If you want to go to Hell, then convert to Islam.
The Koran teaches that Jesus was never crucified on the Cross. If He was never crucified, then He could not have died for mine and your sins.
Thus, the Koran is in direct conflict with the foundation of Christianity and must be considered to be a false religion.
Quran says:
3/54 They plotted and schemed, but so did GOD, and GOD is the best schemer.
3/55 Thus, GOD said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you, then I will judge among you regarding your disputes.
4/157 And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of GOD. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.
It is not enough to believe in Heaven or Hell, but you must be "born again". Meaning, you must ask Jesus to be your savior from you sins.
If the Koran is a false doctrine, then Allah is the false God of Islam. Praying to Allah is the same as praying to Baal.
Jesus is the only way.
2007-09-30 13:00:45
answer #1
answered by Christmas Light Guy 7
Islam came to renew the Jewish and Christian faith.
You cant be a Muslim if you don't believe in Judaism, Christianity, Jesus, Moses, Ibrahim, the and the true Bible.
Visit a Mosque, and talk to Muslims, both born and converts.
That's the best way for you to be able to answer your own question.
Call the Saudi Embassy and they shall send to you, free of charge, the translation of the meaning of the Quran
By the way... There are 7 Groups of people that are shaded by GOD, when their is no shade other than his (Day of Judgment). One of those groups, are those that youngsters that grew up adhering to GODS words.
Perhaps i can pray that i was one of them.. while you have a chance to be one of them! Lucky You! mash-ALLAH!
May GOD bless you
2007-10-01 09:43:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not to downplay your question but keep things in perspective. You are 15. That's it. Stay where you are for now. We are basically living toward the same goal with the exxception of some far out there issues in every religion. You need to take some time, examine if you are just bored with Christian principles, and educate, educate, educate yourself with facts on exactly what every religion stands for and if it's truely in your heart. Once again though, not at 15. When you are legally an adult, you can take into consideration what you have learned and the impact on your family and possibly future spouse and children and make an "educated" decision. Unfortunately every website on religion or psuedo-religion is trying to sell you, be it Islam or Scientology or good old fashioned Roman Catholics!!!!! If you are suffering from boredom try different areas of Christianity. Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, if your mom will let you. Perhaps it's just a bland pastor, not the religion itself. In the meantime, treat others the way you want to be treated and do a lot of unbiased reading.
2007-09-30 13:07:19
answer #3
answered by Cash 5
You are not searching for the truth my friend, you wanna convert because of scary of Hell. Religion is not only heaven or hell. and it is not enough to be nominal muslim, islam is complete scheme of our life. Its not true that we say all of the muslims or all of the christians will going to heaven certainty.
Research for it and making a decision with courage.
2007-10-02 03:45:53
answer #4
answered by reza EZRAEIL 1
In the very early days of religion denoting devotion to our Lord, the Jews called him Yahweh. Abraham, Elijah, Moses etc were some of his key prophets. None said that in order to get to heaven you need to be a Jew, if not you go to hell. Rather, the main theme was the ten Commandments, open to all. When Jesus was preaching, he did not say become a christian to get to heaven. He said love others as you love yourselves, be your brothers keeper, care for one another and yes, follow the ten commandments because they are good rules. Now we have Mohammed, who looks at Jews and Christians and recognizes that their god is one in the same and he also believes in this god. However, his people are pagan and worship many gods and idols. He goes on a jihad (or holy war) of conversion to convince his people there is only one true god. It is the same god of Abraham and Jesus, but unlike the others before him, he codifies a complex set of rules overseeing every aspect of Muslim life. He extolls the virtues of a good Muslim and promises great rewards in Paradise, converting many to Islam. Those who were not as eager were put to the sword and used as examples to convince others to convert.
All 3 religions have basically the same beliefs in the same god, the virtues and the sins of humanity. All 3 are organized and over the centuries claim special favor with the Lord. 2 have stopped promoting violence as a justifiable means to an end, guess which one did not.
A long time ago I heard an argument about which was the right religion to get to heaven. The answer was it did not matter as long as you held God in your heart and your head and you lived your life according to his wishes and there is no violence in what he wants.
2007-09-30 13:51:00
answer #5
answered by liorio1 4
Just learn as much as you can, and appreciate all that's out there.
Go to services if you want. . . true houses of God are open to all. . .believers and non believers alike.
I'd stay away from ceremonious conversions for the moment. Wait until you're 18, and then it won't matter what you tell your parents, friends, etc.
Besides, Islam is something that's either in your heart or it isn't. . .it's got nothing to do with conversion.
Good luck, friend!
2007-09-30 13:42:09
answer #6
answered by Fourth Line 5
Islam is the right one.
God is the same like Allah. Just it's Allah is the name of the only God.
In Islam we pray only for God. Muhamed is his prophet and messenger for humans. Our holy book is Quraan and it's giving details about many things that you can't find in other books. Islam is a religion of mercy, forgiveness, and love. Islam encourage love but the organized love within rules. To be a Muslim is easy. Just you have to believe and say that there is no other God but Allah and Muhamed is his slave and messenger.
After that you continue the 5 pillars of Islam.
1- You already did (above)
2- Pray
3- Zakah
4- Fast the month of Ramadan
5- Pilgrimage to mekka (for the one who can do it)
Welcome for our future sister in Islam
2007-09-30 15:17:48
answer #7
answered by Wise Heart 7
Go out and do some study. Go along to a mosque and talk to a practising Muslium about the faith, ideals and practises. Do some deeper study into what both faiths are about. You don't have to convert to do some study and it's better if you find out about both, before you change faith.
After you've decided what you are going to do, have a sit down and talk to your mum, she might surprise you with her thoughts.
And you should be able to get a copy of the Koran from any public library.
2007-09-30 13:16:37
answer #8
answered by szekley 2
Welcome sister .. I'm really amazed to see someone in your age searching for the truth ..let me admit that ..Firstly,i want to say that islam is a Deen (religion) but not a man's opinion. Lastly, if you take it, you certainly will be on the safe side. If you want to follow reason, reason has a lot of defects and sometimes we cannot draw the line to know who is sane and who is insane. Sometimes you cannot know which is which. if you really love God and His Messenger Jesus, you will follow lslam and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them.Break this barrier inside you and come back to the way of your ancestors. Be strong enough to accept lslam as the Truth, without any hesitation on your part and you will taste real freedom and real happiness that you have never tasted before,Just ask Allah to give you the power and the patience to take this step . Neither Muhammad nor Jesus came to change the basic doctrine of the belief in One God(GOD is the One and Only True GOD, and the Creator of all. He does not beget nor is He begotten. He is unlike His creation in every respect. He is the All-knowing, The Powerful, The Merciful, The Irresistible, and The King of kings.)brought by earlier prophets but to confirm and renew it.nevertheless The Christians of today are following what Paul taught and also tend to follow what the priests tell them to do instead of following what Jesus said.In the Qur'an Jesus is reported as saying that he came:
"To attest the law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was forbiden you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me." (3:50) The Prophet Muhammad said:
"Whoever believes there is no god but Allah"the proper name of God", alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is the servant and messenger of God, His word breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven. "
Dear sister On Judgement Day, no one will be able to help you, not even your father, mother or any of your friends (see Qur'an 31:33). So, if you believe that lslam is the True religion, you should embrace it and live your life to please the One Who created you. Do not delay your coming to lslam. If you die before becoming a Muslimah, then it's too late (see Qur'an 2:132, 3:102, 3:85). So grab this opportunity now. You can only remedy this pain inside you by becoming a Muslimah,and don't forget that when someone embraces Islam sincerely, Allah forgives all of his past sins. Certainly,the ultimate goal of every individual is to be in Paradise forever. This reward of Paradise is too great to not have a price. That price is true faith, which is proven obedience to Allah and following the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). THIS IS THE ROAD TO PARADISE.
may Allah forgive us, guide us towards the straight path, protect us from the wisphers of the shaytan,make us amognst
those who receive their books with the right hand, may he also grant us a place in Jannah and make us amongst
the companions of the prophet (PBUH). Ameen ya Rabb
In the Qur'an, every soul is responsible for its own deeds, good or bad (see 74:38,41:46, 3:25, 6:154). you'll never leave this world as you were born,save for the worth of your book of deeds.
salamu alaykom
2007-10-01 16:06:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The first answerer (EnviroDude) gave some good information. I have studied some of the world religions in college. Christianity makes sense for me. The Bible is correct in what it says about science... in the beginning, God created... this states a time. Science would say it is about 13.5 billion years ago. So this is reliable. The Bible says life is in the blood. This was discovered I believe in the 1800's. The Bible is also accurate in history, according to secular history books. So since it is accurate in these things, it follows it is in theology. If the Bible weren't accurate in any of these things, it couldn't be reliable in theology. I would challenge you to study then, and look exactly what the holy books say with what you know is true. You have to make the choice. I recommend a relationship with Jesus, as a Christian.
2007-09-30 13:13:30
answer #10
answered by RB 7
I think religion often has a lot to do with a person's nationality and think it's kinda bizarre that you just pick a religion like that. It seems so random. I would understand if your husband was from the middle east or your parents were of that religion, but you don't seem to be wanting this religion for good intelligent real reasons.
You seem naive. Also, people who are from a country where that is their religion there are so many religious practices that are instilled in them in their culture and country. For example, Sudan or Iran. You could convert to that religion, but you wouldn't be like a Muslim person from Sudan. You'd be almost foolish looking practicing things your own way or doing some things but not all and you wouldn't dress in their attire.
It seems hard to do and odd.
2007-09-30 13:07:14
answer #11
answered by Anonymous