I am sorry to hear this. It makes me feel sad, too. I am, also a Christian, and understand where you are coming from. I, too and not rich (have low income), not due to medical problems, but due to the way I chose to live my life, as a Christian woman. I choose to stay home with my son, as a wife and mother (which my unbelieving husband dislikes, but is allowing me to, cause its my choice, and he has tried convincing me to, but I refused to do things (his way) that goes against God's will) . .to teach him about the LORD's ways. I sacrificed giving up a high-paying career in the working world, just to be home for my family (both husband and son), as well as raising up my son. Its a personal, choice backed by the Christian faith that I believe in, as a wife and mother. The LORD commands for Christian wives/mothers to be keepers of the home, and raise up their children, according to the LORD, God's ways . .and not the world's. So, by me being loyal to God's way, as a Christian ..I too am being judged and persecuted for the way I live as one. You are not alone, my brother.
I, too . do not own fancy clothing (which I have seen from many people in church memeberships). I avoided going to those churches that are more concerned about you giving them money, and how you dress in church. As a Christian, I too, am looked down upon by others, even from some of my own family members . .for living a humble, but good and honest lifestyle. I don't have much $ to give out, either . .I just have enough to pay some 2 bills (home phone and DSL internet for home/research use), and the rest I use towards some clothing and food for my son.
I understand I how you feel. Its sad to know these days, that chuches are comforming to the world's ways, and not God's. We, Christians . .should be careful which local church to attend, because such churches can hinder our spiritual growth with God, if we get involved . .we may get badly inflenced by them.
If local churches are not welcoming you into their church memberships, because they are judging your social status and income satus (which you have mentioned), this is a red flag telling you they are not with God and are not living by God's word, the Bible. The LORD, God commands all believers: "Do not judge, or you shall be judged (back).". These church members are violating one of God's commandments. They don't truly believe in doing God's will, or else they would not be violating His commands, in the Bible.
As for your situation, I understand. Please, my brother, forgive them for what they are doing to you . .for they know not what they are doing (evil is blinding them from God's truth), just like Jesus Christ said on the cross to the gentiles and Jews alike, when they presecuted and crucified Him. Just keep in mind, as a Christian, you will be persecuted for your faith as one, just like Christ was. You will face the same suffering and take upon the sins of the world, just like Jesus had gone thru, for us . .for our sins. So, don't be surprused, if these local churches judge and reject you. I understand, for I know. I ended up not attending many local churches, for that reason. I end up not attending to most, also due to being conformed to their ways, instead of God's. So, I rather face such persecution and be patient to wait til I do find one that will accept me, for then, by this action, I will know that whoever accepts me, accepts the one who I serve: LORD, Jesus, Himself. Jesus even said, "Whoever welcomes you, welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes Me, welcomes thy Father who sent Me." So, those who don't welcome you, .don't welcome LORD, ..thy Father who sent His Son, Jesus Christ . and if they reject you, they are really rejecting the LORD, as well. When they judge you, for being poor and imperfect (having medical problems, and this is keeping you from working full-time), LORD, Jesus will surely judge them, when it is their time ..for that is His job to do so, not ours. So, its good that you do not judge them, but accept what they do to you, and ask God to guide you to the right church for you to attend, one that will accept you, as a Christian. If there is any church who welcomes with open arms (is kind and nonjudgemental) and accepts you are (in the condition you are in), is the one for you, and God will approve . .by showing it in His way: When things work out for you, and you find peace within your heart making the decision to do it (and not find trouble), then, you are doing His will or what He desires and expects from you. Its that "inner peace" you need to look for. If these churches are troubling your heart, and giving you problems, then, God is telling you that they are not the right ones for you to attend and worship at, for they are not with the LORD, God, and not really preaching/teaching the Bible and/or the Good News about Jesus Christ, as LORD and Savior.
If the church welcomes you, just the way you are, and you give all you can afford, do't worry about what others might think or will say about it or you. Forgive them, if they chose to be against you. There is no need for you to say, "Well, I am poor, and that's all I can afford." Do your good deed in a silent way, even if they say you need to put in a $50 tithe. When giving, pray to LORD, Jesus to reach and talk to thy Father in heaven, about this concern ..letting Him know you are giving it your all. Don't tell others about this concern, but to the Father, thru prayer to Jesus. Our Father in heaven already knows our needs, well before we pray for them . but sinerely sharing them with him, privately . .will show Him you are aware of your imperfected nature and understand. And, when you talk to the LORD about your concerns/worries, problems, etc ..He will be more understanding and merciful towards you, when you realize your need for Him, on a daily basis.
(But, see that you also, talk highly about Him and thank Him for the blessings or good things He has done for you, too . .not just talking to Him and asking Him about what you want Him do for you.)
So, please don't judge them (for being snobby), but continue to love them, and accept if they reject you. Don't let them put you down, but allow God help you find another way . .another church who will accept you, unconditionally. And, I know its going to be hard, for its our evil human nature to easily judge others, without us knowing it.
With God's love: LOVE covers all offenses.
May the LORD, Jesus will guide you, in finding the right church for you. Its my hope, He will . .for its hope in Him, that will keep you going strong. LORD, Jesus is our only Hope in this spiritually-drying world that we live in.
2007-10-03 03:20:17
answer #1
answered by ~Angela~ 3