The latest Medical Journals will tell you that there are no gay genes and that being gay is a CHOICE brought on by ones enviroment...i.e. the people you surround yourself with, things you watch and read, etc.
Don't take my word, Google it.
2007-10-01 20:31:45
answer #1
answered by kenny p 7
Sexuality in actuality is a very vague thing and has many variations. Most people, including animals are completely heterosexual others are mostly heterosexual with some homosexual feelings. Then there those who are in the middle then there are those who are mostly homosexual with a little bit of heterosexual inclinations and then there are those who are exclusivaly homosexual. Our sexuality is not a choice. After why do some people like folks with smooth butts or blonde hair? Why are some attracted to only the same race whilst others are attracted to other races? Why do some like big breasts whilst others like small wangs? Why do some like fellatio and others do not? As for love that is a very important element of sexuality and that too is not a choice, afterall since when did a person choose to fall in love? However at one time or another we do have to decide what our sexuality is and except it for what it is, be it Heterosexual, Bisexual or Homosexual. Neither of these are in any way "Disordered" "Evil" or "Sinfull" nor supierior to another but rather variations of a very complex part of our spirit and our make up as living beings.
2007-10-02 01:28:49
answer #2
answered by chinavagabond94122 3
I don't know to what degree being gay is genetic versus a combination of life experiences and personality development and such. I do know it seems to be far more than just a decision like "I think I will be gay." For many gay people facing this about themselves is very difficult. They spend years trying to be straight but fail. They just don't operate the same way as heterosexuals. Sometimes gay people suffer in their personal and professional lives for being gay because of people's reactions but they can't change who they are. I think if it were as simple as a decision one way or another many would have chosen to heterosexual. Nature has many examples of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior so maybe it is a genetic thing or nature's way of coping with population pressures. At any rate I don't think people are just being gay to be immoral or just choosing to be gay. I think they are people that for whatever reason just are gay and shouldn't be discriminated against for it.
2007-10-01 20:27:51
answer #3
answered by Zen Pirate 6
The relevant scientific community generally agrees that a person's sexuality is determined by a mix of biological and environmental factors. However, they haven't come to a consensus as to which set of factors is most responsible for determining sexuality. In any case, a person's sexuality is determined at a very young age and is not the result of a conscious choice made by the individual.
2007-10-01 21:46:27
answer #4
answered by Mad Hatter 6
I think it is because they were meant to go into a male body if they are a lesbian and vise versa. I have ask quite a few people if they feel as if this were a viable theory and a surprising number have said that this is the best one that has felt right to them. But, in the end, it shouldn't matter. Love is love, so why should something that is a right we are born with be said to be wrong or evil. Whether it is male/male or female/female, love should not be wasted or looked down upon.
2007-10-01 20:31:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I believe some people have biochemical differences that push them that direction.(hormonal problems and physical abnormalities). I've had friends who became gay after being molested by same-sex relatives. I also know that sexuality is essentially meant to have a spiritual component, it's not just biology, not according to God. God made men and He made women. Excuse my bluntness, but one has an inny and one has an outy. The two together produce children. That seems to work rather neatly. Two outys or two innys and things don't work as productively, at least reproductively.
What I also know is that God loves all people. He is not hateful and He doesn't want us to be that way too. I was molested by people of both sexes before the age of 9. You can only imagine how hurt and confused I was. It damaged my ability to feel safe with either gender. I have been married for 27 years to one man. We have both suffered in this marriage because I came to marriage damaged by abuse. God is a healer, not a hater.
People are not gay people or straight people. They are People who should be valued for that. Having said all of that I believe it is a horrible crime for any adult to involve a child in any sexual activity, it is inexcusable.
I believe that God's plan of sexual exclusivity in a monogamous relationship composed of a man and a woman is the ideal patttern that is most healthy and productive. He made marriage to benefit people, not make them miserable. Yes, there are some horribly bad marriages, but the problems come from human selfishness, not God's pattern.
2007-10-01 20:39:15
answer #6
answered by LeslieAnn 6
Many gay persons were molested as little children, and that spirit stayed with them. In other cases, it is a case of a decadent culture creating an atmosphere in which the lusts of the flesh have no limit, it seems. It is becoming more and more accepted, if you believe the media. Homosexuality is something you have to yield to. So it is a choice. One can have a strong tendency that way, he feels, but it still is a choice. A bad choice. God utterly condemns homosexuality. The pull can be very strong, especially in the case of molestation, but it still is something you yield to. Yet human weakness being what it is, those who feel pulled to this black hole need the Lord to set them free. As for generational spirits, prayer is the key. Repenting is the way out of bondage and demonization. God grants repentance and deliverance. Such a one must cling to his God and walk humbly with him. It may take time or be instantaneous, but God can and will deliver us from the sins of the flesh if we are willing. The just shall live by faith. Jesus said, Without me you can do nothing.
2007-10-01 20:38:46
answer #7
answered by pshdsa 5
ppl are born this way! animals all over the animal kingdom have been observed to show a certain degree of homosexuality!
so I doubt very much that the zebra decided that it will live a different life style just because!
2007-10-01 20:31:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Scientific question to be answered by scientific investigation. The reason why this question has not been answered thus far, is because our understanding of Genetics is still in its infancy. We still have allot to learn.
2007-10-01 20:26:46
answer #9
answered by Future 5
Gay people are born gay, just as straight people are born straight. Left-handed people are born left handed and right-handed people are born right-handed (even though we can't tell their "handedness" until they begin coloring, drawing, etc...and their "handedness" doesn't change because of their environment (if you tie a lefty's left hand behind his back, he'll learn to write like a right-hander, but will still be a lefty).
Gay people may, or may not, exhibit "signs" of their sexual orientation until they enter puberty, or later.
2007-10-01 20:27:30
answer #10
answered by Greenman 5
a lot of them learn it in life there are few that are spiritual ,for instance if it is the desire of the Lord to grant u a male child while you are desiring for a female chlid and the lord sholr grant you that what will do u think will happen to the child.
2007-10-02 01:58:35
answer #11
answered by rev richard 2