Tattoo's and Piercings are more acceptable these days than ever in western society.
You even have 60 & 70 yr olds getting tattoos ( both women & men)
However if you go to extreame's with anything you will get attention
2007-10-05 13:51:11
answer #1
answered by silkin_storm 5
why is this in gay section..
My stepfarther who is 45, hates tattoos, peircings, etc.. My grandfarther hates them, my mom hates them.. But i'm also beggining to notice more and more people are getting them, and more jobs are becoming okay with them.. so i don't know...
In some countries ONLY sailors, or convicts have tattoos..although thats starting to change too..
2007-10-05 20:49:34
answer #2
answered by ♥ LovingMyLittle1 4
i think tattoos and piercings are fine as long as they can be covered with a short sleeved shirt and short shorts. ear piercings are ok and minimal facial piercings. But i am sorry multiple piercings on the face gross me out. just me ya know
2007-10-05 22:16:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
THey already accept piercings, I stopped wearing earrings in the early 90s because it got so trendy.
2007-10-05 20:53:03
answer #4
answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7
no i dont. i only say this because , people dont accept everybody for who they are as they are. to expect a person or people ( as a group) to acknowledge one another as they are is non-realistic. that is why there is racism in this world. nobody can ever do 100 % to satisfy another. i hope this helps to answer you question.
2007-10-05 21:59:36
answer #5
answered by shyboy 3
That would ruin them. They are a symbol of rebellion in western culture. If they all of a sudden became the norm it would ruin their intrinsic value.
2007-10-05 20:53:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
tattoos/piercings have been around for thousands of years...they're so trendy and fashionable now that they hardly have any meaning anymore...also I dont think this is a gay/lesbian question...
2007-10-05 22:58:09
answer #7
answered by metalsnob 3
yea i think it is exepted now but if your whole body is piecings and tattos then people have a problem
i dont think people like that will be exepted fully
2007-10-05 22:22:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think they already have. A very large amount of people now have both.
2007-10-05 20:48:24
answer #9
answered by rem552000 5
WHAT! I love tattoos and piercings they're so hot ...anyways if you don't feel accepted I'm sorry but I think they're cool. ;-);_ylt=AuTorVqGWYX5OxogHVo1YtjOxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20071005172917AAKnQa8
2007-10-05 20:47:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous