According to my sound logic...... NO!!!!!!!!!!
2007-10-01 02:11:02
answer #1
answered by Joe Mkt 3
The Trinity= God The Father, God The son, and God The Holy Spirit. There is no indication that Jesus's disciples worshiped him, but were instead working with him to deliver the message of God The Father. Jesus himself was God The Son, but this fact was not fully comprehended until after his Crucifixion. Jesus's followers--those who knew He did miracles clamored after Him to see the miracles, and hopefully to receive them. God The Holy Spirit became apparent after Jesus's death and He had forewarned His disciples that the Holy Spirit would at some point come upon them. The concept of The 3 in one Trinity became specialized and developed by the church at a later time.
2016-05-17 23:52:43
answer #2
answered by ? 3
3 is an important number. It's the Trinity, The Three Wise Men, On the 3rd day he rose, 9 inch nails in the Cross(9 / 3 = 3) 3 nails are use. God, The Son and the Holy Spirit. So in a matter of speaking. Yes, it's 3 times the glory.
2007-10-01 02:04:17
answer #3
answered by Dude 5
God is a trinity of persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is not the same person as the Son; the Son is not the same person as the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit is not the same person as Father. They are not three gods and not three beings. They are three distinct persons; yet, they are all the one God. Each has a will, can speak, can love, etc., and these are demonstrations of personhood. They are in absolute perfect harmony consisting of one substance. They are coeternal, coequal, and copowerful. If any one of the three were removed, there would be no God.
Jesus, the Son, is one person with two natures: Divine and Human. This is called the Hypostatic Union. The Holy Spirit is also divine in nature and is self aware, the third person of the Trinity.
Therefore, the doctrine of the Trinity is arrived at by looking at the whole of scripture, not in a single verse. It is the doctrine that there is only one God, not three, and that the one God exists in three persons: Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. An analogy would be time. Time is past, present, and future. But, there are not three times, only one.
2007-10-01 02:03:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God has created, is running, and will destroy the Universe. God is the Origin and Destination of the Universe. God was, is, will be everywhere, God was never Created and will never die / be destroyed. God is beyond Life and Death. All religions of world teach human way to get close to God. You give your Best, God will give thy Best. Ask God for help and forgive, God will help and forgive you. Pray; Worship and Thank God for everything. Remember wherever there is Happiness in Life, there will be Sorrow. To get Happiness, you must master Sorrow. For Success in Life; Believe in Self and God, Learn from Past, Concentrate in Present, Plan for Future. Have control on, be the master of, not the slave of your body, senses, and mind. Purpose of this Life is to Gain and Share utmost Knowledge and Experience to differentiate and choose Right, Good, God against Wrong, Bad, Devil. Set your Desire level perfect or OK to be brave, no low to be coward, no high to be cruel. You have rights of Survival, Self Defence, and Freedom.
2007-10-02 03:30:03
answer #5
answered by Ravi Lohia 5
Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus say that God is triune and that he was God the Son, the second person of the trinity. Instead of saying God was made up of 3 persons, he said his Father, Jehovah, was the ONLY TRUE GOD! John 17:3; Ps. 83:18.
2007-10-01 04:57:47
answer #6
answered by LineDancer 7
there is 1 God! He is not 3 headed !
2007-10-01 02:14:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There is only one God and I worship Him.
2007-10-01 02:02:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
One God in three persons, not three Gods.
Your question borders on troll anyway.
2007-10-01 02:11:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Actually in Christianity what this is in reference to is in the Old Testament God was referred to as God the Father. God through the Prophets in the Old Testament foresaw Jesus Christ birth life and resurrection God the Son, He was also referred to as the The Son of Man because of the virgin birth to Mary the Divine. Jesus Christ came to earth according to scripture as God's sacrifice for man. In the Old Testament sacrifices were made in the blood of lambs and other livestock since Israel at the time was primarily a country of farmers. Also the number of livestock that a person had during that time was a sign of ones wealth or lack thereof. God at the time would accept only the best stock to be a sacrifice for mans sins and as I recall this would occur once a year. Also during this time only the High Priest could enter the Holies of Holies, or the inner sanctum of the temple where the sacrifices were accepted by God. There was an altar in the outer temple where the sacrifices was performed. To fast forward Jesus Christ served two purposes, one was as the fulfillment of the prophets in the Old Testament and to be the final sacrifice for the sins of man. He said that I will make a New Testament with you and I will interseed between you and my Father, eliminating the need for a High Priest. In the New Testament while Jesus was on the cross and breathed his last mortal breath a great earthquake occurred and the Shroud of the Temple was ripped asunder signifying the end of the division between God and Man. In the Old Testament the fall of Adam created this division, because in the Garden of Eden God said to Adam you may eat of any tree but do not eat of this tree, (referring to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), breaking the covenant between God and His creation. Man at that time ran around naked because that was God's original plan but when the covenant was broken man became ashamed of his nakedness before God and began to use coverings to hide his nakedness. Getting back to the crucifixion of Christ in the Bible He was crucified and then was resurrected in three days. He said that you (meaning man) will destroy this temple (his body) as they did with their blood sacrifices at the temple but He went on to say that I will rebuild this temple in three days. At the time people said to Him how can this be? After His death they took his body and entombed it and they rolled a huge stone covering the entry to the tomb. On the third day of His death Mary and a few of her immediate family went there to attend to his body but found the stone rolled away and where Christ once laid He was gone and the angel said to them "Why do you look for him here?" During the forty days after his resurrection he appeared to his disciples, needless to say they were stunned not believing that this was The Christ that died. In some passages Christ held out His hands and showed them the scars of his crucifixion so they would believe He was who He said He was. He also said when I go I will send an intercessor to be with you, He being the Holy Spirit. He said also when I go pray for the intercessor to come. After He ascended into heaven accompanied by the Arc Angel and the Heavenly Host they prayed for 120 days and the Bible said that a Spirit came upon them and they (meaning those who believed and prayed) and they began speaking in other tongues as the Spirit cave them utterance and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. In summary yes in one way God has three heads but in actuality the Bible said there is God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit (or Ghost). He also said that when I go I will be seated at the right hand of The Father, and where My Spirit is I am there also (meaning the Holy Spirit). To fast forward to the Book of Revelations it does speak of a time where He said to John the Revelator that My Spirit will not tarry with Man forever, for in My Fathers House there are many mansions and if this were not true I would not have told you. For I will prepare for you a place to live forever with Me and My Father forever and ever. He also said to John the Revelator that I will come as a thief in the night and snatch up my Bride before the coming Tribulation that is to come. I hoped this helped.
2007-10-01 03:20:54
answer #10
answered by Erica B 3
What a waste of your 5 points.......
There is ONE God......who eternally exists in 3 distinct Personalities:
Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
The 3 are distinct...yet...never inferior to one another.
2007-10-01 02:01:49
answer #11
answered by primoa1970 7