Write a letter to the teacher (keep a copy for yourself & send a copy to the principal), that way you can sort out your emotions and make sure you have said everything you want to say. If you wirte it down and give copies to the principal then there can be no words put in your mouth.
Maybe you could schedule a meeting with the teacher and the principal and talk this over with both of them.
This teacher need to be aware that their actions have hurt your child, even if they didn't mean to do so.
Good luck!
2007-10-01 11:50:25
answer #1
answered by ♥ ~Isabelle's mommy~ ♥ 5
As a teacher, I think that this way of marking is common but I would NEVER use it. It's heartless and cruel. Your poor daughter! The teacher is trying to save time at the expense of the students.
This method should not be used because:
a. it encourages cheating and lying
b. it is embarrasing
c. it is not what testing is for.
A test in the early grades is not meant to just evaluate, it is a means to see whether the children are understanding. It is not just a mark to be written in a book. The teacher needs to go over the problems to see where your daughter is having trouble. However, as much as I agree with this woman's pedagogy, I admit that this method of correcting is common and ok for little quizes. However, I believe that the papers should be handed in rather than read out loud.
I know your daughter must be devastated... not only because she tried hard and didn't do well, but now everyone knows it.
I believe that the best thing for you to do is speak to the teacher. Tell her that our daughter is sensitive and that she needs encourgement. Don't be confrontational. Talk to the teacher about your daughter's trouble in math and then mention the test so that she knows that you are unhappy with that method.
I think you should work one on one with your daughter on her math, and maybe get her a tutor. There are free programs avaliable through the public library system, or you can find someone through the school.
Your daughter needs encouragement and assistance, and I'm sorry that her teacher is not giving it to her.
I see that some people say don't go to the teacher, but I really recommend going to the teacher first. If you go directly to the principal, one of two things will happen: 1. he think that you are just being a shovey parents who is over-reacting (because you haven't seen the teacher first) or 2. he may reprimmand the teacher, who, if she is not a great teacher, will be bitter towards your child for getting her in trouble. If you talk to the teacher and get no where, then write a letter to the principal explaining your concern, but take it up with the teacher first.
2007-10-01 10:35:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We used to do this occasionally back when I was in school, except we traded papers and then handed them in to the teacher.
Calling out your grade is a little harsh...especially if you didn't do so well.
As far as your daughter's grades and math skills go, perhaps consider Sylvan learning center or something. I know it's not cheap, but if you live in a town close to a university you could probably find a math major or someone studying early childhood education to tutor her for pretty cheap. You know how college students are...always broke...lol.
I would also probably talk to the teacher. It's still early in the school year, so the teachers are just getting to know the students. For example...my daughter started kindergarten this year and had some problems at first until the teacher realized that she was the youngest in her class. Her b-day was just before the cut off.
If you don't get the answers you want from the teacher, schedule some time with the principal.
2007-10-01 10:51:55
answer #3
answered by ambertmbg1 4
that was not right. when i was younger, i can only remember my teachers doing that a few times, but it was always with something that didn't really matter, like a spelling quiz (the kind where you fold a sheet of notebook paper in half and write the words down), and the grades would never be read out loud.
i'm a senior in high school now, and sometimes my teachers let students who kiss you-know-what grade their students' tests, and it really bothers me, even though it isn't announced to the class (directly, but i'm sure you know how gossip goes around). if i was your daughter i would have probably started to cry, and i would have felt really ashamed.
that was really wrong of the teacher to even be so lazy as to have students grade things for her, and it was even more wrong to have another student read her grade for her. i would contact either her directly (but she doesn't seem like a really intelligent or caring person) or the principal and discuss this with them.
really, without knowing the entire situation, i wouldn't be too concerned about the math either (it's probably because her teacher is horrible - it sounds like she dislikes your daughter for some reason). if you can afford it, get her some tutoring once a week (you can even hire a high school student) who can do some fun things with your daughter one on one to help her get the information better. if you can't, or if your daughter isn't the kind of person that just opens up to a new strange person teaching her, you can set aside some time each night or a couple times a week and try to have a little stress-free math review. play some games (i had a pretend cash register that really developed my math skills, and was a lot of fun) and reward her for her good work. if you are cooking, have her measure things for you. bake something she really likes to eat and have her help you with the math parts. just try to keep her engaged on a casual level all you can in daily life (where it will actually matter the most).
without having her lose respect for her teacher, or having her teacher hate you or her and discriminate against her, try and encourage her to see that she's not stupid, and what the teacher is doing is wrong (although not an excuse to not try) good luck!
2007-10-01 10:41:25
answer #4
answered by Shellular Kellular 6
hi. I know a lot about this because that always happened to me when I was younger. I am just wondering what grade your daughter is in. But thats ok...anyways yes, this is the way a lot of teachers mark papers these days in the younger grades. That usually stops around grade 6. By 7 and 8 the teachers usually do it themselves. But i alos struggled in math for a few years. Most of my teachers used to say before he/she asked for the mark they would say that if anyone is uncomfatorable (sorry...i know i spelled that wrong)...saying there mark out loud to come and just show the teacher. Maybe if you wrote a note to her she would do this and then your daughter could just quietly go up and show her mark. I hope this helps.
Here are some math sites that I used. Hopefully they will help your daughter.
hope this all helps.
Good Luck!
2007-10-01 12:13:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, get your daughter a tutor, a lot of schools have an after school free program. Look into it.
That teacher was just being lazy. Even if she did let the students grade their own papers, she should have taken them all up, and put them in her book, or let each child come up one at at time,and shop her( we did that a lot in school)
We all know that kids can lie, so I think the teacher should grade the tests herself, so if a student is missing something, she knows what it is, and can help that student.
2007-10-04 10:29:36
answer #6
answered by kiki72404 4
I think this is completely unfair. It is embarassing and does nothing for the child's self esteem. I would speak to the teacher and ask her to not do this again. If she does, then I would speak to the principal. The children gain nothing from their tests being corrected in this way. Also, it does not say much for the teacher that she did not want to take the time to correct the tests herself, just pass on the task to the children, nice. Good luck and I hope your daughter isn't too upset the teacher's lack of consideration.
2007-10-01 12:49:23
answer #7
answered by schmoopie 5
I would have serious concerns about this teacher's methods. I don't think it is necessarily unusual to have children correct their own work, depending on the age of the children. However, at my son's school, the children cannot have another student correct their paper due to data privacy requirements. Each student must correct his/her own papers, then they are passed to the teacher for recording of grades. This is 100 % due to data privacy; teachers are not allowed to share another student's grades with anyone other than the student. What this teacher did is wrong, if not against the law. I would have a conversation with the principal about this practice, and your concerns. It seems as though the teacher may be causing damage to the self-esteem of her students.
2007-10-01 11:15:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
My 11 year old daughter is not to good in math either. What i would do is call the teacher and tell her that it hurt your child's feelings when she did that to her.and if that's the way she is going to grade the papers then you would like her to call your child up to her desk to show her the grade . (If she asks your daughter and does not get an answer). I would also tell her that the other children in the class have no right to know your child's grades.if your child feel uncomfortable with everyone knowing her grade I'm sure other children feel the same way.If that does not work then call and talk to the Principal.
2007-10-01 10:40:43
answer #9
answered by Julie M 2
This is the way it was always done when I was in grade school (in the mid 80's). It never seemed like a big deal and if you got the worst grade you worked your butt off not to be the one with the worst grade the next time. It's not like it will scar the child although some people assume that every little blow will ultimately damage their kids for life. Its a quiz life goes on and guess what tomorrow no one will remember their own grade let alone someone elses. Relax and focus on helping her figure out what she isn't understanding.
2007-10-01 12:16:28
answer #10
answered by billie b 5