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2007-10-03 10:33:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

You may start by reading a basic book on Buddhism such as these:
Buddhism for Beginners
Everything Buddhism
Buddhism for Dummies

There are several different schools of Buddhism. Check out the differences and see which works best for you.
Buddhists follow the 4 Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and the 5 precepts. Learning about other faiths and questioning that which the Buddha taught (and only using it after you deem it true and useful) is encouraged.
You may still follow another religion as well as practice Buddhist philosophy or just decide that you are a Buddhist. Many recite I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sangha as a commitment to their study of Buddhism.
Best of all Buddhists do not feel the need to slander other religions or push you into converting to theirs. And contrary to popular opinion Buddha is not looked at as God and many Buddhists do believe in the teachings of Jesus (there are even books written on the parallels of the teachings of Buddha and Jesus).
I hope this helped and good luck on your journey.

2007-10-03 10:44:20 · answer #1 · answered by Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA 7 · 2 0

Taking Refuge in the Buddha is a confident acceptance of the fact that one can become fully enlightened and perfected just as the Buddha was.

Taking Refuge in the Dhamma means understanding the Four Noble Truths and basing one's life on the Noble Eightfold Path.

Taking Refuge in the Sangha means looking for support, inspiration and guidance from all who walk the Noble Eightfold Path. Doing this one becomes a Buddhist and thus takes the first step on the path towards Nirvana.

Buddhanet - worldwide Buddhist information and education network


2007-10-03 13:40:15 · answer #2 · answered by wb 6 · 2 0

First, read up on the Buddha's teachings. If they make sense to you, you should follow them. It's really pretty much that easy.

Some traditions have a ceremony that might make you feel more like you've been "initiated." Baasically, they revolve around making a statement of placing your trust in the Buddha and his teachings. The usual wording is something like:

"I go to the Buddha for refuge."
"I go to the dharma for refuge." (The dharma is the Buddha's teachings.)
"I go to the sangha for refuge." (The sangha is the community of Buddhists)

Anyone can become a Buddhist, even if you belong to another religion. It's not exclusionary, since it focuses more on personal enlightenment and an end to suffering than on salvation and the afterlife.

Check out buddhanet.net. All kinds of great resources there.

2007-10-03 10:42:26 · answer #3 · answered by Keweenaw 1 · 2 0

If you would like to make Buddhism your religion, there are some things to consider. First one should be familiar with the basic tenants of Buddhism such as karma, rebirth, Four Noble Truths, The Eight Fold Path and the Five Precepts. It is not necessary to accept all of these concepts at the start, but one should be willing consider them. The Buddha never asked his disciples to believe something because he said it. He said that one needed to prove it true for yourself.

Simply practicing Chan meditation and adopting some of Buddha's philosophy does not make a person a Buddhist. Of course these practices may be used to further or enhance any religious practice from Christianity and Judaism to Hinduism.

2007-10-03 10:39:17 · answer #4 · answered by PRGfUSMC 5 · 3 1

There are many books and texts on buddhism. Depending on where you live there may even be a buddhist temple. but you must be willing to change your life style; some times drastically.

2007-10-03 10:38:21 · answer #5 · answered by Den 1 · 2 0

You don't become Buddhist. If you're looking to ascribe to some kind of organized religion, you may want to search elsewhere. If you're still interested, just research the teachings of Buddha.

2007-10-03 10:36:46 · answer #6 · answered by smbfc 3 · 0 1

Buddhism is a philosophy. There are also different kinds of Buddhism. Go read up on it and decide for yourself. Buddhism is non-theistic so don't listen to ignorant people that say it is the work of the devil. It isn't a religion, nor is there any kind of worship in regard to any God.
Buddhism teaches how to analyze yourself, your thoughts, and your actions.
It is about controlling your mind, opening it, and gaining a spiritual oneness with yourself and the world around you.

2007-10-03 10:48:48 · answer #7 · answered by Primary Format Of Display 4 · 2 1

How do you become a Buddhist? First you don't won't to be a Buddhist because under their religious law is not the way of Jesus. You won't to become a Christan so that you can be a follow of Christ. In order to get to heaven you must be born again. How can you be born again? The bible say that you must be born of both the water and the spirit. You Must have the Holy Spirit and Must be Baptised in the name of Jesus in order to get to heaven not becoming a Buddhist. In the Apostilc Church is wear you won't to be.
From Da: Jesus Freak

2007-10-03 10:43:27 · answer #8 · answered by Will L 1 · 0 5

Theophilus, I dare say you're a filthy hypocrite of the worse kind.
Read anything by Thich Nhat Hanh.

2007-10-03 10:43:14 · answer #9 · answered by Shawn B 7 · 2 0

first you have to understand buddhism and make sure that's the path that is right for you..

you can study about it online easily first of all...


then if there's buddhists in your area do reach them and discuss the matter...


2007-10-03 10:36:35 · answer #10 · answered by dramatic p-dawg 4 · 2 0

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