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25 answers

Well, my parents wouldn't torture me for all time simply because I don't return their love.So, for the sake of argument, if there was a God then he wouldn't love me as much as my parents do.

2007-10-03 07:30:18 · answer #1 · answered by Demopublican 6 · 7 1

Very Good Observation.

Another false claim by religon, Eternal Torture.

Actually, the bible doesn't mention hell as a literal place or even the concept of being eternal torment.

The only "concept" they have is mentioned here.
Revelation 20:10 "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

On the surface it may seem that way but any true bible student or anyone who's open a book, reads the whole passage. Context is crucial to understanding any book for that matter!

Moving forward, another way to refute such claim would be in the same chapter and a couple verses over.

Revelation 20:14 "Then death and Hell were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

See its not so hard!

Again, [quote] Hell were thrown into the lake of fire. [unquote]

Hell will be done away with, gone.


Take Care Everybody.

2007-10-03 07:46:09 · answer #2 · answered by YXM84 5 · 1 1

Some ancient Middle Eastern sects and religions believe Hell and Heaven inhabit the same space. To them, its all a matter of perception.

Let's try to fit this into a model we can all recognize.

Consider this: Say you were stuck at a Party you didn't want to be at. You can't leave, as there is no way out.

You really don't like any of the people there, and the Host of the Party really annoys the heck out of you.

You also can't interfere with anything going on at the Party. IE: You can't ruin it, spoil it, voice your complaints about why your there.

You are utterly powerless to prevent the other folks at the Party from having fun, and you yourself are miserable.

2007-10-03 07:39:41 · answer #3 · answered by D.Chen 3 · 0 0

Stating that God wants us to avoid hell or is trying to warn us about danger ignores the fact that God created hell in the first place, and determined that he wages of sin were death in the first place.

As a parent, I get to determine what a just punishment for my children are. When they choose not to listen to me or ignore me, I choose what the results should be. In my case I usually punish them verbally initially and try to reason with them.

Christians will state that God does this too. The big difference between God and me as a parent and the creator of a child, is that when all else fails, I would never, start a furnace and throw my child in it, because they were ignoring me, or downright disrespecting me. The punishment is unreasonable.

God is different. He chooses the punishment, just like I do as a parent, but has somehow decided that eternal torture is just.

2007-10-03 07:33:12 · answer #4 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 1 2

He doesnt threaten us of hell, he warns us of hell. Hence free will. God wants us to strive to be with him, not to be of the earth. If we do not strive for heaven, we are undeserving of it...

If you place yourself as high as Lucifer did then you earn yourself the same fate-hell, not a place in heaven, exclusion from heaven is the hell, burning desire for heaven...without hope of it...for eternity.

Its not just an issue of love, he created us from nothing and created the world for us. Pleasures of the flesh, lust, greed, ego, all distance us from God, and upon repentance God is always there to recieve us again....

Saying that God is threatening us with hell is like saying that you are equal to God, hes just been in the business longer and has the ability to intimidate. You are not God, you are not equal to him, he gave you life, you choose where you go and how hard your willing to work to get there.

As for God being an angry parent I think not...no matter how much unconditional love a parent gives a child or tries to protect them, teach them right from wrong, guide them, the child can still choose to steal, do drugs, prostetute themselves out in various ways, have casual sex, drink, gamble, bully, be greedy....it has nothing to do with the parent, the child decides what they do. Not the parent. And in most cases, whatever the child does the parent loves them all the same and always has hope of their childs recovery and redemption.

2007-10-03 07:43:40 · answer #5 · answered by MNgirl@thebeach 4 · 1 0

I dont really believe in the traditional concept of heaven and hell, but parents threaten kids with punishments all the time to make sure they behave and learn how to function properly in society.

Sometimes kids dont understand why they have to do things when parents tell them to do it, but it is generally in their best interest to listen to their parents. You cant logically reason with a 3 year old as to why society finds it inappropriate to take their clothes off and run around naked.

There are consequences, good and bad, to all our actions.

2007-10-03 07:29:41 · answer #6 · answered by cadisneygirl 7 · 2 1

My parents threatened me with two eternal Hells. If God loves me half as much he'd only threaten me with one.

2007-10-03 07:28:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Perhaps -- but I could never honor, worship or repect a god that uses the same criteria for sending people to Hell that Hitler used for sending people to Auchwitz.

If there is a God, I sure hope that the Protestants are wrong about his nature.

2007-10-03 07:28:13 · answer #8 · answered by Ranto 7 · 3 1

something to think of roughly... back to the whole make certain analogy.(assuming you have good father and mom) you have your father and mom' dwelling house. they have set up regulations of their dwelling house for good reasons. they want to be waiting to guard you and shelter you for as long as they'd. enable's say your father and mom informed you no longer stay out after dark interior the city. Your father and mom did each thing they'd to offer you with a warning, yet you have been too busy enjoying arcade video games. They weren't saying "stay in our dwelling house each night or we will deliver you to a depressing city street the place you will get harm". They even sent your older brother to coach you like, and attempt to get you to return dwelling house earlier it replaced into too late. Is it their fault in case you're abducted, raped, or killed? i do no longer understand approximately you, yet God would not sound like the undesirable guy here.

2016-12-17 16:10:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe god is one of those spare the rod spoil the child type of authoritarian parents. A this hurts me more than it hurts you type.

2007-10-03 07:35:41 · answer #10 · answered by Fred 7 · 0 0

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