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11 answers

Science and technology provide knowledge and tools and these are incredibly useful - BUT - it takes humans to use them intelligently in order to have an effect.

Oh - there is the problem then - Bush sees the knowledge and the tools and ignores them saying it is someone elses problem!!!!

The US is the worlds largest polluter. China is catching up fast but they are taking action to build cleaner power stations and cars. Until Bush goes there is no hope for any sensible concerted effort against climate change!!!!!

Bush looks set to be named not just the worst US president but probably the worst the world has known!!!!!!

2007-09-30 17:20:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I think that the best it can do is to postpone the inevitable. We are already approaching the tipping point. Circumstances that many in the scientific community thought we would not see in our lifetime are occurring around us right now. With population growth and the development of Third World nations (China is praised for foreseeing the future, but is currently opening on the average a coal burning power station every two weeks - source NYT) This, while developed nations are carrying on lengthy debates on how to curtail global warming without hurting their own economic growth & quality of life. The most frightening thing about this is undertaking the most significant measures will require near global consensus which will conflict with current vested interests.
I doubt that the esentually 19th century political and economic framework upon which the world is constructed cannot cope with 21th and 22nd century crisis.

2007-09-30 17:37:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes. In fact science and technology are the only things that can save us.

To solve the problem we are going to need to move away from fossil fuels and towards nuclear fission and that means using technology we already have (but which some places stupidly ban) and some new technology to allow us to produce fuels for transportation without destroying the environment.

If we want to remove CO2 we're probably going to have to develop a technology to do it.

2007-09-30 21:22:28 · answer #3 · answered by bestonnet_00 7 · 0 0

Science and Technology sure is trying to save us and our planet in many ways. Only time will tell if the effort is enough to make a difference in time. It is difficult to know for sure what is going to happen, because we have never seen changes of this great magnitude in this age of recorded history. We can only make an intelligent guesstimate.

2007-09-30 18:30:10 · answer #4 · answered by endpov 7 · 0 0

Human effect on global warming is just a theory and a weak theory at that.
Cheap hydrocarbon fuels are running out quickly. Technology will provide an alternative in the next two or three decades or else we will return to caveman-style living. Either way, the theoretical 'man made global warming' problem will be resolved.
By the way... There are at least two (that i know of) simple, inexpensive ways to eliminate the excessive carbon dioxide that humankind has dumped into the atmosphere to date. The solutions are not technically difficult - just politically impossible.

2007-09-30 17:29:29 · answer #5 · answered by Craig L 1 · 1 3

have not got self belief something you study and basically a million/2 of what you spot. for sure, worldwide warming is authentic. The final Ice age has long gone away, has it no longer? So, we ought to have worldwide warming. Do people make contributions to worldwide warming? possibly some small volume, inspite of each little thing we are heat and we breath in oxygen and breath out CO2, we ought to be a piece of the difficulty. what's Al Gore going to do approximately it? Kill loads of people? forever that's what Socialists do while they take administration of a usa. Is that greater appropriate than destroying their economic equipment and inflicting thousands and thousands to starve to loss of life?

2016-11-06 21:53:30 · answer #6 · answered by monsalvatge 4 · 0 0

Certainly, the current structure is not in place, that structure, the evolved structure, can quickly overcome prodigious odds, this is not a far fetched thing-unfortunately-the social, or what we accept as the status quo- the small minded folks that drain their times in the fruitless attempt to live off of the producer. Shedding parasites is a chore. The useless will be discarded-people will rejoice in one Another, there will be no peace with that insanity, we will ovrecome.

2007-09-30 17:49:08 · answer #7 · answered by Admiral 4 · 2 0

Simple answer no.We have knowledge but no way to use it,at least not without the entire planet going along and that ain't happening.And my guess is after they have ruined everyone life and taxed us to death they will say it was never anything we were doing it was just the normal earth's cycle.Because the green house gases have always been here,even when we weren't so industrialized so how to fight that I can't imagine,and the scientists can't either.I am sorry but I am a skeptic on the subject.

2007-09-30 21:17:40 · answer #8 · answered by peppersham 7 · 1 1

Sure. Alternative energy can be developed and we can use technology to conserve energy. We can't stop global warming but we can slow it down enough to avoid disaster.

Here's a practical and affordable plan developed by hundreds of scientists and economists working together.


The only question is if we will start to implement it soon enough.

2007-09-30 18:23:05 · answer #9 · answered by Bob 7 · 2 2

NO most of the world's scientists agree that we cannot stop global warming. We would be lucky to slow it down. So the effort is futile.

2007-09-30 18:13:29 · answer #10 · answered by vladoviking 5 · 1 3