She's suddenly in a new environment with a bunch of people she doesn't know.....yes - it's normal for her behaviour to be reserved at this point. It will probably take some days until she comes down from the fridge. 6 isn't that old for a cat - they can live to be about 14 or 15 or 16 or so very easily, if taken care of. Yes, she's scared of the other cat at this point - she knows she's in his home. Giver her some time and show her lots of affection and she'll be down on the floor swiping back at your other cat in no time. As for the drooling, I couldn't say. Could be fear. My one cat drools when he sleeps. Good luck.
2007-10-02 08:29:43
answer #1
answered by Blue Oyster Kel 7
It's very normal for her to be sticking to one spot and one spot alone. She's in a new environment, and she needs somewhere where she feels safe, and she's picked the top of the fridge (under a bed is also a very common place for a new cat to set up home). She'll stay there until she feels comfortable with the house. It's a good sign that she's moving away from there to eat and use the litter.
Your other cat is just establishing that he's the boss and that this is HIS house. Eventually they'll both learn their place in the house and they should settle down. He might also be trying to play with her, but she might still be skittish because it's a new house.
As for the drooling, some cats do it as a comfort thing, because they drool when they're with their mothers. My cat drools on me when I've been gone for a while. However, you might want to get a vet to check that her teeth are okay and see if she has any dental issues, since she is an older cat. That might also cause drooling.
I'd say since she's eating and using the litter, she's okay, but just needs some time to settle into the house. You might consider locking your other cat in a room for a half hour or so every night so she can wander around and get to know the place without worrying that he will come after her.
2007-10-02 15:31:04
answer #2
answered by mikah_smiles 7
It's not abnormal for the new cat to be on the fridge and be scared. Her surrounding has changed and she doesn't know if it's safe yet or not, plus you have another cat who already claims the territory.
It might take a couple of days to 2 weeks I'd say. Don't force her off the fridge, she will not like that. Give her time and she will "come out and play." Make sure you give her complements even if you are not petting her.
I adopted a kitten from a shelter and it took him about 2 weeks to get fully adjusted, so your cat is acting perfectly normal.
Good luck with your new cat.
2007-10-02 16:04:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Your male cat may be none too happy at the moment that an "intruder" has entered his territory, which is why he's being hostile to your new cat. At the moment, his biggest fear is that she is there as his replacement. It may take a few weeks for him to accept her, but as a smaller, female, he won't find her as threatening as he might a cat of equal size.
Cats like being in high places. It makes them feel safe from surprise attack and gives them a good view of everything going on around them. She's bound to be feeling a little unsettled at the moment due to having a new home and family to get used to. She's probably sitting on the fridge to keep at a safe distance from the male.
Cats often drool when they are contented or whilst being petted. However, it can also be a sign of apprehension or aggression. Excessive drooling, can by a symptom of an underlying dental or health problem. Perhaps a telephone call or visit to the vet, might set your mind at rest.
The web articles below offer lots of helpful advice on introducing a new cat to an existing one.
Hope this helps.
2007-10-03 03:41:42
answer #4
answered by Michele the Louis Wain cat 7
ok first think first
its best to leave her to settle in on her own , in one room still she gets to know you etc, then slowly intro your other cat
this could take a week or 2
its normal for him to have a little swipe at her but you dont want her to be scared, as she is already wondering whats going on being in a new house
6 years is not old for a cat, but like you said you dont know her history, has she been vet checked? the drool could be because of her teeth or even lack of them.
its great shes eating well done you first hurdle over
if she is going to an oldside cat dont let her out for about weeks ( i now long time) but you need to be sure she will come home to you!
cats have travelled hundreds of miles to get back to there old homes
when everything is settle with you and your other cat why would she want to go anywhere else!!!
its just going to tke alittle time
well done you taking her in
happy petting
2007-10-02 15:31:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hiya moonpig, thank god for people like you! Well done for adopting an older cat, she'll love you all the more for it you wait and see! Please don't panic about her living on the fridge!!! - she's just adjusting to her new surroundings and she may stay on the fridge for another month!!! She's a bit wary of bily bob on the floor ha ha but she will find her feet and take over ( go girl ha ha ha ) eventually! Leave them be, let them find each other and you can bet your life, by xmas, you'll have two cats that are bestie bestie mates and can never be parted!!! Good luck to you all.
2007-10-02 21:23:05
answer #6
answered by misstraceyrick 6
You have only had it a short time, and the cat is scared and dosnt know whats happening, so its picked a place it can see whats going on and it feels safe, at least its coming down to pee etc! give it time, and let her be, she will come down when shes ready, the drooling could be nerves, or a bad tooth, but as shes just come from a rescue centre she should be in good health, so I wouldnt worry.
Talk to her and reassure her, your other cat will be wondering whats going on, but if you let them sort things out for themselves in a few weeks time they will be fine!
2007-10-06 13:13:16
answer #7
answered by magpyre 5
please dont worry 6yrs old is still young for a cat. what she is doing is normal when you bring an adopted animal into your home. Let her take her time dont force her let her come to you. She is taking in her surroundings and will start to come round when she realizes she is not in danger. She will also get used to your other cat in time he is probally thinking who the hell are you coming into my home but things will work out. A lot of rescued cats spend the first week or two hiding ie under beds and settees , but at least you can see her. this behaviour is quite normal so dont worry things will work out and I wish you well.
2007-10-02 15:46:04
answer #8
answered by ? 1
She's a new cat on another cats territory (scent etc), will take a while to settle. Let her stay on the fridge until she's ready to come down. She may be missing someone/thing from past residence. Make a fuss & treats.
2007-10-02 15:35:09
answer #9
answered by debs7405 4
She needs far more time to settle in - don't worry about her hiding on the fridge. Your house is your other cat's territory and she knows that, she will come round eventually, just let her do it her own way.
As for drooling, you need to check in her mouth to make sure she hasn't either got tooth problems, or got something stuck in there.
2007-10-02 15:27:53
answer #10
answered by Dogsbody 5