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Summer of 2007 was very hot and dry. Almost all of the scientists agree that the reason is global warming. If you examine the temperature statistics, although they are not very close to the North Pole, countries like Germany and England are not effected much by the global warming as much as Turkey. Explain the reason for that.

2007-09-30 04:03:32 · 4 answers · asked by uzunhdefendi 1 in Environment Global Warming

4 answers

It's not the polar regions that are most affected by global warming. In fact, some parts of Antarctica have cooled slightly over the last few decades (as have some spots in the Pacific and parts of central South America).

As a rough rule of thumb, it's the colder areas that have the greatest potential to be affected by rising temperatures (simply because they're cold) but it's the hotter areas that face the greatest risk from the negative consequences of climate change, largely because existence there is already marginal.

It's not just Turkey that has been very hot and dry this year - much of southern and eastern Europe has been affected by devastating heatwaves that have claimed many lives, although fortunately nothing like the scale of four years ago.

England has been on the receiving end of adverse weather for some years now. The worst flooding in recorded history occurred in June this year, less than a month later and the country was struck by even worse flooding. These were just two instances in a long line of recent flooding events that have affected almost every part of the country. Add to that the heatwaves, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts etc that have all happened in the last few years and it's very apparent that the climate over Britian is changing.

Germany too has witnessed similar events including devastating flooding and extreme temperatures. Such events were once comparatively uncommon, in recent times they've been occurring at less than 12 month intervals.

In some respects it's very difficult to predict how climate change is going to affect a particular region or country as there are so many factors involved, in other respects it's very easy. Climate is like weather, it's dictated by many variables including latitude, altitude, proximity to mountain ranges, proximity to the seas and oceans, surrounding land masses, prevailing winds etc.

2007-09-30 11:46:41 · answer #1 · answered by Trevor 7 · 0 1

It is truthfully a aid. If residing house is constructed one on most sensible of the opposite then there may be extra land left to develop vegetation to feed all the ones men and women. All structures that prime are made from concrete and metal, now not picket. So they don't cut back complete forests to construct them. Forests are a useful resource that would aid mitigate international warming. But additionally it is a signal of populace progress, too; which does not aid the atmosphere. Would you as a substitute have a tall constructing made from stone and metal, or 1000's of picket framed residences cluttering the panorama? Take a appear on the pics within the hyperlinks and inform me that's greater, a highrise constructing or city sprawl?

2016-09-05 12:16:09 · answer #2 · answered by kryst 4 · 0 0

Those countries are further north, so they will be less cold and less hot. They will also benefit from a longer growing season. Turkey is rarely cold.

2007-09-30 04:23:11 · answer #3 · answered by Eric W 2 · 0 0

turkey doesn't have enough "believers" so they need to increase the propoganda there.

people in the uk and germany, for the most part, are more gullible and don't need the extra "evidence"

2007-09-30 04:32:45 · answer #4 · answered by afratta437 5 · 1 3