I am neither atheist or religious...
why is the bible not enough truth... because it contains no truthful understanding... it's much like the work of naustrodmus if anything... prophecy inside metaphores, quatrains, analagies and fairty tales... it has been delivered onto the human race diametrically opposed to the truth... ( one great example of this is the traditions of the oldest christian church the Roman Catholic Church. to bow and pray to statues... The Second Commandment according to the book they claim comes from god says Do not Bow Down to graven Images.. which means statues and hand carved idols) nature functions on symbols and omens... it's like nature's language... the history of the church was to harness and monopolize all this energy.. the information about evolution is nature trying to express what it is and how it functions.. just as we evolved into humans having consciousness and understanding of our environment so has nature itself evolved... religions are so incompatible with nature it had no choice to evolved beyond even what it thought it could and organize in a fashion to become more powerful than the work of the church... christianity beginning with the catholic church has caused such an imbalance that it set the humans on a path of destroying the earth... nature is reactive and it sees religions as a huge problem for religions seek to destroy what nature uses to balance... looking at the history of catholicism and christianity we see the destruction of every civilization or culture that has naturally evolved... and those they have murdered as heretics and witches are the people born sensitive to nature who take on nature's fight... only until we received what is called freedom of religion in north america... that we have been safe from such murders but still it is no guarantee... John Lennon was one of these people.. the church is masters at burying the truth... the man who murdered John Lennon was a fan of his... Mark david chapman grew up idolizing John lennon... in an interview in about 2004-2005 he described what happened.. he read a book called the catcher and the rye as a kid... he idolized John Lennon... as a young adult he attended a bible camp and that is where his influence to murder John Lennon began.. still people who hear his story as they did at the time of John's murder 25 yrs ago associated the murder with the book " the catcher and the rye" not once did they think to associate the reading of the bible as the catalist... Think of it 2000 years of spiritual manipulation... and an ability to war and destroy all nature works with.. but nature persevers... it blindly evolves and without a consciousness it simply did as it always did... There has never been and never will be proof of jesus for it too is part of the prophecy not the history of this earth.... For centuries the world has lived without people able to read nature's omen, or understand nature's meanings.. when one comes along the work was so far behind we could only pick a fight at a time but nature learned to learn along the way and through time became to have consciousness... nature is healing today.. weird weather freaky ****.. but nature is doing things on a conscious level to battle and protect what it uses... the changes in human behavior and indicators of nature's growing wisdom.. things like equality between men and women... equality between races.. the work for peace on earth... gay rights... the understanding of evolution (that is nature's way evolution) science...up till now the christians have been giving credit to their god, or religifying the information or fighting the changes... to us it is insane to argue against freedom it is insane to argue against more information.. but the christians keep doing it... nature worked hard at evening theodds.. and the information that was suppressed by the christians over the past 2000 years is beginning to surface.. the knowledge and truth has been groomed in those born in the 70's these people are maturing they are just reaching their 30's and will start giving us new information... if we hope to change the world we will all have to start to be open to listening to something different and new... the prophecies and the prophets... not one will come out of religion... or preach religion and those who are truthful will come out condemning religions especially christianity for nature now sees it as it's mortal enemy.
2007-10-02 20:32:29
answer #1
answered by Gyspy 4
While there is no actual proof that Jesus performed 'miracles' or is/was the Son of God or is/was God there is validated proof that Jesus existed as a man. Other people, mostly scholars and priests, recorded their own takes on events in his life. Rabbis considered Him a minor profit and teacher and so described Him in their writings.
So, much like older versions of published books about history, there are valid events that happened that were mentioned in the Bible. Likewise, many places mentioned actually existed. Where the Bible differs from history books is in it's claims, like Noah and the Ark or Adam and Eve in Eden, that can not be proved, can not ever be validated as factual.
However, earlier history books were also often 'doctored' or slanted to shine a better light on specific events, people, leaders, kings, etc. This was usually done through pressure by the rulers (and often the Catholic Church) of the country of origin where the history books were being written and published.
Charlemagne, Hitler, Cesar, Queen Mary and many others had a hand in re-writing history books according to their versions of how history should be perceived.
2007-10-02 20:22:16
answer #2
answered by Doc Watson 7
The bible is not proof, for a few reasons.
First, the things you describe can only be found in the bible (and later writings). There is nothing in nature, or history to support the grandiose claims.
Secondly, the events in the bible were written about at least one generation removed...meaning that they are hearsay, and therefore, not evidence. The gospels alone were written no less than 30 years after the events they tell (the average lifespan of a person was only 30-35 years). There is no way that they are an eyewitness account (further evidence of this, is the fact that they write about what Christ said and thought when he was alone, or away from the 'author'). The writings of biblical scholars, such as Josephus, are another sore spot, since they too are a minimum of 40 years removed from the events (Josephus was born after the supposed crucifixion, and he's attributed with being the first non-christian to write about Christ...another hearsay account).
There are no writings, that illustrate the events told in the bible in a contemporary light. History books on the other hand, are a compilation of numerous sources, and rely on data contemporary to the events being told about for validity.
EDIT: Actually Wayne, the gospels were written between 70 and 110 years after the events that they tell of...they aren't eyewitness accounts by any stretch of the imagination.
2007-10-02 20:05:57
answer #3
answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6
Would you like to see how Science proves the bible? Here is a small sample:~ Scientific support: When the Bible was being written, there was speculation regarding how the earth was held in space. Some, for example, believed that the earth was supported by four elephants standing on a big sea turtle. Yet rather than reflect the fanciful, unscientific views existing at its time of writing, the Bible simply stated: “[God] is stretching out the north over the empty place, hanging the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Yes, over 3,000 years ago the Bible correctly noted that the earth has no visible support, a fact that is in harmony with the more recently understood laws of gravity and motion. Other scientific proofs were of the water cycle written hundreds of years ahead of it's time Ecclesiastes 1:7. Further to that, evidence of the global flood so with good reason one of the greatest scientists of all time, Isaac Newton, said: “No sciences are better attested than the religion of the Bible The science of mathematical probability offers striking proof that the Genesis creation account must have come from a source with knowledge of the events. The account lists 10 major stages in this order: (1) a beginning; (2) a primitive earth in darkness and enshrouded in heavy gases and water; (3) light; (4) an expanse or atmosphere; (5) large areas of dry land; (6) land plants; (7) sun, moon and stars discernible in the expanse, and seasons beginning; (8) sea monsters and flying creatures; (9) wild and tame beasts, mammals; (10) man. Science agrees that these stages occurred in this general order. What are the chances that the writer of Genesis just guessed this order? The same as if you picked at random the numbers 1 to 10 from a box, and drew them in consecutive order. The chances of doing this on your first try are 1 in 3,628,800! So, to say the writer just happened to list the foregoing events in the right order without getting the facts from somewhere is not realistic. However, evolutionary theory does not allow for a Creator who was there, knew the facts and could reveal them to humans. Instead, it attributes the appearance of life on earth to the spontaneous generation of living organisms from inanimate chemicals. The Genesis creation account emerges as a scientifically sound document. It reveals the larger categories of plants and animals, with their many varieties, reproducing only “according to their kinds.” The fossil record provides confirmation of this. In fact, it indicates that each “kind” appeared suddenly, with no true transitional forms linking it with any previous “kind,” as required by the evolution theory. The basic unit of living things is the cell, and the basic material that makes up a cell is protein. Evolutionists acknowledge that the probability of the right atoms and molecules falling into place to form just one simple protein molecule is about 1 in 10*113, or 1 followed by 113 zeros. In other words, it could take 10*113 chances for the event to occur once. But any event that has one chance in 1050 is dismissed by mathematicians as never happening. However, far more than one simple protein molecule is needed for life to occur. For a cell to maintain its functions, some 2,000 different proteins are needed. What, then, is the probability of all of these happening at random? It is estimated that it is 1 in 10*40,000, or 1 followed by 40,000 zeros! And that's not even touching on the law of thermodynamics that science insists the universe must be maintained to keep order.
2016-05-19 21:17:03
answer #4
answered by ? 3
the bible has the same historical validity as the koran, the bhagavad gita, the zend-avesta, the iliad (which was used as a holy book in classical times: see plato's 'ion') et cetera.
if we accept the bible as evidence of jesus miracles then we must similarly accept the miracles of mohammed, krishna, lao-tzu, apollonius - and anyone else who is claimed as a miracle worker by an ancient text. (this includes simon magus who is seen performing miracles even in the bible).
not all the gods claimed by ancient religions can be true, since they contradict each other (islam specifically denies the godhead of jesus christ). they could all be false though.
2007-10-02 20:11:54
answer #5
answered by synopsis 7
The Bible is not proof. History books are not proof. History books are simply more believable than the Bible taken literally.
2007-10-02 20:19:25
answer #6
answered by MyPreshus 7
The bible obviously has some actual places mentioned. But Greek mythology mentions Greece. Does that mean Hercules really slayed the Hydra? No. I actually have spent the last month Totally debunking a miracle of Jesus. If you write me an Email I will send it to you when it is finished. I don't want to go into detail but I have researched this to the fullest extent and surprisingly nobody else has made the connection. Pathofreason@yahoo.com
2007-10-02 20:02:35
answer #7
answered by Pathofreason.com 5
think of it this way...first of all im atheist...but anyway...the bible has been re-writen all through its long life...its kinda like a stupid law today, when a big whigg person, or person of somekind of power thinks of something they think is good or a good idea it becomes a law, so they add or change up some bull crapp law or what ever is writen, what im trying to say is the bible was writen by man, and man tends to lie.....if your lucky enough to find the black bible, read it, it tells story's of how jesus kill'd other playmates his age for knocking over his little clay figure toy men..and other mean story's of his child hood......
2007-10-02 20:08:43
answer #8
answered by evil777live 2
The bible isn't proof of the existence of an omnipotent being, as is any book. I believe in something much deeper than we can comprehend with our senses, but there are pros and cons of my belief.
2007-10-02 20:13:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
proof? I had saw view miracles already. By my own eyes.
How the blind can see instantly, how their feet grow taller for about 5 cm. (Coz he was born with the feet not balance) And all miracles only happend when they pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
2007-10-02 20:26:41
answer #10
answered by Si semut 4