I had no spiritual guidance growing up but I was always searching. When I was 7 years old I was baptized along with my "step"-dad in a non-denominational church against the better judgement of the Pastor who didn't like baptizing children. But i had a sincere heart and a well-rounded knowledge of what I was taught in that congregation.
My dad was in the Navy and we moved from Puerto Rico and my folks slipped back into their bad ways (they emotionally and verbally abused each other and were heavy handed with my little brother) soo I was left to search on my own again.
I couldn't reconcile what churches taught with what I learned in the Bible so I bounced around a lot... I prayed a lot, read the Bible all the time, and got lost a lot along the way. I studied with more denominations than I can remember but I always got hung up on issues.
In 1998 my husband left me and our 4 kids. I was in a new state.. he was cheating on me with my half-sister whom I had just met a couple years earlier. I CURSED God in prayer. Especially when a couple sweet but (?? misdirected) Mormons studied with me and insinuated that God was letting all the bad in my life happen because I was a heavy smoker.
I started work as an exotic dancer, had very loose morals and was on the verge of having an emotional breakdown...
I found the man I came to marry and even though I hated God I still prayed for help and answers.
Then the Witnesses found me.
Even after I started studying with Jehovah's Witnesses I was still smoking and my hubby and I planned on opening our own strip club. I knew I was disappointing God so I would often hide from the Witnesses when they came over for our study and when I moved I canceled the study completely because I felt like I was wasting their time.
But I kept reading and studying. In October 2000 I stopped smoking and in January 2001 while on a trip with my hubby (we weren't married at the time though) I read a Witness publication and was plagued by nightmares (how my anxiety manifests itself most) and in February 2001 I told my family "enough is enough" and we began attending every meeting.
My hubby and I separated because as it would turn out he had disassociated himself from the Witnesses years earlier and we still weren't married. But we kept attending the meetings and he was re-instated in the summer, I was baptized in October in accurate knowledge having dedicated my life to Jehovah God and in November 2001 my hubby and I were married.
It's been an interesting journey that is far from over. And it's been a lot of work and I'm still making changes.
Sorry this is so long (and it's been abbreviated lol!) but I love sharing my story and hearing others.
2007-10-03 07:50:21
answer #1
answered by Xyleisha 5
What a question...I my self am not a "religious"person,but,I am spiritual. My sister(has been quite a mess,up until a year ago) has "found" Christ,which is great for her...don't get me wrong.but,now "every" conversation revolves some how around...sinning,Jesus,The Lord....it's driving me nuts!!!! I don't like religion crammed down my throat.When I all along have been responsible and law binding.But,now with her "revelation" everyone that doesn't go to church 1,2 or 3 times a week is a sinner...urggg,I really needed to vent! And I hope I didn't offend you in any way~as I don't know your beliefs!
2007-10-03 14:39:48
answer #2
answered by Colts girl 6
It was loneliness and emptiness. I was in the hospital and snowed in. My family could not come and see me. I could not walk due to bi-lateral hip replacement at the age of 32. I was forced to look inside myself and evaluate where I had been and where I was going. I always knew something was missing. The chaplain stopped by my room and we talked for a long time. I had gone to church off and on all my life. I had doubts and disbelief. I only went to church because I was forced to. There are many who would say that I was caught at a weak moment, but I call it a special moment. I am stronger now, my marriage is better and I handle life so much better knowing that I have Jesus in my corner. He gave his physical life for me so it was easy for me to give my spiritual life to him. All I had to do was confess.
This was just a summary of what happened to me. Check out my blog on my 360 page to see more.
2007-10-03 14:47:05
answer #3
answered by keoh6 5
I was at my lowest point when the Lord lifted my feet out of the muck & mire of this world and placed me on solid rock!
I was in need.....as are all lost sinners. But no, it hasn't influenced the way in which I express my faith in Him
2007-10-03 14:34:35
answer #4
answered by primoa1970 7
My personal situation was one of emptiness. I needed "something" and the world was not feeding it to me. But all of your descriptions will lead a person to Christ. It is designed that way.
2007-10-03 14:36:10
answer #5
answered by Tamm 4
i was lost even though i have been goin to church 4 most of my life bout 3 months ago i received Christ in my life. my hasn't been the same since then.
2007-10-03 15:02:19
answer #6
answered by FuTurE SolDieR 6
How did I come to commit my life to Jesus Christ as my LORD and savior?
I had been searching for "the truth" since I was a teenager. I visited New Age groups and occasionally read the Bible. I attended a church but was never really fed the pure word of God. I knew doctrine and thought I believed in God.
But I didn't know what "believing in Jesus" meant. I thought I was a Christian because I believed in God. I didn't know I had to repent of my sins and commit my entire life to Jesus-- asking God to wash away all of my sins and completely trust God with everything. I had never been told that so I was ignorant.
Well, I had people who prayed for me (I didn't know this at the time) and lifted me up before God. They must have seen my great need because I was blind to my need and just thought if I only did the right things I would get the right results...I thought everything depended on MY abilities, nothing at that time would have depended on my relationship to God.
This brought about circumstances that made me seek God with my whole heart.
Was I starved for the truth?
Was I desperate?
I was spiritually dead.
I was not under depression, addiction or divorce. I was simply surviving this life the best way I knew how and although I believed God existed I didn't recognize that through committing my life to Jesus I could have everything that would ever fulfill me.
I did not commit myself to an organization. I did not commit myself to being a better person (I had been doing THAT for years.)
I did not commit myself to positive thinking.
I simply realized that with out God I could do nothing. Whatever efforts I had put forth to improve myself failed. But where I failed--God was and is victorious.
I had a difficult childhood. Better than some, worse than others. I had a lot of pain. I operated almost completely out of a spirit of fear. All of my attempts to succeed in life had failed.
It was only after I got saved--by believing in Jesus as my LORD and savior and asking for the forgiveness of each and every one of my sins...did I finally begin to feel and experience peace.
It took me several years to even understand what it meant that "God loved me". When someone would ever say that to me--I hated it. IT sounded so phony and foul!!! "God loves you" sounded like a slap in the face. I did not hate God. I just did not believe he loved me. Why would He?
God revealed himself to me--building the whole foundation of my faith on His Love. It is a deep foundation that can never be destroyed because "God IS love."
Now, I walk in joy and thank you for the privilege to tell everyone why I have committed my life to Jesus.
God's ways are not burdensome, they are not harsh and evil, God doesn't hate you. God loves you and very much wants you to come to Him and learn of Him.
I walk in gratefulness and thanksgiving to God every single day because I have such a great hope. I have peace and love and joy. I have totally been set free from the spirit of fear. That only in and through Him do I find fulfillment in the depths of my being.
1 John 4:7-8, "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love."
2007-10-03 16:40:57
answer #7
answered by steinbeck11 6
Actually it was a time of normalcy. Nothing particularly good, nothing particularly bad. I just started reading the Bible and realized that I need God.
2007-10-03 14:33:49
answer #8
answered by Elle 6
I once was LOST, and NOW Im found!
MY testimony isnt important...but Gods testimony IS!!!!
He died to save us all from the penalty and power of sin, and to give us HIS righteousness in exchange for our UNrighteousness. He forgave all our sin, past, present and future and "makes us the righteousness of God IN Christ."
Isnt HE AWESOME?????
2007-10-03 14:35:07
answer #9
answered by goinupru 6
Who says "Things are going so good now, I just have to screw them up by becoming a Christian"?
People always seem to find religion in moments of desperation and depression.
2007-10-03 14:38:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous