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25 answers

Absolutely no mistake. In the perfect plan there must be two sides as there is always two side to complete anything.in this created system. It all in the fact that the plan must be seen and understood to see its perfection. I do hope some day you will see it my friend.

Do have a good day.

2007-10-02 00:24:08 · answer #1 · answered by cjkeysjr 6 · 0 2

It depends on which mythology you mean. I think in its original version, you don't really see God and Satan being these opposite dualistic forces, in which case there isn't really a dilemna. The serpent in the Garden of Eden is just a character that presents a problem in the story, not necessarily an antagonist. In Job, Satan is just a guy hired to do God's dirty work, as part of a bet. You don't really see the duality come into play until Christianity gets that idea from Zoroastrianism, along with the idea of God being completely omnipotent and all-knowing, etc..

2007-10-02 07:01:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The entire universe is nothing but God. Thers is no Satan which can be outside the ambit of God. This Universe is a makeup of Dualities like Day &Night, Good & Bad and so on. In order to understand God you need an entity called Satan. Simply remove Godly qualities and replace with its opposite, then what remains can be termed as Satanic.

2007-10-03 01:03:27 · answer #3 · answered by Gan 1 · 0 0

According to the "story" in the Bible God banished an angel (Satan) from heaven for dissension.

The basic idea is that God in essence "created" Satan,because God also created (or allowed) free will.
So this Angel was willful, chose to break ranks and was cast out of heaven.

Another take is that God has created a duality in order to allow choice.

2007-10-02 10:55:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, as it is just a story, I can speculate as you do about a novel text I guess.
I think the outcome was intended, he gave everyone free will, including angels...apparently Satan didn't agree with things and the way the place was being run, wanted more power. One angel was sent down because he didn't want to bow down before a human, only God.
You know when God sen the flood it was to get rid of all the angel - human hybrids produced by the angels falling for the humans, so he didnt expect that.
With free will, comes unwanted results, so whether he wanted an 'adversary' or not, he wanted free will for his creations, so you coud argue 'yes'.

2007-10-02 07:00:51 · answer #5 · answered by Geisha VT poser 4 · 0 3

Oh, my... questions like this are great, because they induce the deluded and brainwashed to scurry out of the woodwork and put their mental abberations on public display for all the world to see. The key observation is that the afflicted have achieved the capacity for 'doublethink'... the ability to hold two mutually exclusive propositions as 'true' at the same time, without experiencing the slightest twinge of 'cognitive dissonance'. Some of the rationalizations are quite mind-numbing.

This is one of those strange situations where it is superficially funny... but humor transforms itself into horror when you contemplate the implications, and take stock of the harm that 'religion' has managed to inflict on so many minds.

2007-10-02 07:27:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Good Question,,, I would say that Lucifer, Satan, Devil was created on purpose by mostly males. The concept of G0D's, Angels, Demons and the devil are tools of religion, used to dope-up their followers with fallacy. Definably intended;

2007-10-02 10:38:25 · answer #7 · answered by wakemovement 3 · 0 0

Of course God didn't make a mistake in making Lucifer, which is now Satan. Before, Lucifer was the leader of all angels. He was specially created by God. God gave everybody the free right to choose. Of course, God might have known that Lucifer, or Satan, will sin against Him, but he still gave Lucifer the right to choose between jealousy or love.

If Lucifer chose to still love God, he would still be the leader of all angels and also he there will be peace again in heaven, but since Lucifer chose jealousy, he turned to the dark side. That was when he was called Satan.

2007-10-02 06:54:23 · answer #8 · answered by MintrzZie 1 · 0 4

According to mythology, Satan was one of God's most cherished angels until Satan decided he wanted to be as powerful, if not more powerful than God. I assume Satan had freewill as we do.5

2007-10-02 06:54:24 · answer #9 · answered by The PENsive Insomniac 5 · 0 3

No. Satan is an angel before he become. the devil.

Satan is high minded.

He was a created being but he wants to be equal with God.

heres the verse

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Isaiah 14:12

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Isaiah 14:13
King James Version

it is only a myth. the bible accounts are true.

2007-10-02 06:58:14 · answer #10 · answered by arvin_ian 4 · 1 4

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