Because, when Adam and Eve were thought up the people who did so were too primitive to know that the world was much bigger than what they could immediately see.
Also, interestingly enough, it has been proven that Europeans stem from Africa (which means we were probably all 'dark skinned' at the start) and Asian(Chinese) are probably older and were more wide spread. I'm sure this horrendous blasphemy will get some thumbs down, then, perhaps I can join Newton and Galileo in hell.
2007-09-30 13:34:26
answer #1
answered by interested_party 4
As you readers of the answers can plainly observe, there is really no answer to the question.
This will for ever remain one of those questions, which will tax the human mind. It would be of less of a headache not to attempt to solve it. However for those whom will continue to question and ask why-how, may I submit.
There are some religious beliefs that start at Adam and Eve and their removal from the garden. At this point, various accounts from other then the Bible are considered to be of value explaining the various races. Some of the accounts may be read in the collections of writings know as the "aprocrapha" (spelling ?). In those accounts, the story of the War in Heaven, between the forces of good and evil are further amplified. Besides the Biblical accounts of the "Angle" which was kicked out of heaven, and his one third of the hosts of heaven, the story is also repeated in more detail in the "aprocrapha". The Angels which were kicked out of Heaven being of the nature and attitude that the "Great Dragon" was given a raw deal by the Supreme being, they joined with him located on the sphere we call Earth. They were not permitted inside of the Garden of Eden, however upon explusion from said place Adam and Eve fell under the further influence of the Dragon and his revolutionary Angels. They did their best to further lead Adam and Eve astray.
When Adam and Eve began to "multiply and fill the earth with Children, it attrached the attention of the fallen angels. In due time the youthful females became an object of attention to the fallen angels, there were reported in the stories, the young women being taken as wifes. The resultant child would then be a mixture of the fallen angel and the human female.
Those accounts go still further, and suggest that the genealogy of the ancient Greecian and associated cultures "Gods" were produced from these mixed spieces of humanity. There by proposing another suggestion as to the source of those different races.
Of course the question will come up, what about Noah his Ark and family members? A modern day potential answer to that question can be further considered in the "DNA" of the human being. Granted a lot of it has been researched, but in spite of all the research, give consideration to the varieties of births taking place.
Besides the various races, and their individual appearances, consider the "Little People" whom live among us. Need I add that there are numerous cases of extremly tall people, go back and look at many basket ball players. The medical society is complete with many different births.
Submitted the DNA we are all equipped with carries much more biological information and construction details then we are aware of.
This may not answer the question but perhaps for the thinking person we might be caused to stop and rethink things just a bit.
2007-09-30 22:13:49
answer #2
answered by quietgrandpaforchating 2
Because there was no Adam and Eve. Our genetic scientist discovered that the human race started with 150 to 300 people as the beginning genetic base not 2 people. And the 150 to 300 means that we were very close to extinction before we became what we are.
2007-09-30 20:34:39
answer #3
answered by Bobby K 3
That is what God stated in the bible that he will scatter the whole house of Israel (Jacob, not the country Israel) throughout the world and they will not be recognizable. Today God is gathering his sheep back together as we speak. We do not recognize any of the original tribes but only by who ever has ears to hear God's word are the lost people of Israel.
Why Jesus died For Us
He is our sacrificial lamb who shed his blood to cover your sins: past, present and future. If not he died at the cross in vain. He full filled (Luke 24: 44) and nailed the 10 commandments to the cross (Colossi ans 2:14). Christ did not die in vain (Galatians 2: 21). The spirit or the works of the law (Galatians 3: 2). Christ is the end of the law (Romans 10: 4). The law is our tutor no more (Galatians 3: 24 – 25). God will remember your sins no more (Hebrews 10:17). You are a sinner for life, there is nothing that you can do not to sin (1 john 1: 7 - 10). You can not go out into the world and do what ever you wish, just because Jesus covered your sins (Romans 6: 1 - 3). Hebrews 8: 7 – 13 (he wrote the laws into their hearts, so that you would know right from wrong.
If you have faith in Jesus and are obedient to God, then you are not under the 10 commandments.
If you do not believe in Jesus, then you are under the 10 commandments, now you need to bring your unblemished goat to the alter every year and sacrifice it to cover your sins but with Jesus, he is our new covenant.
You are justified by faith and not of your works
2007-09-30 20:30:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The first people were created on the sixth day, then God made Adam and Eve on the eighth day. Adam was the first of the reddy complextion race, and the first man to till the ground. And he and Eve were the first of the seedline in which Jesus Christ our savior came from. It's all in Genesis, but you have to keep all your ducks in a row when reading it, and following the subject.
2007-09-30 20:52:11
answer #5
answered by kujo 3
There are unanswered questions about Adam & Eve. Who did their children have children with? Aborigines people have different skeletal structures compared to European people, just compare facial bones. Thus far neither science or religion has the correct answer. Mankind still has a lot to learn.
2007-09-30 20:45:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There are only 3 or 4 races. White, Black, Yellow and possibly Melanesian. The others are sub divisions.
I suppose they originated from the various children Adam and Eve had, after they got expelled from paradise.
2007-09-30 20:38:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
--IN THEIR REPRODUCTIVE powers which include their genes etc. all types of varieties of people would indeed be produced, Please note the indication of how we are all related because we all have connection to our first parents , NO MATTER WHAT RACE WE ARE:
(Acts 17:26) “. . .And he made out of one [man](and one woman--my comment) every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men],”
(Genesis 1:28) “28Â Further, God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.””
*** si pp. 339-340 pars. 12-14 Study Number 10—The Bible—Authentic and True ***
***Races and Languages of Mankind.
In the book After Its Kind, Byron C. Nelson says: “It was man that was made, not the Negro, the Chinese, the European. Two human beings whom the Bible knows as Adam and Eve were created, out of whom by natural descent and variation have come all the varieties of men that are on the face of the earth. All races of men, regardless of color or size, are one natural species. They all think alike, feel alike, are alike in physical structure, readily intermarry, and are capable of reproducing others of the same character. All races are descended from two common ancestors who came full-formed from the hand of the Creator.” This is the testimony of Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:7, 20-23; 3:20; Acts 17:26; and Romans 5:12.
--13 As to the Bible’s account of the focal point from which the spreading of ancient languages began, the archaeologist Sir Henry Rawlinson said that “if we were to be thus guided by the mere intersection of linguistic paths, and independently of all reference to the scriptural record, we should still be led to fix on the plains of Shinar, as the focus from which the various lines had radiated.”—Gen. 11:1-9.
2007-09-30 21:45:06
answer #8
answered by THA 5
I'm a 16 year old Catholic girl and I've just recently been informed that the story of Adam and Eve probably isn't true. Everything in the Bible is religious truth, but not all of it is historical truth. You could probably read more about it online.
However, the first generation of people on earth mulitiplied over time. They then spread out over the world and developed different traits. For example: people who went to Africa developed more pigment in their skin to help protect it from the harsh sun.
Hope this helped!
2007-09-30 20:29:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most Righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
This Verse of the Glorious Qur’an indicates that the whole human race originated from a single pair of male and female. All humans have common great-grandparents and ancestors.
Further, Allah (swt) says that he has made nations and tribes, so that humans can recognize each other, and not so that they may despise each other and fight amongst themselves.
This verse also clarifies that the criteria for judgment in the sight of Allah (swt) does not depend on caste, colour, creed, gender or wealth, but on Taqwa - God consciousness, piety and righteousness. Anyone who is righteous, pious and God-conscious, is honoured in the sight of Allah (swt).
Further it is stated in the Glorious Qur’an in Surah Ar-Rum verse. 22, that:
‘And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages, and your colours: Verily in that are signs for those who know.’
These variations in colour and language are not for the purpose of creating animosity or differences between groups of humans. Every language on earth has its own beauty and significance.
A foreign language may sound strange and funny to you, but it sounds sweet to those for whom it is the mother tongue.
Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an, in Surah Israa, Ch. 17, Verse 70:
‘We have honoured the sons of Adam’
Allah does not say that He has honoured only the Arabs or the Americans or a particular race. He states that He has honoured all the children of Adam, irrespective of race, caste, colour, creed or gender.
While there are many religions that believe that humankind originated from a single pair - Adam and Eve (peace be upon them), there some faiths that say, that it is because of the sin of the woman (Eve - may Allah be pleased with her) that the humans are born in sin. They blame only on the woman, which is Eve, for the downfall of human beings.
The Qur’an speaks about the story of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) in several chapters, but in all the places, the blame is placed equally on both -Adam and Eve (peace be upon them).
According to Surah Araf, Ch. 7 : Verses 19 to 27 Both of them disobeyed Allah (swt), both of them repented, and both were forgiven.
Both are equally blamed for the mistake. There is not a single verse in the Glorious Qur’an, which puts the blame only on Eve (may Allah be pleased with her).
2007-09-30 20:54:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous