True faith is saying 'AMEN' when the television announcer breaks in and says,"In a true ACT of GOD, a huge volcano, located a few miles west of Africa, has collapsed and has sent an enormous tsunami wave toward North America. Authorities say tens ot millions, trapped in large cities, will be unable to escape ..............When you piss God off, you've bit off 'quite a piece'
Oh, your Indian friend's GOD, had told his people,, centuries earlier to sell the shore land for whatever they could get, even beads, and build their casinos inland.
I GUESS we will have to concede this coming 'round two' to your old Indian's friend's GOD
Can't we just all get along? Do you get the irony of Tsunami Tuesday? We white men ravaged Africa for centuries in every way possible.....Now, they're sending us the Holy Water to cleanse ourselves of sins committed on this continent. There's something kind of poetic and admirable about these ACTS OF GODs. Won't that affirm your faith?
sent an
2007-10-02 19:58:10
answer #1
answered by te144 7
I'm part Apache, and grandfather that the Natives relate to is a very strong belief, but then again I'm also a "True Christian" not a false christian as all the others who call them selves Christians. To be a True Christian you can not have the number assigned to you from Rev. 13: 16 and 17. Its a 9 digit number also known as the social security number. For without the number you can't buy or sell anything. The test is anyone who says that is not the mark they are assigned then test this, don't drive, because your SS# you had to use to get your drivers license, and probably your license plates, don't rent any more videos, because you used the SS there to get membership to check them out.
Don't use your credit cards or bank account same thing you used your SS there too and you used it to get paid and tons more.
So if you can't use your Social Security number to WHAT? Buy or sell anything then that is what the Christian Bible is talking about.
Now as the true faith, what ever you find that makes you feel good can be an answer.
But how old is the Bible? Rev. 13: 16-17 has been telling us for how long? I would say become a True Christian over false christian.
I Can Church of Jesus Christ
We answer to a Higher Authority
2007-10-02 14:36:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There actually is loads of evidence that Jesus existed. No scholar of history could dispute it. Try reading, 'the case for Christ' by Lee Strobel or go to
I'm a Christian because I had an experience of God through meeting Jesus. Until then I believed in many things, but after I met Jesus I saw how blinded I had been. He set me free.
2007-10-03 01:43:25
answer #3
answered by good tree 6
The Indians worshiped nature , mainly because they lived in the middle of it. They only took from nature enough to sustain their life. I think the Indians had the right idea. Now on the other hand you have Christians , Moslem's, Muslims etc....etc who killed more people in religious wars than any regular armies. When Christoffer Columbus Landed in the Caribbean (new world) he had two directives from the King of Spain, find gold and convert the people to Christianity. The Indians that would not convert were heathens and were killed. How about that nice" hello " from Europe. Which is the right religion and which is the wrong religion, flip a coin.
2007-10-02 14:37:17
answer #4
answered by Hirise bill 5
I dont like the word religion it always starts people fighting or argueing,. Faith is a better word, have faith that God exists in everything, believe that God is a universal being or energy and created all people. We were all given gifts or talents to be used for good but we have lost the use of them because we dont communicate with this wonderful being and with each other. Love should be the universal religion and we start by loving ourselves and then others, through love we can achieve anything and communicate with God who will reveal to each and everyone of us His truths of the Universe.
2007-10-02 22:43:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It all revolves around misunderstanding the original meaning of religion entails union (from latin religare - tie fast) and if you check the word yoga is very similar (sanskrit word that means union, joining).
When Jesus says "I am the only way to the father" he's actually speaking from another level of understanding, and by the way for fanatics out there, he wasn't the only one saying that, Krishna (in the bhagavad gita) also said (3000 bce) "Relinquish all religions and surrender to me" as well as many other so called God incarnate beings, please go out of your comfort zone and read a little bit about Hinduism and other non western religions and you'll know what I am talking about.
So what are they talking about then?, in comparative religion studies, it means when a godly character has transcended its own limited persona and has become something more universal, like love. compassion, peace, understanding, etc ...
and there's a point in human consciousness/evolution where words just lose their common meaning ... love for a person/thing extends and becomes a universal force that unites everything ...
with that in mind, I think all those "we're the only way" messages are just saying "LOVE IS THE WAY",
LOVE at its maximum level that is.
2007-10-02 14:35:09
answer #6
answered by Wadi 3
As Christians we don't think we are right, we know we are.
How, you ask, can Christians be so sure of something that "has no proof" or "doesn't exist?"
It is by faith. People with this faith keep our Lord Jesus Christ their priority. They have a close relationship with Him and keep focused on Him. This is what He wants from everyone who chooses to follow Him. If you have true faith, I believe that God will show Himself to you, no matter how little "proof" there is.
Praise Him :)
2007-10-02 14:31:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus (Catholicism, more specifically). No doubt.
Although this does not mean that everyone else is damned to hell; they can be saved by truly searching for God in their own way.
as Father Knapp, my theology teacher, says, "God works with what He's got."
oh, and (other) Christians believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong because they are crazy.
this is alright though, as everyone is Crazy. Read the book "Catch-22" if you are not convinced of this (the everyone is crazy part)
2007-10-02 14:28:22
answer #8
answered by cardsfanbj 3
True faith is all about righteousness. Acting in a right manner. But what is that which can be thought of as right , that is the question. Well , a right action is that which is meant for good, for all , for me as well as for others. Generally for maintaining harmony & peace between all concerned.
Drilling a hole in somebody's head & injecting Christianity/ Islam/ Hinduism/ Buddhism/ communism etc. is nothing but fundamentalism.
Most religions agree that the true faith is : Love, Compassion and kindness and these are the fundamental building blocks of a civilized society as these lead to peace and therefore development & prosperity.
Peace in society leads to peace of mind as well and only a peaceful mind can explore the deeper understanding.
Prior to Buddha and Jesus the religion was based on making sacrifices of animals/birds (and sometimes human) to gods / spirits. The old practices constituted : (1) Fire worship (2) Chanting (3) Intoxication (4) Sacrifice
These practices were present in vedic hindu religion(yagna,mantra,soma,bali) prior to Buddha and in Judaism also(In the temple of Jesusalem as mentioned in bible), Islam is a modified version of Zoroastrianism and on Bakrid muslims sacrifice goat even today. The ancient religions of Yucatans of mexico & in Macchu Picchu (south america) used to sacrifice human beings to please gods. All these practices were barbaric based on blood letting & violence. These violent practices were mainly due to the ancient ways of tribal living and very common prevalent warfare present at that time.
But I believe that the origin of these violent practices is from Africa as the mankind evolved from apes there and started worshiping spirits for natural phenomenon.
However Jesus and Buddha overturned the tables of these ancient religions and declared their violent practices as futile. In fact these two were pioneers of the foundations of civil society as they preached love, compassion & kindness, Jesus in west & Buddha in east. And that is what makes you different than an animal.
Buddha even goes further , besides love, compassion & kindness , he started practices of mindfulness & meditation for further evolution of mankind in to the spiritual realm by understanding causes of mental & emotional phenomenon and how to look beyond.
So while shopping for a true faith one needs to understand where it will lead to, if you already practice love, compassion & kindness , you HAVE that true faith.
2007-10-02 19:38:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My religion is Hinduism.
Hinduism, the world’s oldest religion, has no beginning--it precedes recorded history. It has no human founder. It is a mystical religion, leading the devotee to personally experience the Truth within, finally reaching the pinnacle of consciousness where man and God are one. Hinduism has four main denominations--Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism and Smartism.
The following nine facts, though not exhaustive, offer a simple summary of Hindu spirituality or about Hinudism.
1 Hindus believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality.
2 Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion.
3 Hindus believe that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.
4 Hindus believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds.
5 Hindus believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny.
6 Hindus believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas (divine beings) and God.
7 Hindus believe that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God.
8 Hindus believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, noninjury, in thought, word and deed.
9 Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding.
Hindus believe in one Supreme Being. In the Hindu pantheon there are said to be three hundred and thirty-three million Lords(divine beings). The plurality of Lords are perceived as divine creations of that one Being. So, Hinduism has one supreme God, but it has an extensive hierarchy of Lords.
The Veda is the Hindu holy book. The four books of the Vedas—Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva—include over 100,000 verses. The knowledge imparted by the Vedas ranges from earthy devotion to high philosophy. Their words and wisdom permeate Hindu thought, ritual and meditation. The Vedas are the ultimate scriptural authority for Hindus. Their oldest portions are said by some to date back as far as 6,000 bce, orally transmitted for most of history and written down in Sanskrit in the last few millennia, making them the world’s longest and most ancient scripture.
The Vedas open a rare window into ancient Indian society, proclaiming life’s sacredness and the way to oneness with God.
Hinduism is unique among the world's religions. I boldly proclaim it the oldest religion in the world. To begin with, it is mankind's oldest spiritual declaration, the very fountainhead of faith on the planet. Hinduism's venerable age has seasoned it to maturity. It is the only religion, to my knowledge, which is not founded in a single historic event or prophet, but which itself precedes recorded history. Hinduism has been called the "cradle of spirituality," and the "mother of all religions," partially because it has influenced virtually every major religion and partly because it can absorb all other religions, honor and embrace their scriptures, their saints, their philosophy. This is possible because Hinduism looks compassionately on all genuine spiritual effort and knows unmistakably that all souls are evolving toward union with the Divine, and all are destined, without exception, to achieve spiritual enlightenment and liberation in this or a future life.
For more info,please visit
2007-10-02 21:59:47
answer #10
answered by Adi 2