I am Anglo and my husband is HIspanic so we cam up with
Zach Matteus. We liked Matteus because it is Matthew in Swedish and we don't know anyone with an Anglo Swedish Sapnish name. I am definitely keeping Zach as his first name if you have any good suggestions for a middle name that goes with Spanish two syllable name please help. The baby is coming next week. My first son's mane is Alec Tomas.
12 answers
asked by
Melissa G
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Baby Names
I like Zachary but my best friend's son is Zachary Matthew and I didn't want it to be like I was copying her. Also, my husband's parents don't speak english and they change every name into spanish and I don't like Zacharia coz it rhymes with diahhrea. so that's why we chose just Zach.
07:48:35 ·
update #1