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That is almost as crazy as Scientology. According to them God is a huge space sex addict and that is what we all strive to be. Oh and black people are wrong apparently.

2007-10-01 05:33:08 · 17 answers · asked by Mustapher Crap 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Yeah, but if you join the club you get a pair of magical, sexy, crotchless long underwear!

Come. Join us. Be one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us....

2007-10-01 05:38:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

The cartoon, although portrayed somewhat lackadasically, is a fairly accurate portrayal of the basis of Mormon theology. It has to be said, however, that most LDS people today don't believe everything in that cartoon. Everything was once a doctrine and was preached to the general membership of the church by prophets and apostles of the church, but the leadership of the church today rejects or "refuses to comment" on a lot of these doctrines, most notably the notion that God created us by the same physical process that we use to create our children.

When confronted with these issues today, most will respond "that's just speculation, not doctrine" by virtue of the fact that the church today doesn't take an official stance on it. However, there is an element of LDS/Mormon scripture and doctrine that states that the words of the prophets and apostles are scripture. Not only are they scripture, but they are supposedly more reliable than ancient scripture, since they were given for our day.

2007-10-01 13:01:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I have got a robot that does a lot of my believing for me. It does not even need batteries and resembles a lump of wood and is about as mobile. The premium model believes things they would not believe in Salt Lake City but I decided not to spend the money.

Instead I got the standard model and decided I could do without the Scientology, Mormon, Watchtower, "Didn't land on the Moon", "Princess Diana", "Bermuda triangle", "Atlantis" and a few other options as I could disbelieve these without a great deal of effort.

However I'm having problems with Cthulhu. I'm not sure whether a giant ancient man-eating intelligent squid that lives on a disappearing island in the far South Pacific Ocean is real or not.

Can anyone advise?

2007-10-01 12:56:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Where you're wrong is stating "according to them" when it isn't the LDS Church that made the film you reference. What you should be saying is: "According to the makers of this film (who aren't LDS) God is a huge space sex addict and that is what we all strive to be. Oh and black people are wrong apparently."

Glad I could set that straight.

2007-10-01 16:16:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes, what self-respecting, intelligent spiritual person would BELIEVE this drek?? I mean, it's just totally outrageous!!

And you know, you're right.

WE don't believe that, not the way Big Ed describes it in this supposedly banned cartoon.

For instance, it shows these "goddess wives" taking care of a room full of "spirit babies". However, why are these "SPIRIT babies" wearing nappies?? Is it to catch their "spirit doo doo"??

I never heard of "spirit BABIES" until I saw this sick parody of Mormon beliefs. I also never heard anything about God coming to Mary as a man, to bump uglies in the dark. That's right out of Big Ed's gutter mind.

Did anyone mention one ecumenical group calling this video "religious pornography"??

Also, this video is titled "banned cartoon" or something like that. I'd like to know, who banned it and where did they ban from or to?

So, next time you think "Who would believe this stuff?", answer your own question. NO one. Since it's total garbage.

edit for mike: you can say it till you're blue in the face, but that doesn't make it true.
You can also call a dog's tail a leg, but that doesn't mean he now has five legs.

2007-10-01 18:01:01 · answer #5 · answered by mormon_4_jesus 7 · 2 0

Do you believe the old saying "Don't believe everything you see on television".

Normally, I would go out to tell the whole creation story as it was told to me since I was a child. But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort.

Here's a website. www.mormons.org where we tell our version of the creation story. From here, you have two choices.

You can believe that movie on youtube, where you have no idea where it came from, who created it, or whether they have any credentials to make those statements. Or you can give us Mormons a fair chance to tell our story in our own words.

2007-10-01 13:44:08 · answer #6 · answered by Lex 7 · 3 0

Compared to what? Im guessing you are an atheist? Otherwise, the cartoon or South Park version of your religion would proably come off about as reasonable.

Seriously, is this your source of learning?
Thats like saying "Ive been trained in Classical Music by Bugs Bunny". (which if you remember those cartoons actually has a grain of truth in it) :)

2007-10-01 13:14:58 · answer #7 · answered by Gandalf Parker 7 · 4 0

Sorry, I see nothing about Mormonism that is any worse than mainstream Christianity.

According to the Bible, God is a malevolent petulant child. Oh, and handicapped people are not worthy of worshipping at the altar, apparently.

2007-10-01 12:45:51 · answer #8 · answered by Snark 7 · 8 0

You have serious hate issues.

Has anyone that sits there on their computers bashing away at people ever stepped foot in a mormon church? Have you ever actually asked a mormon what they believe? Do you actually know any mormons?

Yeah yeah yeah I am in a cult that teaches me to accept all other religions. I am in a cult that teaches me that my family should be the center of my life. I am in a cult that teaches me to get all the education and job skills I can. I am in a cult that teaches to not get in debt, prepare for the future and have an emergency prepardness supply. I am in a cult that teaches me to be as involved in my community as possible. I am in a cult that teaches to be as charitable and do as much service as possible. I am in a cult that doesnt pay its clergy a single dime. I am in a cult that has taught me since I was a small child to develop my own testimony and knowledge of the truth and to never rely on the words or testimony of others but to actively question, pray and seek out the truth for myself.

You could all be so lucky to be in a cult like mine.

2007-10-01 12:44:34 · answer #9 · answered by cadisneygirl 7 · 8 0

Well aside from the fact that the "Godmakers" cartoon series were so completely biased as to never be taken seriously by anyone. I would agree with you.
At the risk of many thumbs down I would suggest you take the time to really look into the LDS church and find out all about the wonderful world of blood atonement, DNA fallacies, temple ceremonies with decidedly masonic undertones, polygamy and a world where black people came from Cain's murder of his brother.
Yes, there are some really nice people in the LDS church, yes they do promote family, and unity, and yes I think they are being misled in their doctrine and allowing it because:
Hey, it's such a nice church!

Ah well...

2007-10-01 12:59:38 · answer #10 · answered by All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah... 5 · 4 2

This is like Asking Osama bin Laden what America and Americans are like.

Sure you'll get a few true things, but most of it is crap.

2007-10-02 23:11:10 · answer #11 · answered by Ender 6 · 0 0

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