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I have been told by a contractor I have hail damage on my roof, my insurance company denies it and won't cover me. I have been with them for 25 years, the contractor wants to meet with the adjustor at my home to discuss this but they say no, what should I do?

2007-10-02 10:32:43 · 3 answers · asked by wonderin 2 in Business & Finance Insurance

3 answers

I've fought claims on behalf of my clients and won. Not something like a replacement roof, however.

I would call another contractor, tell him, hey, you're NOT going to get this job, but I'll pay you $100 if you give me your written opinion, honestly.

Because contractors are GOING to try to tell you your roof is bad - it's in their interest to sell you a new roof. Big question here - how OLD is your roof, and how much life do you have left in it?

See, hail damage is going to leave VISIBLE traces - sure, they might be small, but you should see SOMETHING - on siding, flashing, and asphalt shingles or tin, whatever your roof is made of. So how hard would it be to have a contractor take a picture of the damage they say is hail?? Then bring it to your AGENT, and let your AGENT fight that battle.

2007-10-02 13:36:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 1 0

Call your agent and see if they can help you out. Your agent can't tell the claims department what to do- but many agents are willing to get involved in a claim and help you if needed.

2007-10-02 12:03:03 · answer #2 · answered by Boots 7 · 0 0

i hope this helps u

2007-10-03 03:35:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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