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...I mean, it is HER baby.
Should she be forced to care for it and nuture it...just because you think it is morally right? What if she can't afford it?
...if the baby was left alone, it wouldn't be able to survive!
So, shouldn't she have the choice?

What if the baby was the result of incest or rape, and a woman gave birth prematurely at 22 weeks...a day before she was going to get an abortion...? (Amillia Sonja Taylor was born at 21 weeks, six days and survived: http://www.nrlc.org/news/2007/NRL03/Amillia.html)

I mean, what's the difference...but a few seconds and the cutting of the umbilical cord...?

Are you saying that once the umbilical cord is cut, then she no longer has a choice in the matter...?!?

Shouldn't Amillia Sonja Taylor's mom have the right and choice to have Amillia physically dismembered and destroyed...like they do in abortion?


Why the discrepency?


2007-10-03 18:01:29 · 46 answers · asked by yachadhoo 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

46 answers

I agree. If murder of the unborn is legal, why not the born?

A human baby is a human baby. Ever see partial-birth abortion pictures? I never like to say who goes to hell, only God can make that decision....but if anyone deserves it, it would be the person who brutally murders those little children.

P.S. In response to all the "Thumbs Down" marks and to all who agree with them:

The Bible tells us there will come a day when that which is Bad will be called Good... and that which is Good will be called Bad.

We have entered that time.

Isaiah 5:20 Those who call evil good and good evil are as good as dead, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter.

May God have mercy on us all for this atrocity called "Pro-Choice".

2007-10-03 18:03:14 · answer #1 · answered by Augustine 6 · 5 13

you know, after reading your question i did some research on how far along you can be to have an abortion. For some reason, I thought that there was a lower time limit. But I found a lot of different sites saying that in the US you can have a partial abortion at 5-6 months but it would cost more and it would be harder to find a doctor who would do it. So, I'm not sure what the law is, but if you can still have an abortion at 6 months then I do understand your point. My friend actually just had her baby at only 5 1/2 months and she lived. My sister and I (we're twins) were born 3 months premature and we lived. Its not right to do that at such a late stage, like it would not be right to "have Amillia physically dismembered and destroyed...like they do in abortion". I'm assuming (or hoping really) that you are being sarcastic when you are talking about dismembering the baby after birth, using it to describe partial abortions.

2007-10-03 18:14:32 · answer #2 · answered by Ella 3 · 2 1

It's not the same. Once the baby is out of the womb, it CAN live without its mother. All it needs is another person to provide the nurturing. However, inside the womb, the baby is a part of the mother. It's getting all of its resources FROM the mother while it grows and develops. For a while, the fetus is nothing more than a collection of cells, without a beating heart or a functioning brain, and the mother has to provide the fetus food and energy whether she wants to or not.

The real issue of abortion is the whole "life begins at conception" thing--not everyone follows that philosophy. Many of the pro-choicers either accept that many woman are of different religious beliefs than they are or they are in the personal belief that life does not begin until that life can think on its own.

2007-10-03 18:19:29 · answer #3 · answered by Stardust 6 · 3 3

The discrepancy, I think, is that one is a FETUS and the other an INFANT. One is ALIVE, the other has not been born into the world yet and has yet to begin breathing our air.

besides, you don't abort babies so near to birth-- they're nearly fully developed, for gods' sake! by the time they're ready to be born they're far more than a collection of cells, which is basically what's being aborted in an abortion.

no clean answer.

2007-10-05 18:13:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Another trollish question.

You need to work on your wording/asking if you don't want to start having people report you. Just a fair warning.

A fetus is totally dependant upon the mother's body. Is in effect a part of the mother. If you had a growth that was making you ill wouldn't you cut it off.

An infant outside after birth is breathing and can be cared for by any number of people. It is not dependent upon the single person. Others will take care of it.
Any reputable hospital, police station or many other places will take a baby with no questions asked if it is left there. It is the law in California.

Has your mother been trying to kill you?

2007-10-03 18:17:54 · answer #5 · answered by bahbdorje 6 · 4 3

I'm pro-choice and pro-life. I know and understand that few anti-abortion people can understand this, but I'll try to give it a try, and to answer your question as well.

I personally believe abortion to be wrong most of the time. I do not however believe that it should be illegal. The reason is that it is a choice, often made with great consideration given. Many women struggle with this decision and don't make it lightly. Charging such women with a crime for the decision they made only compounds the stresses placed upon her.

As to the absurd nature of your argument, if you are unable to see the difference, perhaps you need some ocular assistance. The difference, quite simply is that while the fetus is in the womb, there is only one person whose life is affected by the presence of the developing fetus, and only one person able to take responsibility for its development.

When a baby is born, a woman has the option of offering that child up for adoption; if she does not wish, or is unable to care for it, others shall.

As far as adoption, I wonder just how many anti-abortion people have actually stepped up and offered to adopt a child should a woman choose to carry that fetus until it was born. While I consider myself pro-choice, I've done that. I would do it again.

I stand firmly behind my own convictions that pro-choice is NOT pro-abortion, despite what radical pro-lifers claim. I also wonder how many pro-lifers support our president's position on the war we are waging? Do they realize that many more innocent non-combatants have been killed in this war against terror than were killed in our twin towers? Do you realize that such people are being killed daily? And in this war, our country has yet to offer significant numbers of those we have displaced any reasonable refuge?

Are the pro-lifers rallying for the dignity of the people we have imprisoned in Cuba and elsewhere?

If you claim that life is sacred, ALL of it must be sacred and treated with dignity.

I know that some do, but usually, it is not the most vocal.

2007-10-03 18:15:30 · answer #6 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 4 2

No, she shouldn't be FORCED to care of it.
And no one can argue that her taking it to someone else to be taken care of threatens her emotional, physical, or financial well-being in any way.

However, until humans are self-sufficient from conception and need not rely on a woman PHYSICALLY, a woman is always justified in exercising her right to control her body.

A woman always has a choice.
If it is physically dependent on her, she has a right to end the pregnancy, as there is no such thing as the right to live off another, or to live by someone else's efforts. (There is no right to enslave)
When it is no longer physically dependent on her, she can take it to someone else so that it is not financially dependent upon her either.

You people are pathetic. Comparing a baby to a clump of cells and asserting that the latter is not only equal to a woman but superior to her. SHAME.

2007-10-09 18:32:39 · answer #7 · answered by Elizabeth J 5 · 0 0

I do not have any children nor have I ever been pregnant, however, I do not think the women has sole discretion on what is going to happen to her baby. Rape, and STD's YES she has the choice to say if it goes or stays. If there is a choice between keeping a normal situation pregnancy alive there should have to be 2 signatures on the abortion contract or whatever they do. 1. The father has every right to contributing to the decision. For example, he can't be apart of he decision but if she keeps it he has to pay child support even if he doesn't have anything to do with it? not fair) 2. Pregnant women have ups and downs in their hormone levels which leads to strange behavior and uneducated decision making. Why can't she just keep the baby and give it up for adoption if by the time 9 months comes around and she still doesn't want it?

2007-10-03 18:11:20 · answer #8 · answered by Krysta M 2 · 0 4

Will I be violated by Y/A if I say you are WARPED?????

Anyone who is pro-abortion is NOT for killing of born babies... and really not for killing of UNBORN babies either----except in special circumstances which SHOULD BE the choice of the person carrying....and certainly not YOUR decision for me.... If a child is conceived from rape or incest, do you REALLY think a woman is going to sit around and wait until she is 22 weeks PREGNANT before deciding to have an abortion? Do you think ALL women are stupid or WHAT??????? Oh and Hey Mr. PRO-LIFER, you best not believe in the DEATH PENALTY for convicted felons--because wouldn't that kind of blow your PRO-LIFE thing out of the water???? I would NOT want to have to face the possibility of an abortion FOR MYSELF and would not be able to DO it unless I had been raped or a victim of incest, however I DO believe it should be a WOMAN'S CHOICE but I do believe the time frame should be shortened. maybe no abortions should be performed on women who are past their 15th week UNLESS there is a severe risk of DEATH to the woman..... but no man should have the right to tell ME what I can do with MY body---any more then I should have the RIGHT to tell him what to do with HIS.....

By the way, would YOU be willing to adopt a baby who is born to a woman who is forced to give it up because of the emotional trauma of the RAPE that occurred producing this baby--KNOWING full well that the DNA of a RAPER is embedded in that child? Remember, a child DOES take on the characteristics of it's PARENTS... and if someone is pre-disposed to commit rape, quite possibly couldn't it's OFFSPRING also be so pre-disposed??????

PS... anyone who BELIEVES that a fetus isn't attached to or a part OF the mother..... if you kill a pregnant woman, the baby almost ALWAYS dies as well. a fetus CANNOT survive inside a DEAD woman.....

2007-10-03 18:11:54 · answer #9 · answered by LittleBarb 7 · 4 4

What a horrible question - I wish it wasn't so graffic or complicated or I would be able to answer properly.
I will say this however - these are human lives you are talking about - and all people should make a moral judgement about these things.
I don't think there is any excuse in this era for women to become 'accidently' pregnant - with all the contraception around. If it does, with using measures, happen to a woman who is very young, does not have the funds to look after a baby or for any other extenuating circumstance - then an abortion might be the only option in some cases - but these shouldn't happen any later than 9-10 weeks.

2007-10-03 18:07:51 · answer #10 · answered by Frankie 4 · 2 6

first off, abortions beyond 24 weeks is ILLEGAL, so your question is moot. second, killing an infant is murder because the infant is born and protected, making your question moot yet again. third, when the majority of abortions happen, there is barely a fetus there to 'dismember' and the fetus can't feel pain. your question is moot and ridiculous.

2007-10-09 14:38:00 · answer #11 · answered by GothicLady 6 · 0 0

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