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Tre casettine
dai tetti aguzzi,
un verde praticello,
un esiguo ruscello: rio Bo,
un vigile cipresso.
Microscopico paese, e vero,
paese da nulla, ma pero...
c'e sempre disopra una stella,
una grande, magnifica stella,
che a un dipresso...
occhieeggia con la punta del cipresso di rio Bo.
Una stella innamorata?
Chi sa
se nemmeno ce l'ha
una grande citta.

2007-10-06 02:56:54 · 3 answers · asked by U.N.Owen 1 in Society & Culture Languages

3 answers

I mostly agree with above translation excluded a few small differences ; in particular "tetti" is plural (roofs) and the word "vigile" can't be translated either "careful" or "straight, tall". In this poem / context the word "vigile" means "vigilant, watchful".

Three small houses
with pointed roofs
a little green grass
a slender stream : Rio (rivulet) Bo
an watchful cypress.
Microscopic village, that's true,
a for nothing village, but....
there is always a star overstanding,
a big, wonderful star,
that nearly .....
peeps with the tip of the Rio Bo cypress.
A star in love ??
Who knows,
if neither a large town
has it.

2007-10-08 19:59:05 · answer #1 · answered by martox45 7 · 0 0

Migrazione Scappare dalla rovinata bellezza, lasciare le loro vite nel passato, non poterono ritornare, a ciò che prima furono campi desiderabili e felici famiglie, e ora ciò è diventato un vuoto fosso nero, perciò scapparono, scapparono dal disastro al posto che ora chiamano casa. it is the way you translate. slightly bit reminder that there are a sort of previous tenses in Italian which we do not render a lot properly in English. So, if the previous you're speaking about you experience this is not any longer that far, then this is: "non potevano ritornare, a ciò che prima furono campi desiderabili e felici famiglie, che è ora diventato un vuoto fosso nero, perciò sono scappati, scappati dal disastro al posto che ora chiamano casa.". in case you want to make the previous in this poem (which i come across quite sturdy, yet i imagine you should revise the link between the fifth and sixth line, i imagine there might want to be a "it" or something, re-study the poem and also you'll see what I mean), then it is okay like that. effective one!

2016-10-20 05:30:43 · answer #2 · answered by chicklis 4 · 0 0

three little houses
with a sharp roof
a green lawn
a little river: rio Bo,
a careful cypress (i know it doesn't make much sense in english, it's like "straight, tall").
extremely small village, that's true,
insignificant village, but...
there is always a star above it,
a big, magnificent star,
that nearby
blinks at the top of the cypress of rio Bo.
a star in love?
who knows
if even a big city
has it (the star in love)

it's a children poem, almost everyone in italy knows it... i've translated it literally, so all the rhymes, assonances, etc... have gone lost.
hope it helps

2007-10-06 07:32:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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