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CHANTING is in every RELIGIOUS TEACHING , and how about in doing WORSHIPS toward to a stupid statue of a creatures , would not you will say that's them are a mad man or mental retarded person ?. I would say , RELIGIOUS ARE A MENTALLY ILL RETARDED ABNORMAL ACTS OF PRACTICES MADE FOR IN LEADING PEOPLES TO THE ASTRAYED SATANICS NATURES WITHOUT THINKING BUT ONLY FOR DESIRES IN HOPING TO HAVE OR ACHIEVE WITH.

2007-10-02 23:40:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

CHANTING IT'S SELF was an abnormal acts at no matter where you are doing it's ?. Even a childs or a kids knows it's was abnormal of an acts , until , them parents came to brain-washing them with a religious belief ? OOO loll did not was i want to be with all those religious lies.

2007-10-02 23:59:50 · update #1

WAS CHANTING WITH THE SAME FEW WORDS WILL MAKE YOUR MIND TO GAIN MORE KNOWLEDGE ?. i thinks i saw a bad witchcrafts there in doing them magick.

2007-10-03 00:28:11 · update #2

ZAPP DEEP THUNKER : thanks for your long information and explanation , i'm sure gonna needs times to reads and thinks about it's , OR , TO UNDERSTAND.

2007-10-03 00:39:26 · update #3

11 answers

Azman Hoodie !!!!

I am a Ph.D in Psychology


The patient is not satisfied with regarding the analyst in the light of reality as a helper and adviser who, moreover, is remunerated for the trouble he takes and who would himself be content with some such role as that of a guide on a difficult mountain climb. On the contrary, the patient sees in him the return, the reincarnation, of some important figure out of his childhood or past, and consequently transfers on to him feelings and reactions which undoubtedly applied to this prototype. This fact of transference soon proves to be a factor of undreamt-of importance, on the one hand an instrument of irreplaceable value and on the other hand a source of serious dangers. This transference is ambivalent: it comprises positive (affectionate) as well as negative (hostile) attitudes towards the analyst, who as a rule is put in the place of one or other of the patient's parents, his father or mother. (From "An Outline of Psychoanalysis" - 1940)

The Role of Transference in the Psychoanalytic Cure
So long as it is positive it serves us admirably. It alters the whole analytic situation; it pushes to one side the patient's rational aim of becoming healthy and free from his ailments. Instead of it there emerges the aim of pleasing the analyst and of winning his applause and love. It becomes the true motive force of the patient's collaboration; his weak ego becomes strong; under its influence he achieves things that would ordinarily be beyond his power; he leaves off his symptoms and seems apparently to have recovered - merely for the sake of the analyst. The analyst may shamefacedly admit to himself that he set out on a difficult undertaking without any suspicion of the extraordinary powers that would be at his command.
Moreover, the relation of transference brings with it two further advantages. If the patient puts the analyst in the place of his father (or mother), he is also giving him the power which his super-ego exercises over his ego, since his parents were, as we know, the origin of his super-ego.
[…]Another advantage of transference, too, is that in it the patient produces before us with plastic clarity an important part of his life-story, of which he would otherwise have probably given us only an insufficient account. He acts it before us, as it were, instead of reporting it to us. (From "An Outline of Psychoanalysis" - 1940)

Universality of Transference
[…] An analysis without transference is an impossibility. It must not be supposed, however, that transference is created by analysis and does not occur apart from it. Transference is merely uncovered and isolated by analysis. It is a universal phenomenon of the human mind, it decides the success of all medical influence, and in fact dominates the whole of each person's relations to his human environment. We can easily recognize it as the same dynamic factor which the hypnotists have named 'suggestibility', which is the agent of hypnotic rapport and whose incalculable behaviour led to difficulties with the cathartic method as well. (From "An Autobiographical Study" - 1925)

Absence of Transference
When there is no inclination to a transference of emotion such as this, or when it has become entirely negative, as happens in dementia praecox or paranoia, then there is also no possibility of influencing the patient by psychological means. (From "An Autobiographical Study" - 1925)

Transference and Resistance
If now we follow a pathogenic complex from its representation in the conscious (whether this is an obvious one in the form of a symptom or something quite inconspicuous) to its root in the unconscious, we shall soon enter a region in which the resistance makes itself felt so clearly that the next association must take account of it and appear as a compromise between its demands and those of the work of investigation. It is at this point, on the evidence of our experience, that transference enters on the scene. When anything in the complexive material (in the subject-matter of the complex) is suitable for being transferred on to the figure of the doctor, that transference is carried out; it produces the next association, and announces itself by indications of a resistance - by a stoppage, for instance. We infer from this experience that the transference-idea has penetrated into consciousness in front of any other possible associations because it satisfies the resistance. An event of this sort is repeated on countless occasions in the course of an analysis. Over and over again, when we come near to a pathogenic complex, the portion of that complex which is capable of transference is first pushed forward into consciousness and defended with the greatest obstinacy.
[…]Thus transference in the analytic treatment invariably appears to us in the first instance as the strongest weapon of the resistance, and we may conclude that the intensity and persistence of the transference are an effect and an expression of the resistance. (From "The Dynamic of Transference" - 1912)

Transference and the Compulsion to Repeat
What interests us most of all is naturally the relation of this compulsion to repeat to the transference and to resistance. We soon perceive that the transference is itself only a piece of repetition, and that the repetition is a transference of the forgotten past not only on to the doctor but also on to all the other aspects of the current situation. We must be prepared to find, therefore, that the patient yields to the compulsion to repeat, which now replaces the impulsion to remember, not only in his personal attitude to his doctor but also in every other activity and relationship which may occupy his life at the time - if, for instance, he falls in love or undertakes a task or starts an enterprise during the treatment. (From "Remembering. Repeating and Working-Through" - 1914)

The Role of Transference in the Psychoanalytic Technique
It is perfectly true that psychoanalysis, like other psychotherapeutic methods, employs the instrument of suggestion (or transference). But the difference is this: that in analysis it is not allowed to play the decisive part in determining the therapeutic results. It is used instead to induce the patient to perform a piece of psychical work - the overcoming of his transference resistances - which involves a permanent alteration in his mental economy. The transference is made conscious to the patient by the analyst, and it is resolved by convincing him that in his transference-attitude he is re-experiencing emotional relations which had their origin in his earliest object-attachments during the repressed period of his childhood. In this way the transference is changed from the strongest weapon of the resistance into the best instrument of the analytic treatment. Nevertheless its handling remains the most difficult as well as the most important part of the technique of analysis. ( From "An Autobiographical Study" - 1925)

2007-10-03 00:22:12 · answer #1 · answered by Zappster (Deep Thunker) 6 · 3 0

Psychiatry has actually proven the exact opposite of what you say.

It has been shown to be calming, helps the person to produce endorphins and seratonin as well, making for a calm, happy, stable emotional life for the person, which in turn helps the person be much more able to deal with any stress or negativity that comes into their lives.

I took many psychology classes in University, including at the top level of classes, and put in a year of internship in a mental health hospital, so I think I can speak from a little bit of experience and education here. I had a 4.0 grade point average, that's as good as it gets.

I guess you must have missed those classes while you were doing your own research on your conclusions that people who chant are mentally ill retarded abnormal people. Right? You did do lots of research and studying to be able to come to those conclusions, yes?

Of course you didn't. If you had, you would know differently. This is nothing more than your own opinion. So don't try to say what psychiatrists would say, when you have no education or idea about it whatsoever.

2007-10-02 23:51:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Excuse me, but aren't you contradicting yourself here when you say that "in leading people to the satrayed satanics natures." When you are telling that religion is for mentally ill retarded people then how can you believe in satan or for that matter satanic nature. How can you say what is satanic nature and what isn't. Have you experienced Satan to say so? I don't think so. Now for the part why people have idols is cause you cannot talk to someone dead or someone you can't see right. Have you never spoken in your mind or out loud to anyone's photo be a celebrity or a dear one to you. The same way people need an image to pray something they can think and visualize it to be. Now whether this image be a rock, a book, a pillar, or a human form it is people's way of making themselves feel comfortable. One can say idol worshipping is like learning to ride a bike with training wheels, but once you know you can ride a bike with the training wheels would you still do it, no....the same way once they have realized the truth inside them they won't be needing the idols to worship or meditate upon God. Critizing something that you do not understand or are too afraid to understand or you think it is cool to ridicule idol worship is a form of mental illness. Maybe you need to have a counseling session with one.

2007-10-03 00:01:42 · answer #3 · answered by wiccangirl5 2 · 1 0

It's tough to say I"ve had my face in many a tunnel , some dark and some light but I'm not sure where my next tunnel if any will come from . I think the darkest tunnel I've faced is one that swallowed it one time when I was stationed in the Philippines : )

2016-05-19 21:41:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I would agree to some point. Religious ritual is pointless. God is not religious and you were made in His image. Find out what the image is and do that. The reason that people chant is to block out everything else and to establish themseves in the NOW moment. Isn't ironic that you really are in the now anyway and you have to jump through hoops just to realize that? God lives in the here and NOW. It is always NOW where God lives. If you want to commune with Truth you must come to the now. It is the mindset that keeps you away from reality. You can settle in the mind with God through taking on the mind of Christ and operating the way you were suppose to in the first place. NO ritual, not religion, only realtiy. God is here right this moment.

2007-10-02 23:51:01 · answer #5 · answered by happylife22842 4 · 2 2

A doctor in psychiatry would actually tell you that meditation and prayer are very good for humans, as they relieve stress. And in fact, I knew a guy with a PhD in psychiatry who was a Christian.

2007-10-02 23:46:04 · answer #6 · answered by Amelie 6 · 2 0

I dont bother whether he is chanting in dark or with sunlight he is doing his duty He is enjoying thats all why should i interfere in his work It is none of my business

2007-10-03 00:09:24 · answer #7 · answered by ashok shetty 2 · 1 0

how do make so many spelling and logic errors with a spell check availabe on this site, and what in the world are you trying to say, it's either you don't belive in religion at all or you don't belive in people who belive in religion it can't be both, seriously i want to help you, explain...

2007-10-02 23:48:21 · answer #8 · answered by water.bay.b 2 · 2 0

As a psychologist I would say your rant is diagnosable. Everyone can believe what ever they want, or not believe if they choose. How they practice their faith or lack of is up to them, not you.

2007-10-02 23:47:14 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

Religion is a delusion,but it is accepted because it is a widely held delusion!

2007-10-03 00:43:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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