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This Gospel was accepted by most Christians during the first 2 Centuries of Christianity, its main place of acceptance though was the churches of Alexandria, upto 325ce. It was circulated within the writing of Iraneus(130-200ce) as part of his support for the unity of Jesus and as an answer opposing the Pauline Christianity of the established church, which had incorperated the 'Pagan Roman religion' and the 'plutonic Philosophy' into the teaching of Jesus. During the Council of Nicea, the Gospel was deemed against the new orthodx of Christs trinity with God and the Holy Ghost, thus they ordered the destruction of any copy found(along with the other 300 Gospels that were in circulation at that time, which did not fit the new Logos ideology) . Pope Damasus re-iterated this oder during his reign as the Pope(366-384) he was supported by the Bishop of Caeseria, whom included it in his 'Apocrypha' ( latin meaning Hidden from people) it made its way into the personal library of Damasus!

2007-10-01 06:13:52 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

it was stolen from the Pope Sextus in the 16C by his friend - Fru Marino - whom after hearing and reading of Iraneus writings, felt that he had to make the scripture public. It now sits( the latin translation) in the Hofbibliothek-Vienna. What was so different about this Gospel, well it is said that, b4 Barnabus met StPaul and started his mission, he wrote this Gospel, from the time of Christs birth, to his death. The one thing to look at within this Gospel is the fact that Barnabas refers to Jesus as nothing more than a Prophet, as like the other Gospel by St Thomas. plse read this Gospel and make up your own minds , but if you look deeper you will find the sources I have, which are to various to list here, I AM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG, BUT I THINK YOU WILL FIND IT INTERESTING, AT LEAST!


plse take note of chapter 11, where Jesus refers to himself as a Man not a God to the Leper!

2007-10-01 06:22:07 · update #1

Ludvalz68, it was left out because it did not fit in with the Nicean creed, a vote of men, not he word of God. Plse read the link

2007-10-01 06:40:39 · update #2

Opinionated - you are living under the subjugation of the church, break free and you will see for yourself the corruption and deceit of the religious organizations

2007-10-01 07:17:41 · update #3

Miller, this Gospel was widely acknowledged by the early followers of Jesus, mostly in the regions of Alexandria, but found place in other circles aswell, remember Arianism was the first Christianity until the Council of Nicea abolished it in 325ce, aswell, plus there are several other doctrines that were changed or enhanced by this creed. start your own investigation, but don't just look on the internet, look at these references aswell

The Apostolic Fathers - E,J. Goodspeed

The Jesus Scroll - D, Joyce

Jesus A Prophet of Islam - Muhammad 'Ata ur-Rahim

and for detail of the early christians I suggest you read
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - E. Gibbon

History of the Church - Eusebius ( 3C)

for starters!

2007-10-01 08:44:53 · update #4

david, as far as I know he was John marks brother - in - law, not his cousin

Eyelovesjesus, thanx for joining the question and returning my e-mail

2007-10-01 11:10:07 · update #5

if anyone has more info on this subject that I have not covered, could you plse post a link!

2007-10-01 11:11:28 · update #6

21 answers

Modern Christianity is the continuation of the Roman Empire, when the Persian religions and Barbarians were taking away the power of the empire, the new religion was seized upon as a method of control.

You have a problem, the original Jewish celebrations were not fully acceptable to the majority of the Roman citizens, so they needed to be amended.

The two main reformers, did not actually meet Jesus, but elected themselves apostles afterwards. Paul turned the quiet pratices prescribed by Jesus into a full - in your face - evanjelical conversion type religion. the other was Saint Barnabas

mentioned in the New Testament - he had Hellenic Jewish parents whom called him Joseph (although the Byzantine text-type calls him 'Joses', but when he sold all his goods and gave the money to the apostles in Jerusalem, they gave him a new name: Barnabas. 'son of encouragement'.

In Acts 14.14, he is listed ahead of Paul, "Barnabas and Paul", instead of the usual reverse ordering of their names, and both are called apostoloi, 'apostles'. Whether Barnabas was an apostle became an important political issue, which was debated in the Middle Ages.

The problem is that because Barnabas stood in closer relation to the Jerusalem church than Paul. Paul moved more towards Rome.

They both started off by agreeing to preach to the pagans,

the trouble started when Paul asked Barnabas to accompany him on another journey (15:36). Barnabas wished to take John Mark along, but Paul did not, as he had left them on the former journey (15:37-38). The dispute ended by Paul and Barnabas taking separate routes. Paul took Silas as his companion, and journeyed through Syria and Cilicia; while Barnabas took his younger cousin, John Mark, to visit Cyprus (15:36-41).

Certain Jews coming to Syria and Salamis, where Barnabas was then preaching the gospel, being highly exasperated at his extraordinary success, fell upon him as he was disputing in the synagogue, dragged him out, and, after the most inhumane tortures, stoned him to death. His kinsman, John Mark, who was a spectator - interred his body in a cave, where it remained till the time of the Emperor Zeno, in the year 485 AD. - A monastery built in his name at Salamis, Cyprus, is where a tomb reputed to hold his remains was found in 488.

He is venerated as the Patron Saint of Cyprus., and during the schism between the Eastern church and Western Church, the dropping of Barnabus from the official cannon was one of the little battles that took place.

2007-10-01 10:22:09 · answer #1 · answered by DAVID C 6 · 2 1

Consider this tremendous quote from the real Barnabas whose epistle (A.D.60-75) was found fully preserved in the manuscript of the 4th century Codex Sinaiticus: “Because they shall see Him then in that day having a scarlet robe about his body down to his feet; and they shall say, is not this He whom we once despised, and pierced, and mocked, and crucified? Truly this is He who then declared Himself to be the Son of God (Epistle of Barnabas Chapter VII). Here is the real question why do these two Barnabas writings conflict each other so much if they are indeed the same writer, and why does the earlier writings of Barnabas make no mention of Allah, Muhammad, or Muslim? They both can be found wrong but both can't be found right.

2016-05-18 01:37:33 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Hello silver tongue.. :)

I would like to apologize for this being lengthy..

This is also not meant to belittle the Muslim faith..

Evidence reveals that the gospel of Barnabas was most likely written by a European living around the fifteenth century who wrote inaccurately about Jesus' life.

Beliefs about Jesus vary widely between Christians and Muslims because their sources differ. While Muslims often get their impression of Jesus from the gospel of Barnabas, Christians trust the Gospels (Injeel) found in the Bible.

These books differ in significant ways. Let’s first examine whether the gospel of Barnabas is an authentic biography of Jesus.

The author: Is not Barnabas

The author of the gospel of Barnabas could not have been Barnabas. The real Barnabas was a generous encourager of the early church (Acts 4:36).

He was not one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus as the gospel of Barnabas mistakenly claims.

Barnabas was the one who persuaded the disciples that the Apostle Paul had changed from a persecutor of the church to a follower of Isa (Acts 9:27).

The true Barnabas traveled with Paul to tell the good news of Jesus (Acts 13:2).

Date of authorship: the Middle Ages

A reading of the gospel of Barnabas clearly shows that it was written neither in Jesus' time, nor shortly thereafter as alleged. There are far too many anachronisms (errors in cultural history).

For example, the gospel of Barnabas says that Jesus was born when Pilate was governor, but history records Pilate becoming governor in A.D. 26 or 27—long after Jesus Christ’s birth.

If the gospel of Barnabas was written in the 1st century after Christ, it would have been quoted in other documents of the same time period.

It is not cited, however, one single time in works of either the church fathers or Muslim clerics until the fifteenth century.

Those who claim the Gospel of Barnabas’ early authorship may be referring to the Epistle of Barnabas—a first-century book, though not divinely inspired.

The gospel of Barnabas contains quotations from Dante Alighieri, references to an edict from Pope Boniface, and descriptions of feudalism. Therefore, scholarly assessment place the date of authorship around the fifteenth century!

Legitimacy: full of errors

In addition to those errors listed above, the gospel of Barnabas claims that Jesus was not the Messiah (sects. 42, 48).

Both the Qur’an and Bible, however, testify that Jesus was the Messiah (see Surah 5:19, 75; Matthew 26:63-64).

**In Chapter 54, the Italian text mentions a denarius, which is made up of 60 minuti. These gold coins were used only in Spain under Khalif Abdul Malik (in 685 A.D.).**

From the descriptions of Palestine, it is obvious that the author of the gospel of Barnabas was not familiar with its geography. He alleged that Jesus sailed to Nazareth—a city that is inland.

Evidence proves that the gospel of Barnabas was not written by Barnabas, was most likely written in the fifteenth century, and is filled with inaccuracies.

**Trustworthy scholars have exposed it as a counterfeit.**

Therefore, it cannot be trusted as the biography of Jesus' life.

Where is the true story of Jesus' life?

If not the Gospel of Barnabas, where can you find the truth about Jesus?

The Qur’an urges you to turn to the Bible with such questions (Surah 5:46; 10:95).

The Bible contains four Gospels that illustrate Christ from four different, yet divinely inspired perspectives. Reputable authorities have consistently affirmed the four Gospels found in the New Testament as authentic.

In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With ~Love~ your "Friend" In Christ.. :)

2007-10-01 10:12:24 · answer #3 · answered by EyeLovesJesus 6 · 3 0

It is why Christ was empty between 14-30 in the new testimonial. Mostly are errased by the authority of kingdom and church the highest at that moment. Anything seemed not reasonable nor not good to the said religious were erased and destroyed.

2007-10-01 07:22:10 · answer #4 · answered by johnkamfailee 5 · 1 1

I have in my collection a book, believed to have been totally destroyed by the church. It was written in the 1800s by the keeper of the vatican scrolls. It throws light on a lot of the early goings on of the church. He was defrocked and excomunicated for releasing the information and shortly after seems to have disapeared. Nobody was surposed to tell the gulable masses the truth.
P.S. As I`ve said before Jesus lived to the age of 84 and his tomb is there for all to see in Kashmir. The chronicals of the Kashmir Kings (as kept by the monks) tells us more about Jesus than the bible does.

2007-10-01 08:47:08 · answer #5 · answered by Terry M 5 · 1 2

The episcles of Barnabas (21 chapters) and the gospel of Barnabas are 2 different writings.

2007-10-01 08:13:57 · answer #6 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 2 1

If it does not conform to the ideology of the religious denomination it will not be added in to the bible, just like a few other gospels

2007-10-01 06:21:12 · answer #7 · answered by Imagine No Religion 6 · 1 1

There is no evidence it existed as early as the first century. 0r that it had any link with Barnabas
It was rejected eventually because it was contrary to basis Christian theology.....and lacked what J.B.Phillips called the ring of truth.

2007-10-01 08:07:47 · answer #8 · answered by alan h 1 · 2 1

God will always protect His Word. These gospls either contained error or simply weren't needed by God to convey His message.

2007-10-01 06:39:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

They believe the church that what you don't know won't hurt you, but it has come back on them for hiding lots of things.

2007-10-01 10:41:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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