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4 answers


2007-10-06 18:04:00 · answer #1 · answered by mason proffit 6 · 0 0

Of course not. It's call the 'American Syndrome.' America seems to think it has the right to threaten the world with use of nuclear weapons, but will attack any country that it thinks may pose a threat at some point in the future. Sometimes the weapons of mass destruction threat doesn't even need to be credible. Our media is not covering the fleecing of America and is not being honest about the dark side of its large corporate sponsors.

Let's face the truth. WMDs are not the real reason for the US aggression and occupation of oil-rich countries. The puppet government is offering generous oil leases to privatize the oil fields. Big bucks are being extracted from American tax payers and from the treasury (in the form of national debt). This privatized war is enriching no-bid contractors. It is providing wag-the-dog type cover for an incompetent administration who has spent America into the poor house and along the way has gutted the bill of rights, the constitution, and any semblence of balance of power between our branches of government.

The 9/11 Commission report is incomplete and inaccurate, yet the media incessantly repeats this discredited theory. Al Greenspan was correct. The Middle East invasion and occupation is mostly about oil.

2007-10-06 00:06:12 · answer #2 · answered by Skeptic 7 · 0 0

It is sensable to want to restrict the production of nuclear weapons. It's sort of the nuclear nations way of preventing a global scale of what could have happened during the Cold War. It's not fair to say other countries can't conduct research in order to say...idk, build power plants or something.

2007-10-05 23:59:58 · answer #3 · answered by Lance F 2 · 0 0

I guess there would be two answers to this question.

The common answer I assume would be "No. Equal rights, ect"

But to think about it logically...

The countries with the power are the ones that (usually) keep things in order. Nuclear nations only get to -stay- as nuclear nations as they use that power responsibly.

To put it short, rather than making a huge scene about it:
Power is a privilege, not a right. It must be earned, not given or inherited. To keep it you must prove you are worthy, or be stripped of that status.

2007-10-06 00:01:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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