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Does Deuteronomy 13:6-10 and hundreds of other laws and scriptures of the OT and NT contradict this? I believe in the same thing sort of (refrain from killing) Which to me means not supporting killing animals or going to War...I Think it is Genesis 21 says God gave all seed bearing plants this shall be your food...So why do most Christians eat meat and wear leather shoes?

I am just tired of Christians telling me I am going to hell for not subscribing to their religion...They seem like hypocrites to me and I should be the one teaching them the true path of peace...The path is simple...Turn the other cheek, and treat your and other's bodies as a temple.

I am an atheist and I follow good humanity. They for the most part are believers in superstition that do not practice what they preach, or only practice certain parts of what they preach. It is funny when a Christian says that they are trying to save me but I can clearly see that they are the ones that need saving the most.

2007-10-03 05:20:31 · 21 answers · asked by klover_dso 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Only kill when people work on the Sabbath. Then you stone them.

2007-10-03 05:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

From your interpretation of scripture and of what you have seen, your conclusion would be correct.

But, as Christians, we know that all of the evils that have come to pass over time are due to sin and the fall of the human race. After sin entered the world we have murder, lying, eating the flesh of animals etc. In other words sin caused us to not be like God created us. What he created and what we have become are different. We still have his image stamped on our very being, but we so often choose to ignore him and his ways. This goes for all people including Christians.

Christianity is a term thrown around by so many and they have no idea what it means. I'm a Catholic and I can tell you that a large number of people who call themselves Catholic do not follow the teachings of the Church. Technically, they are not Catholic but they present themselves to the world as such and do true Catholicism a disservice. Same goes for those who call themselves Christian. There is no one policing this...anyone can say they are anything...but their fruits will be the true test.

It is good to be a good person. Society needs rules and morals in order for humans to survive. But this has nothing to do with Christ. Many people without Christ are "nicer or better" than those who claim to know Christ. But only God truly knows a persons heart. Christians are not perfect. You do not know Christ and suddenly become a saint. It depends on their desire to truly follow him or do they just call on him when they need a sunny day or are having problems.

People are very complicated and they bring that complication with them into their beliefs and their expression of those beliefs. All each of us can do is focus on our own path. You have chosen to not follow Christ, that is your option. Sorry if those who have do not always fit your idea of what they should be. They are on a journey and hopefully working their way towards a holier life.

2007-10-03 12:45:27 · answer #2 · answered by Misty 7 · 1 1

In Acts the food restrictions were removed. The New Testament is supposed to be the new convenant with God which rendered the old laws just that. Christianity has been used and abused by it's practioners. If you look closely the hierarchy of the church use it for control and profit. The killing of animals is not prohibitive as they were put here for our use. Though we should never take more than we can use. Don't worry about the abuse you receive. Just smile and tell them to look to their own before they try to "fix" you.

2007-10-03 12:36:13 · answer #3 · answered by gone 7 · 1 2

Thou shalt not Murder is the proper translation there but I suspect you already know that. You said you follow good humanity, The Bible says our works are as filthy rags and you are right alot of Christians are going to get suprised on judgement day because you cannot work your way to Heaven. We can only gain Heaven by believing in Jesus Christ. On judgement day we will only answer for ourselves, not for somebody else so saying well so and so does this will not be an excuse on judgement day. Our problem is our sin. Each one of us must give an account for our sins. Jesus came to earth and died on a cross so that our sins could be washed away. When he arose from the grave he forever opened the door to salvation for his blood atonement of our sins. His perfect blood was the ransom. Now all we have to do is accept his free gift,Jesus says to come as we are and He will make us into what He wants us to be. The Bible says none is righteous, no not one. I can quote verses to you all day but until you believe Jesus is the Son of God and came to Earth to die for YOU and arose from the grave victorious over sin there isn't a whole more I can say. Jesus Loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!! I you feel his leading you can pray this sinners Prayer and Christ will save you, if you believe on nothing less than Jesus Christ and his Righteousness, just say, Dear Jesus, I know and confess that I am sinner in need of salvation. I believe you died on a cross at calvery and arose from the grave to wash away my sins, I ask you right now to come into my heart and save me, I pray this Prayer believing in the name of Jesus Amen. If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart you are now a child of God, rejoice that your name is written in the Lambs book of Life. If you have any questions just send me an email, God Bless YOU!!

2007-10-03 14:33:27 · answer #4 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 1 0

The verse you speak of warns of false prophets and those who set up other Gods to worship. Many things written can be taken out of context, and the Holy Bible has been one of the biggest sources of this fault.
I regret that you've experienced in Christians what you have, but please read the following in the Bible as "food-for-thought":
" ...Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3). That's why people have been "trying to save you." This is from: "The Ryrie Study Bible."

2007-10-03 12:46:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Thou shalt not MURDER (which is the more correct translation) is of course one of the 10 commandments. These 10 laws were given to us to guide our behavior in our everyday lives, in everyday situations. It does not apply to war, or to the destruction of idolators and their societies in the Old Testament. It has to do with how you conduct yourself when you are in the world (i.e., it has more to do with people who rob and murder, rape and murder, drink and drive, abuse their kids, etc....than with acts of war).

Yes, God does give us the plants to eat. Does it say in Genesis 1:29 that we are NOT to eat animals? The fact that God later in the book gives the Israelites specific instructions on what animals they can and can't eat clearly indicates that we were permitted to eat meat as well.

Anyone who tells you that you will go to hell for "not subscribing to their religion" is wrong. I am a Christian but I would never tell you that you will go to hell for not subscribing to my religion. I WILL tell you, however, that you will go to hell for rejecting God and not accepting Jesus Christ as your savior. That's not my personal belief, or my religion's belief, that's WHAT GOD SAYS. Period. If you don't like that fact, fine. Do as you like. You have every right. But don't go around whining because someone gives you truth to chew on.

"Turn the other cheek and treat your and other's bodies as a temple" is the "path of peace"????? Sorry, had to stop and chuckle. I LOVE the fact that BOTH of those concepts are from the Bible but they are not in fact the "path to peace".

Finally, if you wish to be an atheist, go for it. You have every right. I agree with you that there are "Christians" who don't practice what they preach, but that doesn't negate God's truth and your PERSONAL choice to accept or reject Him.

I find it both sad and true that people so often want to look at other PEOPLE and say "Oh, that's why I don't believe in God or being a Christian...they're so awful!"

Too bad they don't look at God instead of other people.....but when it comes down to it, on the day of judgement, it'll be YOUR choice, and your choice alone. You won't be able to say "oh but Christians were hypocrites" and God will let you off because of that. If you want to take that chance, I won't condemn you for it. You have a right to choose. I'll just mourn for you.

2007-10-03 12:37:55 · answer #6 · answered by lady_phoenix39 6 · 1 2

it really is the end of the story


the comandments were pretty good.. the stories can be a good read, but its history, not edict. just stop killing people and well all be ok. killing animals... if you absoluely must, but at least have the decency to look it in the eye and thank it (and whatever holy power you like best) for its sacrifice. i think wed get along swell after that

2007-10-03 12:30:46 · answer #7 · answered by nacsez 6 · 1 2

Jesus broke the old covenants, so all the ancient laws of the bible do not apply. The only one you need to follow is 'Love yourself and your neighbour' and neighbour here means every other person. This encompasses most of the other rules, for instance you would not kill someone you loved [except in the most unfortunate circumstances]. You would not commit adultery out of love for the persons spouse, you would not steal out of love for the rightful owner, etc.

2007-10-03 12:27:37 · answer #8 · answered by tom 5 · 3 2

How do you account for this passage? You must read all scripture in context and it's entirety. Anyone can twist small portions of text to make a point.

Gen 9:
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. 4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. 5 Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man.

6 “ Whoever sheds man’s blood,
By man his blood shall be shed;
For in the image of God
He made man.

2007-10-03 12:32:57 · answer #9 · answered by JohnFromNC 7 · 2 3

it also say don't work on sunday, if anyone works on sunday it should be killed

and if a son is a bad son, it need to be taken to the towns elders and stoned to death

so on one hand thou should not kill
on the other, it says kill kill kill

also, it says charge into battle with anyone who will not accept jesus chris as their god, kill the men, keep the woman, and use the children as slaves

it's all in the bible

2007-10-03 12:25:11 · answer #10 · answered by mikedrazenhero 5 · 3 2

i understand your point but i do hope you are not putting all the apples in the same basket..i claim no religion(Jesus didnt)but i do follow Him the best i know how and do not intend to try to convert no one.. thats in His hands.. only speak the gospel(good news)as for eating i think God put us in dominance over all things so we can eat//i couldnt save you and would be wasting my time and yours God has given everyone a portion of faith it is up to them if they build on it or not God did say shed no mans blood w/o cause

2007-10-03 12:36:52 · answer #11 · answered by loveChrist 6 · 0 3

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