Why do you need to do anything? Just be her friend and part of being her friend is not judging her or classifying her.
Take care,
2007-10-05 02:19:14
answer #1
answered by tiuliucci 6
You dont just go and confront people about personal stuff like this, no matter how close of friends you are. You could be taking things the wrong way. Surely your not judging this based on how she looks or dresses or acts. Ever hear "Dont judge a book by its cover"? Dont think or asume you know her lifestyle based on these things, cause by doing so and you go and confront her, you could be sadly mistaken and she could be very hurt and offended, which can lead to something you may not want to happen.
Also even if your right and shes a lesbian, its not your business. If she wants you to know, let her tell you in her own time. ITs her business and some people are not comfortable with others knowing about their personal business. Maybe she needs time to tell you if she hasnt told you already. Dont make it your agenda to confront her and force her to tell you. Let it come in time. Thats what makes friendships last..patience.
Also.. People should really stop and think about what "some" are saying. Yes some lesbians dress a certain way but to judge ALL women who wear men clothes or wear short hair and say they ARE a "butch lesbian" is judgemental and rude. Not all people who dress this way are even lesbian. Its a lifestyle people have acustomed themselves to. If I wore men clothes and short hair would you asume I was lesbian? Id hope not cause im far from it. Dont judge people. Dont sterotype people. You cant asume things based on a persons apearance. Think about this. And I hope you make the right choice. Im not saying your assumptions on your friend are wrong, but it hurts me knowing that there are people out there being pre-judged and sterotyped based on how they dress or act. Its hurtful and people dont stop and realize that. They never stop to think about how the person they are judging feels. Put her feelings into thought, Would you want someone walking up to you, friend or not, and confronting you about something your not 100% sure of. And even if they are right.. would you want them bringing up something thats personal to you?
Have a wonderful day
2007-10-05 09:22:55
answer #2
answered by April H 2
I can't imagine that if she is so terribly butch she could think you wouldn't know, but basically, just be her friend. Don't make rude comments about lesbians, and if she thinks you are supportive about the whole concept (don't try too hard - it could come off really awkward), eventually she may trust you enough to tell you more about her personal life. Or maybe not. That's her business, not yours. Let her raise those issues if and when she feels comfortable doing so.
2007-10-05 09:21:38
answer #3
answered by neniaf 7
Shes ur friend right so just be her friend and dont worry bout it if shes butch. If shes a lesbian then when she feels comfy she will tell u.
2007-10-05 09:46:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If she is a butch. Of course she knows you know. when a girl is a butch lesbian everybody can tell. her chothes and hairtcut give her away.
2007-10-05 09:20:37
answer #5
answered by pulpis 2
How do you know? Drop a hint about how you found out and see if she is ready to come out to you. Maybe she prefers you not know.
2007-10-05 09:34:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If she's butch, how can anyone NOT know?
2007-10-05 09:18:54
answer #7
answered by shermynewstart 7
2007-10-05 09:18:24
answer #8
answered by Bug Fuggy 5
just let her talk about it in her own time. you obviously already know and you are still her friend...so you accept her...so what would you want to do anyway??? ya know!
2007-10-05 09:20:05
answer #9
answered by pepper 2
Well she must not be a friend that has a mouth and ears that can hold a conversation with you. Duh!!! If she is your friend then just open your mouth and talk to her.
2007-10-05 09:20:21
answer #10
answered by Rick R 4