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I believe in God. I am open minded. I dont think being Gay means you go to hell. I am bisexual myself. I see nothing wrong in having fun in life. I dont believe everything in the bible, because logically, there is no way everything in the bible is true. I believe Evolution is a total possibility. I have no grudge agienst atheists. If you are rude to me, I see no reason to be kind to you. I find the quote "Love the sinner, but hate the sin" a stupid way to see things.
I come on here sometimes to see whats going on with everyone else.
And I am ashamed when I see some "Christians" on here. They are awful! They are nothing but rude and judgemental and no matter what you guys do, you never listen to one another.
I know thats the way it is, but "Christians" claim to be "kind" and BS, but I havent seen one nice one yet. Not a single open minded person on here.
People following the bible blindly, not asking questions. Not taking logic into account.
Is there no one that agrees?

2007-10-03 04:51:08 · 40 answers · asked by Megan 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

40 answers

you'll find a number of atheists who agree with you...

but christians will probably be mad you even asked such a question...(and stone you in the town square)...

2007-10-03 04:54:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Well, I'm not sure why any of what you said would cause you to be "ashamed of who [you] are". From your first paragraph you make it clear that you believe not in God, but in YOUR version of God.

I run the risk here of you considering me one of those "awful....rude and judgemental" Christians you refer to, but I have to speak the truth.

You say you have not seen "one" nice, or open minded Christian on YA. I have to wonder what you are looking at. I have seen many. I have also seen many kind and thoughtful atheists, and many kind and thoughtful Buddhists, etc., etc. Just because I see a LOT of the other kind of EACH doesn't mean I would ignore those who are here seeking to be enlightened, or to share their beliefs. Anyone who says "all of them" or "none of them" is suspicious to begin with.

Second, if you think Christians follow the Bible "blindly" and that we don't ask questions, then you have never known a real question. Or read the Bible for that matter. Look at all the great men and women throughout history who have doubted and questioned. To think that today is any different is naive.

If you think "hate the sin, love the sinner" is "a stupid way to see things" then you must not be a parent. Anyone who has a child knows that it can sometimes be necessary to love their child without condoning their self-destructive or otherwise negative behaviors. What do you think? That we should "love the sinner and love the sin, too?" or that we should "Hate the sinner and hate the sin, too?". Those are your only other options. You say you believe in God yet you cannot grasp the deep love He has for us in that "while we were YET SINNERS He died for us".

You say "if you are rude to me I see no reason to be kind to you". Yet you believe in God? You don't believe "everything" in the Bible, yet you believe in God?

Who is this God you believe in? It sounds as though your 'god' is some washed out version of the truth who allows you to live your life the way YOU want to, and avoid having to be truly accountable for your inner heart.

If that's the case, you have a right. But don't go around bashing Christians because your god is of your own design.

2007-10-03 05:17:35 · answer #2 · answered by lady_phoenix39 6 · 1 0

You are at a cross road.
You can see that Christians are supposed to set examples of love and caring; yet you are also see that they can say cruel hurtful things about homosexuality.
You are right Christians are supposed to set an example and reflect Jesus. We are not supposed to judge others, that is God's job.
On the other hand, it says clearly in the book of Romans (ch 9 I beleive) that homosexuality is a sin. (sorry but it does say that) Christians are supposed to follow Christ's lead and understand that what he said and what he inspired is to be followed as an absolute truth.
I am sorry that you are experiencing difficulty with insensitive people that happen to be Christian. We are all sinners - no one perfect. Maybe the more kind and loving ones dont answer Yahoo answers. Do you attend services? I bet you'd find some nice ones there.
I would only suggest that you read the New Testament and pray sincerely to God for your answer.
Good luck.

2007-10-03 05:11:34 · answer #3 · answered by Ernie 5 · 1 0

i am a christian and i am not rude or anything like that. i respect your opinion and in all fairness you stand for what you believe so let everyone else do the same. i must admit that some christians are judgemental but not all of them are. why are you becoming ashamed? if someone says they believe in God then they must used the bible as a guide. just think about it for a minute. can you say you believe in education but you dont god to school? what kind of sense would that make? i dont have a grudge against atheists either but you cant change the oldest written book on earth. you either live by or you don't its just that simple. the bible tells you everything that you need to about god and everyday live. read it for yourself and make your own judgement. if you are happy with your decision and your lifestyle there is nothing to be ashamed of. life is about chosing for yourself. HAVE A BLESSED DAY.

2007-10-03 05:05:44 · answer #4 · answered by mastermind 3 · 0 1

In response to you feeling ashamed of who you are is something personal going on within you. No one has the right to judge anyone but God. If in fact you r feeling ashamed about what you are doing. It is probably because deep down inside you know that it is wrong. Having fun is not always right. You made a comment on "there is no way everything in the bible is true". Its true, if in your heart you believe. God gave you the option to believe or go astray. The choice of heaven or hell. True people not may not approve of what some people do with their lives. But that doesn't mean that they don't care about or love that person. You are accountable for your own actions. So do as you feel. Love who you want to love. You don't owe anybody nothing. You owe to yourself to be right and do whats right. Oh! I do agree with you on some Christians are very judgmental. Only because they are not happy with themselves.

2007-10-03 05:06:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Please wake up. You do not see the atheists calling themselves superior in the world, incl. intelligence? You do not see them calling Christians names? You do not read how they talk of our Lord?! You do not read how they think Christians are the downfall of society? You do not read they do not believe He created our world? On and on. I am sorry you are so blinded. Sounds like you want to side with atheists so they can tell you , "Honey, it's okay to do what you want in life to have fun. There are no consequences to life with no God." Well, sorry, but Christians believe in God and God's word and rudeness appears much more often with atheists than Christians! You better go back and reread some of their answers. The only reason we answer back, like I am now, is to defend God and our beliefs and each other. Your question has to be 'the one' of the day for me! Good grief. I'm intelligent enough to know you cannot Prove God Exists within atheists' guidelines, and I'm sorry, but they can't prove He does not exist. We accept a lot by faith. Something you don't understand until you have experienced a life with God. So don't go calling US close-minded and blind! God will remove the blinders from your eyes if you ask Him and accept He is Lord!

2007-10-03 05:11:39 · answer #6 · answered by dawnUSA 5 · 1 0

No, not all Christians are like that -- it's only the Christian extremists. Thank God Christian extremists don't blow themselves up in the name of God.

However, mainstream Christians remain silent. Just as Muslims don't speak out against Muslim extremists, Christians don't speak out against Christian extremists. Don't remain silent!

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King, Jr..

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is that good people do nothing.”
British statesman Edmund Burke

“Indifference in the face of evil is complicity with evil.”

“To do no wrong is the first step to doing right!”

“In a place where no one is human, strive to be human yourself.” Hillel

“Few are Guilty, but all are responsible.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel

Remaining passive in the face of human suffering is a sin against both man and the Creator. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemöller, 1945

“It has been told you, O mortal, what is good, and what the Eternal requires of you – Only this: to do justly, and love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:1

He that cannot reason is a fool;
He that will not is a bigot;
He that dare not is a slave.

Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Reprove the ruthless,
Defend the orphan,
Plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:17)

HeVn Bd mentions "Truth." The following is a quote from "Judaism for Everyone" by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach:
Judaism is unique among the world’s religions in that it claims no copyright on, or exclusivity to, truth. It does not denounce other faiths as misguided or heretical. It is adamant that there are many paths to the one God. Judaism is a path, not the path. There is no one way. There is no one great truth, but rather a series of truths possessed by each nation that, when brought together, creates the truth. And this is what makes every nation indispensable. Jews, Christians, and Muslims could learn much from one another if they would only just stop and listen. As long as any religion leads to humility and worship of the one God, to passionate religious rituals and compassion and loving-kindness, then it has created a legitimate path to the source of the universe.


2007-10-03 04:59:21 · answer #7 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 3 0

You have no need to be ashamed of who you are!

I don't believe in God and I agree that some of the Christians on here are shameful - but not all of them are. You must know that there is a huge range in what Christians actually believe as well as in how they behave. My impression is that the ones who are bible literalists are the most closed-minded, ill-educated, intolerant and judgemental and there seem to be rather a lot of them on here but I have also seen posts from Christians who are thoughtful and rational and open minded, as you seem to be.

2007-10-03 04:58:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a Christian and I agree with everything you are saying.

I am a very open minded person. Christians kind of blow me away sometimes by being so judgemental. I don't pretend to know for a minute what God will do. I only hope one thing - that he has much more compassion for all of us than we seem to have for one another.

I think sexual preference doesn't have anything to do with Heaven. I think it's ok to be bi or gay, or whatever. I don't think any one church has 'one up' on another one.

And lastly... I think Heaven will be much more crowded then some narrow minded people think. Especially the ones that can do no more than quote things their ministers have told them, when they have never spent 5 minutes thinking for themselves.

I think Jesus is most proud of us when we support each other and show each other love and compassion.

2007-10-03 04:57:30 · answer #9 · answered by nite_angelica 7 · 7 1

When you consider your relationship with God it makes no difference what others think or how they act. The world does not revolve around any of them or you, and their opinions and personalities have nothing to do with you and God. He wants to be your friend, not a friend through a friend, and He is more than capable of setting your mind and heart upon Him if you just give Him a chance. He has done everything needed for your friendship to be personal and up close. All you have to do is take His outstretched hand.

2007-10-03 05:11:51 · answer #10 · answered by sympleesymple 5 · 0 0

well, i've been saying for a long time that moderate Christians should perhaps find themselves a label different from that of the Fundy Christians, some way of identifying themselves as being distinct from the nasty arrogant kind of Christians you describe.

it must be frustrating and sad to get lumped in with those judgmental bigots who use Jesus and the Bible as a justification for their cruelty and hypocrisy.

PS. is lotion? FYI ... the Bible (Old Testament) is NOT the oldest written book on the Earth. the Hindu Vedas predate Hebrew text by over 500 years.

the equation ... the more ancient the text = the more valid the text is a strange assumption anyway. and why the ancient myths, legends and morality tales of one culture would be more valid than that of another culture remains a mystery to me.

2007-10-03 05:00:27 · answer #11 · answered by nebtet 6 · 1 2

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