Erika 4
You seem to be advocating that all children with defects should be aborted. Anyone with retardation or birth defects should not be allowed to live. What kind of a world would that be, where someone gets to decide who has the right to live and who should die. Sounds like a very scary position to take.
I would feel more safe if such decisions about life were left up to God: I trust God more than any mortal on who should be allowed to live or not.
Accordingly, it is not up to us to decide who should die. In other words, no one has the right to abort a human life. The decision to procreate and give life is made at sexual conception. That is the time we decide who lives or not.
2007-10-10 03:59:02
answer #6
answered by Kerry 7
Very easily - every Spirit Child of our Heavenly Father is entitled to its earthly estate, even if it only lives a few moments.
The first role of parents is to fulfil the commandment: "Go forth and replenish the earth." This provides tabernacles for the Spirit Children of Heavenly Father.
Enough said!
Just for the record, I have a disability called hydrocephalus, I am 47 years old, married with two healthy children, and in a fulfilling career as a scientist. Would it have been right to abort someone like me?
2007-10-09 07:09:59
answer #7
answered by Modern Major General 7
That is so wrong of you to call the child a bastard. I know that literally it means a child born to unwed parents, but is that the best word choice you could come up with? And in this day and age a child born to "unwed" parents has no embarrassment to face. Many of my friends parents were never married and they weren't embarrassed or ashamed. I can't imagine life without them, I'm glad their parents weren't as backwards as you in considering whether or not to have an abortion. You obviously don't utilize your heart very often to say that it would be better to kill someone than to let them live simply because they are retarted or deformed. Shame on you!
2007-10-07 08:44:05
answer #8
answered by Liesel 5
And God made you the judge of which babies to kill and which ones to let live? And it is OK to kill the ones that are inconvenient, those that are born out of wedlock, and all for embarrassment's sake? That is a big responsibility.
One of our key missions here on earth is to bring our brothers and sisters down from the spirit world and give them their chance on earth. We are supposed to do it right in families of a mother and a father married in the sight of God. Many dismiss this as unnecessary, and the kids pay the price. But they still deserve their chance on earth, just like you did.
You think a physical deformity kept these spirits, so desperate for a body, from wanting to still come to earth? Think again!
Wickedness never was happiness. Killing to cover your mistakes didn't work for Hitler or Stalin, and it won't work for anyone else.
2007-10-07 15:17:36
answer #9
answered by Warren W- a Mormon engineer 6
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church stated in 1999:
The Church opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience. Our members are taught that, subject only to some very rare exceptions, they must not submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange for an abortion. That direction tells us what we need to do on the weightier matters of the law, the choices that will move us toward eternal life."
The official stance of the LDS Church reflects a relatively liberal position within the pro-life movement. It allows abortion if the woman's life or health is threatened, if the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest or if the fetus is severely malformed and would not live long after birth.
I know great people who do great things for this world who were born with physical defects.
As for my stance I feel that if you are not ready for a child, don't have unprotected sex.
2007-10-07 05:33:35
answer #10
answered by Brittany 3
Because, as we all know, it's better to kill a child than to have it born outside of socially acceptable standards, and, as we all know, ALL people with any sort of genetic or physical defect or retardation are absolutely MISERABLE and are just begging to be put out of their misery.
Leave the Mormons be. Different strokes for different folks. Not every one will see the world as you do.
Gelfling: Just because there's no biblical reason doesn't mean that people, or groups of people, can't formulate their own opinions on the matter. That's why so many branches of christianity exist.
2007-10-07 05:27:31
answer #11
answered by dolmyyr 4