I have no need to prove you wrong or my ideas right! We both have the right to think what we want and I would lay down my life for that freedom for both of us!
FREEDOM is the only RIGHT worth fighting for!
2007-10-01 07:22:11
answer #1
answered by DrMichael 7
I don't feel like I have to or should disprove god to someone who wants to believe in it. With a few exceptions:
1. If it is in a open discussion forum then we are supposed to be open and discuss.
2. If the religious group is trying to convert the entire world to their way of thinking.
3. If the religious group is trying to change the laws of the land to match their religious system.
4. If the religious group is trying to kill everybody who does not believe as they do.
Then it is time for action. Other than that - live and let live.
2007-10-01 06:58:43
answer #2
answered by Alan 7
Who said "you" atheists have to disprove God? Has everyone before or since Newton, "had" to prove or disprove gravity. There have been people who believed in God that certainly didn't make their life any easier or provide them with a crutch. I suppose for some it may be a crutch, just as well as you might suppose that atheism is a mental crutch for those who are unwilling to deal with the realities of life and death. I've garned three thumbs down, based on what? faulty logic? Whether you're atheist or not, we humans are not masters of our domain, commanders, leaders, thinkers, etc., MAYBE. We realize we are surrounded by a universe we cannot fully comprehend, maybe never, who knows? We are limited in time and space, can't you see that? We have cognitive abilities, great. Does that prove our intrinsic value to the "universe." Does the universe really care if we watch "cosmos with Carl sagan" and contemplate with our mocha mint frappachino and wipe our butts with the best toilet paper money can buy? If you're an atheist and feel embattled I would like to know why? Is somehow your value system ruined by "religious" people or "nuts" as you like to say? Your value system that says we are nothing in this universe. Because if you are more than something in this vast universe besides being able to frequent a Starbucks or an atheist book signing at Borders, I'd like to know what? If you're harrassed by believers and you sit there and whine like a baby, you're under attack, under attack, get in a foxhole; you don't have much backbone as a person with beliefs or facts or whatever you call them ? If you want to get at the truth of your existence looking around you with a prejudiced view doesn't help. There is something insincere in what I hear from the "so-called" atheists, on here. Just saying you hate "religious" people, you hate the Bible, you hate the Koran, you hate Wiccans, you hate ancient beliefs and customs. I feel like you have no natural inspiration-it's only a reaction against what you don't like. Come up with something original, but with that should be some motivating, inspiring frame of thought-not I just hate the idea of God or gods or flying monkies, stuffed -crust Pizza. Generate some positive enthusiasm for your new world order, don't run around like a wienie bashing everybody else because you don't have anything better to offer. If you did, people would probably listen. Instead all this is, is some kind of muck-raking, history revisionism. Seriously. You should try to understand your past elders with some degree of respect. They weren't idiots either were they? Of course not. Just as you are not king of the world , neither were they. History is not the illegimate child of religious people. Your attitiude sucks, it shouldn't regardless. Get rid of your biases, then you can be enlightened.
2007-10-01 11:52:08
answer #3
answered by Steve C 5
Your suit looks fabulous. And your logic is sharper than your suit.
Edit: Lol at Mike. I suppose he hasn't studied Socrates, Bruno, Kepler, or Galileo. Religions are opposed to changing their point of view, even if it contradicts scientific knowledge. It's no surprise that religions of the past were vested with the authority of the state: It was a convenient way to stop people from questioning authority.
I also think that opposition to science (seen in fundamentalism) is a disservice to the human species. What is lost by assuming the world was created in 6 days, when we live in a universe that is verified to be over 14 billion years old? What about this ancient and grand scheme of reality do they forfeit? I'd argue they lose a great deal.
2007-10-01 08:44:32
answer #4
answered by Dalarus 7
If you don't believe in God then why are you bothering with this? You don't have to believe in God, that is you, that is other Atheists. I believe in God and so do many other people. Yes, I have faith and that isn't crap. It isn't a crutch either. I don't have to prove you wrong, you should prove yourself right, because you sure can't prove me wrong. Don't put something down just because you don't understand it. You seem very closed minded to me, not to mention you are hypocritical. All those theories are only theories and you have faith in your scientists to prove them to be true. You will never believe in God unless you have first hand experiences and physical proof, but that doesn't mean God doesn't exist. Until then, get over it, get a life, and stop worrying about people believing in God and stop criticizing them.
2007-10-01 07:27:23
answer #5
answered by ϑennaß 7
C.L. Richardson, which god are you talking about? If you mean Ptah, yes, people have been walking and talking with him for millenia before the christians even imagined their divine triplets. If you mean Ra, sure, I can see that. His eye is on top of the pyramid on the back of your dollar bill even today, meaning he's keeping an eye on you and how you spend your money. If you don't believe in those gods, well, I guess that makes you an atheist, now doesn't it? Can you find any money with your specific god on it? How about any buildings older than two thousand years old? Has your god made ANYTHING that has lasted longer than Ptah? Even his commandments are cheap watered-down knockoffs of Ptah's negative confessions.
p.s. as long as there have been humans, there have been atheists. God is a concept created by man. If it wasn't, then everyone would have the same concept of it, just as everyone has the same concept of a tree or an ocean or a rock. Specific qualities for things that are real, abstract qualities for things that are purely imaginative. Of course, I don't expect you to understand that. You only deal in abstracts.
2007-10-01 08:55:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Logic dictates that it's impossible to prove something doesn't exist. If you wanted to say "there's no such thing as a three-headed purple elephant" conclusively, you would have to know the entire contents of the universe and that nowhere among them was a three-headed purple elephant. And of course, it's impossible to know that. In other words, atheists can NOT disprove God; all we can say is "I have never seen or experienced evidence of God's existence." Religious people almost universally claim they do have evidence, and the legitimacy of their so-called evidence varies from person to person. The one thing that is certain, though, is that faith is NOT evidence. Ask any Christian and they'll tell you that you have to have faith to experience proof, while any rational-minded person would demand proof before putting faith in something (and Christians, the "you have faith in the chair under your butt" analogy is fallacious). Another thing they do is use the fact that it's impossible to disprove God as evidence of God's existence. This is also fallacious. By that logic, you could say that leprechauns, Russell's teapot and the Flying Spaghetti Monster must also exist.
2007-10-01 06:56:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"Religion is a crutch for people who are unwilling to deal with the realities of life and death. Prove me wrong."
I don't have to, dude... I completely agree with you. The overwhelming majority of believers are believers because their parents took them to church and force-fed them dogma. There are those who are "born again" as adults... those are the ones who don't want to think for themselves.
We are BORN atheists... it takes work to turn us into believers. That's why they start brainwashing the very young... they'll believe whatever they are told by trusted adults. I was one of those children... thank goodness I starting thinking for myself as an adult.
The Christian god is NOT an original concept, contrary to what a number of posters here seem to think. Atheism (that is a=no and theism=belief in god) is the ORIGINAL belief system, before man could think up someone to blame everything on (and yes, give credit to).
2007-10-01 07:27:13
answer #8
answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6
Answer one question, if evolution explains how live changes form species to species, how would you explain certain issues that would spell death. an example is this, if a fish mutated to live on land, and it developed lungs, these mutation take thousands of years, why would it as a species not die out due to drowning before it could mutate and grow legs?
Or even better if a bat mutated from some small mouse like rodent, and its wings developed from its small forearms, as the arms grow outward to the point where they would become wings, there would be a long period in there where the arms would just be in the way, so they would be easy catch for anything that eat rodents? who would they survive until the next dozen or so mutations? for the skin to grow into wings?
2007-10-01 07:00:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We don't. Only believers think so, and I tell them to take a course in basic logic.
2007-10-01 16:26:43
answer #10
answered by Brent Y 6