The GPS, it wasn't built into your car? If not, you're going to have to claim it under your homeowners or renters insurance policy, with the IPOD.
Car insurance covers cars. Renters or homeowners insurance covers your stuff, anywhere in the world, including in your car.
2007-10-02 05:17:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous 7
They are covered if you have a homeowners or renter's policy.
However, like one person said, if the loss is under your deductible your out of pocket.
Also, you don't want to make a lot of claims if you plan to buy a house or change insurance companies. The more claims , the harder it is to get insurance and when you do its expensive.
So, depending on your situation you may have to take the loss on this one.
2007-10-02 10:03:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you have homeowners insurance or renters insurance you can file a claim through them. If the value of the items is less than your deductible you are stuck paying for them.
2007-10-02 03:37:41
answer #3
answered by mommeof3 4
You'd file a claim through your homeowners or renters insurance.
You'll probably need receipts as proof that you actually owned them - and weren't just trying to scam them.
Honestly though, for the amount of money your rates will increase, you'd be better off to just buy new and forget the insurance.
2007-10-02 03:43:14
answer #4
answered by Roland'sMommy 6
If you most effective want $20 to shop for a bag of weed, you do not care what the retail is. It was once as a rule ripped off by way of a type of men on right here claiming marijuana will have to be authorized on account that it does not damage any one. Prussian Blue and Jimmy Whispers might be the primary folks I'd suspect.
2016-09-05 14:39:01
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Contact Pre-paid Legal
2007-10-02 03:36:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is nothing you can do except take the loss and dont leave items visiable in your car in the future.
2007-10-02 03:37:25
answer #7
answered by canam 7
Try your homeowners insurance, if you have it.
2007-10-02 03:37:23
answer #8
answered by claudiacake 7