It doesn't. They are not possessed. They choose their sin.
2007-10-02 08:26:05
answer #1
answered by Fish <>< 7
The bible speaks about man and women that fit that description, but it doesn't say the have demons. There is a homosexual spirit that can come on a person, there have been many cases of people delivered out of that lifestyle.Sodom and Gomorrah are examples of two cities destroyed for that cause.
2007-10-02 15:38:08
answer #2
answered by ? 7
well i dont knkow of any gays or lesbians possessed by evil sprits!
if that was true, soooo many people would be like walkin spirits!
i actually find this quite funny, but in the bible it does talk aobut gays and such.
you can interprete it any way you'd like. i think everyone reads and beleives the bible in their own individual way and to a certain extent.
ROMANS 1:18-32
God's Wrath on Unrighteousness
^^^so go check this out and intepret it on your own and believe and undrestand it how you want. i only beleive it to a certain extent (this part) and i myself am lesbian also!
i really hope this can help you out!
good luck!
2007-10-06 10:31:56
answer #3
answered by kristi 2
Matthew 10:1
[ Jesus Sends Out the Twelve ] He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
Matthew 10:1-3 (in Context) Matthew 10 (Whole Chapter)
Luke 6:18
who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured,
Luke 6:17-19 (in Context) Luke 6 (Whole Chapter)
Luke 7:21
At that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind.
Luke 7:20-22 (in Context) Luke 7 (Whole Chapter)
Not being a theologian, I will offer these scriptures. Homosexuality is a sin and something that comes from the devil and his demons or evil spirits.
2007-10-02 15:45:01
answer #4
answered by D.A. S 5
First of all Leviticus18:22 states thou shall not lie with man kind as with woman kind it is an abomination,the sin starts first,you plant a seed of wickedness wiithin you and with continuall indulgence it grows into a strongman which is demonic possession,it does not happen over night,and with indulging in such activities,all the doors you open to sexual demons,perversion,and homosexuality only damage you and the people you are indulging with,the same thing with addiction why do you think its so hard for people to stop after years of use because the seed they planted of addiction grew to a demonic stronghold,same thing with any sin,cigarettes,drinking,sex Lieing you have compulsive liars,you have kleptomaniacs do you get the picture? The gay community open the doors for demonic possession with continual indulgence,its called an unclean spirit,I hoped this clarified things for you. One more thing just as you accept Jesus you plant a seed of righteousness and you grow in the Lord thru ,prayer,worship,study and come to spiritual maturity,same thing with sin just like I explained it at first,If people indulge in homosexuality it could be in their family blood line.generational inquities,and if not and they pick it up because of emotional insecurity from a previous relationship they open the door to the spirits I named off,then comes possession
2007-10-02 15:55:45
answer #5
answered by God Child 4
Any sin could be subject to demonic possession.. I posted some of the spirits listed, but it does not specifically say a spirit of every sin you can mention. An unclean spirit will provoke someone to do any kind of sin and not just certain sins. That is what demons do, they get you to sin.
When a person enters into any sin, they open themselves up to demonic possession because they voluntarily accept that sin unto themselves..
When a Christian is around a person that is possessed the demon knows it and usually acts up in some form..
2007-10-02 15:27:46
answer #6
answered by † PRAY † 7
Read the Bible many lesbians possessed by demons in my Bible
2007-10-02 15:31:57
answer #7
answered by PROBLEM 7
the bible says that a man that will lay with a man in the same way in which he would lay with a woman is an abomination to god. it says nothing about demonic possession (or lesbians for that matter).
2007-10-02 15:27:19
answer #8
answered by Free Radical 5
What it says is that it is a sin.
"That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done."
But so is lying and the punishment for sin is Hell. The only way to avoid our punishment is by turning away from our sins and turning to God and putting our trust in Jesus Christ who died to pay for our punishment.
2007-10-02 15:32:07
answer #9
answered by Praise to the Trinity 4
(probably talking about the book of Romans....) where God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do all those things that were not conveinient.....bye...
2007-10-02 15:32:14
answer #10
answered by Mr. "Diamond" 6