"Wouldn't it be better if the child was dead than to be brought up poor? Shouldn't it be up to the parents whether or not to terminate the child. "
Better off dead......
And you consider youself Christian?
Oh thats right, cuz you believe in the trinity, every other belief or yours matters not.
I think the Anti-Life people need to learn how to take responsibility for their actions.... Or let me guess, some other outside factor forced you to have sex and thus you are released from all culpability?
2007-10-07 12:13:50
answer #1
answered by Feelin Randi? 5
Abortion is murder. If the parents can't afford to raise the baby they should give it up for adoption, not kill it. That is just like killing a hobo on the street cause he doesn't have a house. I was raised poor, and I'm actually grateful for it. It's hard at times, but it teaches you a lot of wonderful lessons. I would never, ever want to be rich.
If the baby was born out of wedlock, then the parents should take the consequences of their actions and have the baby. They can still give it up for adoption. The baby doesn't deserve to die because the parents were stupid and did something they regretted.
I've thought about a lot of questions and the only reasons I can even think about abortion being ok, is if the person was raped (and that is up to the raped person, they don't HAVE to get rid of the child), or if having the baby would kill the mother.
2007-10-08 12:29:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes the Mormon church is against abortion, that is why the church has it's own adoption agency. Lot's of people have sex out of wedlock, resulting in a child should never be an embarrassment, having a child is blessing. Anyone so shallow as to see it as an embarrassment is extremely ignorant and shouldn't be allowed to have fallopian tubes. From what Mormon prophets have stated, by all means someone should carry the child unless it is a medical emergency or in some cases I believe it was the Prophet Herber Grant (I COULD BE DEAD WRONG) stated that if it would cause emotional turmoil for someone of a sexual assault then abortion but be considered, but even then he advised council and prayer. I would imagine if an 11 year old was raped by her Father and got pregnant having the child might be extremely emotionally and physically difficult. The Mormon church also believes in free agency, so if you want to go have an abortion good for you, they aren't going to picket outside of the abortion clinic, since we are all given free agency.
2007-10-10 12:10:38
answer #3
answered by divinity2408 4
You are entitled to your opinion... but thank GOD that you do not have any control over mothers because you can never really afford a baby and I cant ever imagine thinking that my child would be better off dead then with loving parents no matter how little money they have. I have a child out of wedlock and I am PROUD of him!! i am also PROUD of being a mother who can raise a child on my own!
2007-10-11 11:33:29
answer #4
answered by younglady215 4
Adoption, Adoption, Adoption. Wouldn't it be better to give a great couple who doesn't have the ability to have children a chance to raise a child that they would love, cherish, and protect?
I'm with Isolde, the choice was made 9 months before the baby was born. In this day and age, especially in developed countries, the only reason to have an unwanted pregnancy is laziness. I don't know a single person who doesn't understand the purpose of condoms. (Well, aside children who aren't able to use them anyway)
I support the option for abortion in cases of rape or when the mother's life is in danger. It can be considered in those cases, but shouldn't be necessary or required.
2007-10-08 12:20:16
answer #5
answered by Senator John McClain 6
All of your examples are perfect reasons for adoption. But hey if they are reasons to kill children, then why stop at birth. If I lose my job, should be able to kill my children? After all, you say they would be better off dead than poor. Or lets say I find out my wife cheated on me. Kill the little bastards, right? Your logic is ridiculous, and idiotic. Why don't YOU take some time to think at all? Then you wouldn't ask such a stupid question.
2007-10-08 15:58:50
answer #6
answered by friendlyexmo 3
The church is against abortion. Even in cases of rape, incest, or potentially life threatening circumstances, parents are counseled to seek inspiration through prayer to know how to proceed.
The church encourages people to consider adoption as an option. There are thousands of childless couples who would be willing to care for a unwanted child.
It should be up to the parents to be responsible and to be held accountable for their decisions and actions. Regardless of whether they are poor or promiscuous, taking an innocent life should not be justified.
2007-10-09 12:47:25
answer #7
answered by whapingmon 4
your one of the biggest idiots i have EVER met. the church is officially anti abortion but it's allowed in cased that are justified like when the mother was raped or the mother will loose her life. yes the church thought about the important questions.
if the parents cant afford it? boy that means then 90% of the world will have had abortions since they are all poor. since when did it become a crime to be poor. boy we should have allowed all idiots to be shot because they are idiots. that's what you believe, right? because that would include you.
this is officially the number 1 dumbest belief in the world. i certainly hope you don't speak in behalf of pro-choice believers.
2007-10-07 14:56:51
answer #8
answered by falisrm 4
I am pro choice too. I believe you have a choice not to have sex and conceive a child. If you make a poor choice the first time, you do not need to add murder to your foolishness.
2007-10-08 11:01:53
answer #9
answered by Isolde 7
Besides the embarrassment, adoption solves all those problems.
Should I have the right to kill someone because they might embarrass me???
Doesn't your Bible teach "thou shalt not kill"???
2007-10-09 15:18:50
answer #10
answered by Ender 6