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A new book 'King & King' features a prince. After his mother is very persistent for him to get married he decides to go out to find a spouse. He chooses a prince because he's never been fond of princesses. They live happily ever after.

As you can tell this Cinderella story has that modern homosexual twist.

If your child brought this book home from school, how would it make you feel?

Do you agree with homosexuality being considered 'normal' in the early years?

Do you agree with fairy tales ending with a same sex couple?

Anything else?


2007-10-02 04:06:25 · 33 answers · asked by .vato. 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Whoa! Some people need to settle down and stop ASSuming what I'm saying.

The book clearly shows that the two boys get married. It has hearts between the two when they meet. Obviously, it’s not just showing them as friends. For those who do not understand the book.

Another thing people assume is you have to be a hard-core Christian to disagree. You don’t-- another ASSumption.

musicpanther67--“Do you agree with homosexuality being considered 'normal' in the early years? . To put normal like that shows that you do not agree.”

Again, please do not put words in my mouth or try to figure out my thought process.

Is homosexuality normal by definition? No, it’s not. The definition of normal is conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom. Is homosexuality conformed? No. Is it the usual standard? No. Is it custom? No. That’s what I meant by homosexuality being considered normal.

2007-10-02 08:22:55 · update #1

Now, I’ll give MY opinion so people will stop ASSuming what it is.

I know many gay people. Some of which are/were good friends. While I agree we should teach tolerance I really don’t like the idea of the book. I do not feel it belongs in schools and feel that is a topic parents should breech on their own.

I love books about families. Those belong in schools. Books such as, “All Families are Special” and “Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story” featuring homosexual parents as well as other family situations that are not ‘normal.‘ They approach homosexuality from a tolerance stand point.

I think teaching tolerance is one thing but making it into a fairy tale is another. Kids will realize at a certain age if they are gay or not. Why question it in third grade?

2007-10-02 08:26:02 · update #2

Biz. You know, this is one of the reasons why I hate this site at times. People read into what you are actually saying. If you cannot find the right words you're screwed.

That is what I meant. Tolerance, acceptance, or whatever. I just mean teaching our kids that it's OKAY to be whatever they are. Homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, or a person who loves toes.

Please, don't read into what I'm saying. I have nothing--and I mean nothing--against gay people. My son knows gay people.

The thing I was just saying is that I don't like the idea of that kind of book. I prefer going about homosexuality in a completely different matter--not that my son won't know WHAT homosexuality is in third grade but he probably won't read a book like that in third grade.

Like I said before I like books that teach DIFFERNCES. That is how I approach tolerance and accpetance.

2007-10-02 23:17:26 · update #3

33 answers

i think it's the parents right to either read this book to the children or not...it doesn't belong in a school setting because it is to controversial...but i think that in this day in age where there are more gay couples raising children it's good to have books that are geared towards kids so they can understand why "billy" has two daddies and no mommy or vice versus...

i hope that as my children head into adulthood that i have taught them to except everyone no matter their color, religion, sexual preference...

everyone has the right to live their lives as they want to..esp if they are adults and are not hurting other people...

2007-10-02 04:16:10 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ Infantry Wife ♥ 5 · 9 1

I doubt the kids that pick up this book are destined to become homosexuals from reading it. For a young age group, the readers would probably go "he's right, boy's are cooler to hang out with than yucky girls!", rather than really understand the homosexual connotations of it.
I think a book like that would be a great resource if your kid started questioning you about why there's some same sex couples out there. However, I don't see how this book could stay in a school library, after about 3 checkouts some kid will bring it home to a livid parent who will fight tooth and nail to get it removed.
I think until even the early teens, kids should be learning about friendship relationships, with both sexes. They don't need to be confused with lines like "oh, maybe you'll marry Suzy some day?" or "is that your little girlfriend?" If they can't have good friendships, how can they have a good marraige to either sex?
I really don't know many fairy tale endings with same sex or traditional couples right now, sorry!

2007-10-02 05:32:49 · answer #2 · answered by bagalagalaga 5 · 3 1

It wouldn't bother me if my son brought it home. I have gay and lesbian friends and a gay relative so I obviously don't have an issue about homosexuality. I was raised to be tolerant and grew up around gay people and I wasn't molested, I didn't grow up perverted and I am not homosexual myself. (You're either gay or you're not...it's not like a disease you can catch.) It is also important to separate homosexuality from pedophilia. Most people who hate homosexuals think they're all child molesters. Pedophila is not the same thing and I definitely don't condone that.
My son was allowed to watch Will & Grace and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (he's a teenager not a child) and hasn't turned out gay either. What I taught him was that some people are just different than others and sometimes, men like men or women like women and it's different, not wrong. Hopefully, he will grow up to be a tolerant, understanding adult.
Obviously, the clincher is your religious beliefs. I am aware that Leviticus specifically condemns homosexuality. Personally, I don't believe religion should teach us to hate those who are different than us and that we were not put on Earth to judge others. Only God can judge us. However, if you do believe it's a sin, the book would be a way to teach that. Just explain that some people like people of the same gender and that some people think that's OK but you don't.
It's such a hot-button topic that frankly, I'd be amazed if any school library would ever carry that book because of the uproar it would create among parents.

2007-10-02 04:27:17 · answer #3 · answered by luckythirteen 6 · 6 1

I wouldn't have a problem with it, I would probably think "it's about time".
Whether people like it or not, homosexuality exists, and all people must respect all others for their choices and lifestyles, however much some people would prefer to simply close their eyes to it.
I absolutely agree with it being considered 'normal', I think these days there is no 'normal' when it comes to people, and more importantly, I think children need to be exposed to the message that homosexual people are just the same as everyone else, they look, act, and do the same things, but some choices they make are different.

There's an author, I think her name is Babette Cole (correct me if I'm wrong anyone), who re-writes fairy tales and puts a modern twist on them. For example, the princesses are tomboys, the handsome princes are actually not so handsome, etc, basically she breaks all those fairy tale 'stereotypes', to tell the same story, while showing kids that different attitudes exist.
Personally, I think children's literature should be a mixture of fantasy and reflection of the reality that children live.

It's an interesting question, but honestly I think it just depends so much on the values of the people you ask! I have to say though, isn't it considered fair for conventional sexual orientations to be consistantly displayed, even though that doesn't truly reflect society? Why should someone having a problem with their own tolerances impact on the freedom of literature?
That's my 2 cents anyway!

2007-10-02 04:26:23 · answer #4 · answered by ♥♥Mum to Superkids Baby on board♥♥ 6 · 7 2

Where we live there are a lot, I mean a lot, of homosexual couples. I don't know if I would like the school to send something like that home, not with out checking with the parents first. A lot of parents are ignorant and think that this would "make their kids gay". Which by the way is not possible. You read a book about dragons...does that mean you will be a dragon? NO. It's obvious from your question that you do not agree with this because you said: Do you agree with homosexuality being considered 'normal' in the early years? . To put normal like that shows that you do not agree.

I think that I'd rather have my son know what it's about and be tolerant of others. Would you rather your child saw a gay couple and yelled out something rude in her ignorance? My son knows all about gay couples. We've had a lot of gay couples in our lives and they have actually benefitted our lives. For example, our realtors are gay. We bought a nice home through them.

I live in Palm Springs which has a lot of gay lifestyles. It is not something you can ignore, it will not go away.

I guess I mean to say that I'd hope and will teach my child tolerance for ALL races, sexual preferences and religions. I don't know why any one wouldn't want that.

People say it says in the bible that it's immoral. Maybe it is, but is it our job to play God and judge? NO. Don't use the bible excuse unless you also do NOT judge others.

I'm not saying this is what you do, I'm saying people in general.

2007-10-02 05:10:00 · answer #5 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 6 1

Ya know what -- if you don't use the word homosexual (as I bet the book does not) then it is a story about a boy finding another friend. Most children in the primary years seek out same sex friends. It is normal for kids to want to play with others of their sex - remember when you were young and the opposite sex had cooties? THAT was considered NORMAL not homosexual. Now it seems that kids are PUSHED into having boy/girl friends way to fast and I am shocked by some questions I see on here - a 12yo distraught because she doesn't have a boyfriend. DISTRAUGHT for goodness sake. When I was 12 boys had cooties still.

I think people should settle down and think about things - quit jumping on the homosexual band wagon (for or against) and allow kids to be kids.

Sexual preference is not a choice - no one can pressure your child into being gay.

2007-10-02 04:54:51 · answer #6 · answered by Cinthia Round house kicking VT 5 · 9 1

With me, it is numbers: if every book in the childrens' library was mandated to cater to the "gay agenda", I would be the first person to show up for the protest rally. Conversely, if it were mandate that no books in the childrens' library may even hinted at gay issues, I would be first in line with the rally signs. My issue is that both of these positions are flawed, because they provide no basis in social or psychological truth.
My best friend from elementary school is a total flamer, while I've never had even a hint of interest. He's a very nice guy, and simply works hard at being a girl. Two of my old girlfriends became lovers, and it didn't turn me on. Point is, contact has not shown to me any impact on becoming bent, and there are some very nice and openly gay people around.
I rail a bit about the "happily ever after" scenario apparently depicted in the book, and I realize it is wishful, and not much can be said against wishes. I also realize from the description that the intent of the book is to be proactive in nurturing acceptance of homosexuality. Consider if you want your sons or daughter to grow up to slaughter people just because they are homosexual. This book appears to be trying to save your children from this fate by offering an expanded viewpoint you might not formally teach in the home.
And, it is historically correct: Ludwig of Bavaria was the first prince I remember discovering... great innovator of technical things, and it is unfortunate for my writing that his nickname is "Crazy Ludwig", and they did kill him in the end, but not for being gay but for being crazy. Your children go to Disneyland & Disneyworld to enjoy a replica of his castle.
The one thing I would ask the homosexual community to consider is that sociological perception is dramatically skewed by the historically large number of violent sociopaths who also happened to be homosexual. It is an effort to work in this shadow: every story of a male homosexual adolescent predator offsets ten thousand gay men who go to work every day. The placement of a book in the childrens' path which might facilitate a predator in even the smallest way can be a condemnable act, possibly rightly so.
I know things are getting more mellow, and I think it is appropriate. I also know there is a process imbedded in our society which intends to help our children to be protected from becoming homosexual. If you accept the human animal's desire to continue, to have children and grandchildren, then this viewpoint is very appropriate, which is part of my 'happily' issue. The intent is sociological, not scientific, and there is sociological fallout. See the literature.
I don't 'get' the point of the book's story as described, but am I supposed to? No. It is a reality separate from mine, but so is VCR programming.

2007-10-02 06:35:29 · answer #7 · answered by science_joe_2000 4 · 3 1

I'd rather that than a book that teaches intolerance or hate.

A lot of the older kids stories have really weird morals when you think of it. The baby swan is ugly, so everyone is mean to him. Then he grows up to be more beautiful than everyone so everyone is nice to him. What's the moral? Be nice to the ugly kids in case they turn out to be popular later?

Homosexuals are just a part of our society, and they aren't going anywhere.

But while we are on the topic, could we have at least half of the kids books that show babies eating showing breastfeeding? Is that too much to ask?

2007-10-02 04:39:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

Sure. In fact, I've read that book to my kids, and they honestly found it completely uninteresting because the idea that a man could fall in love with a man was not big news to them. In their school, there are families with two mommies, or two daddies, raising their kids. I happen to live where gay marriage is legal and gay couples are something that kids see on a regular basis. I think it's great to raise kids who understand the people around them. I wouldn't want my young kids reading a book about sex at this age, heterosexual or homosexual. But this isn't a book about sex; it's a book about love. I don't think young kids are too young to understand two people falling in love and getting married ... if they were, most fairy tales would be off limits. I'd like my kids to know from a young age that who somebody falls in love with is their business and that there's not a "right" or "wrong" gender to fall in love with. And, as is probably obvious from the rest of my answer, I do believe that homosexuality is "normal," and I'd like my kids to learn that, as well. It always amazes me that with war, disease, hunger, etc. that people are so worried about two people committing to take care of each other till death do them part. How is that a problem?

2007-10-02 04:22:40 · answer #9 · answered by ... 6 · 7 2

If parents took the time to intelligently teach their children about issues they're going to learn about anyway we'd have a lot less strife in this world. Parents don't take the lead to really teach their children and then b**ch about it when someone else does. It may not be a subject you're comfortable with or agree with but at least they will be informed and not ignorant like most people are.

2007-10-05 15:20:57 · answer #10 · answered by Lady Miss Keir 3 · 2 3

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