Anything made with wheat, rye, or barley should be avoided. ALWAYS look on the back of the labels when you buy food. Instant oatmeal can have gluten in it, depending on the brand. My grandfather, mother, and brother all have gluten intolerance, and we've been trying many different ways to bake gluten-free. If you are baking gluten-free, putting unsweetened yogurt in can make it much softer. I hope it turns out your son isn't gluten intolerance. If he does, try going to a health food store. They should have cookies, cake mixes, pancake mixes, pasta, and all sorts of other gluten-free stuff. Also, many restaraunts have gluten-free menus.
2007-09-30 11:44:15
answer #1
answered by Kechones 2
I once had a friend who ate gluten not knowing that he was allegergic to it. It was causing him huge problems from a terrible personality to extreme stress and phychic breaks where we had to take him to the mental health clinic. Years later, after much misery, he found out he was gluten intolerant. Getting off gluten took away most of the stress, all of the weird, painful psychological dramas and he feels wonderful and acts normal these days and finds life a joy. What a joy for us, his friends. And isn't it amazing that it was it was just something he was eating that he was allergic to that caused so very many terrible problems.
So, if your son is gluten intolerant, you have to go to a health foods store, or somewhere, and get "gluten free bread", and probably try several kinds to find something he likes. Likewise, everything has to be gluten free: cereals, cookies, pie crusts, cakes, everything, which means reading all ingredients of all foods, even condiments I guess. It might be hard at first, but when you learn it, it will be much easier. My allergy is to milk, and if i take "lactose" pills its ok, otherwise my face breaks out and my eyelids especially. Wierd, but I had all the expensive tests that showed nothing, and finally I eliminated milk, and wow, no more symptoms.
He could have a lot worse he has to make a gratitude list, every day if he will, for what he is grateful for to remind him that it's not all bad. For one thing, he has a great mom who cares about him. That is a gift and a blessing and not everyone has that. Better now than at 14, that's what I think. Good luck to you all. Jay
2007-09-29 22:48:37
answer #2
answered by Jay 2
So sorry about that. Gluten intolerant has to do with foods made from grains especially wheat. Meanwhile just watch his diet like when he eats certain foods made from grains see his reaction as per each food item then you will know what gives him a reaction and you can remove it from his diet.
Wishing you the best and your son is alright don't worry too much about it as it is just a reaction to certain foods so it is not life threatening and you can all live with it, it basically means avoiding certain foods in your home. Will pray for him.
All the best
African Galore
See the links below for more info
2007-09-29 21:28:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have had a massive fight with colitis which was mainly hypersensitivity/allergy induced... Gluten was a big one for me along with all the other good foods in life. I had to go on a rice chicken and vegetable diet for a year, and I'm just starting to eat "normal" american food. The big helper for me that broke the "bad digestion" thresehold was probiotics and digestive enzymes... A year and a half after the initial start of my bowel problems I can eat gluten with ease. As for probiotics take a high dose for about a month or two to reculture the bowel, it will be expensive but you'll feel the effect in a day. I take VSL #3 and it works like a charm. As for digestive enzymes, take a multi enzyme with every meal and with every snack you eat. After a few months of that just switch to bromelin and papin (proteylic enzmyes) to aid your protein digestion. Ultimately its proteins you want to be digested 100% cause thats whats gonna cause the allergic reaction with bloating nausea and diarehha. I hope this helps, I know exactly how you feel.
2016-04-06 07:55:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are 2 conditions you may be talking about, wheat allergy and gluten intolerance or coeliac disease.
Gluten is basically found in wheat an wheat products. If he proves to have gluten enteropathy or coeliac, he will be referred to a specialised dietitian. He will also be eligible to receive gluten free products on prescription. These include, bread, flour, pasta, biscuits and cakes etc.
2007-09-29 22:09:55
answer #5
answered by Dr Frank 7
Anything with wheat or "normal" flour in it. Pasta, pastry, cereals, bread, biscuits,oats and cakes are out, although you can buy "gluten" free versions of some of these products and I believe gluten free flour. You will have to check all packaging because a lot of processed food has cornflour in it as a thickener.
2007-09-29 21:11:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My mom is guten intolerant. She avoids all kinds of wheat products. You will have to read labels as some products have gluten in its ingredients.
All she can eat from cereals are: rice, oatmeal and corn.
Hope he´s not intolerant, good luck.
2007-09-29 21:04:54
answer #7
answered by zarabanda77 2
I just did a yahoo search on gluten intolerance and it brought up 861,000 sites of information on it. You can probably find what you may need on one of those. Web MD is a good site for lay people (non medical people).
2007-09-29 21:09:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
lots of things! and he got this from either you or dad. its hereditory (sp??) i know a family who have 5 sons, 4 of them are gluten intolerant and 1 thinks he isnt but hes too scared to take the tests...... you will need to buy everything gluten free... anything gluten will give him terrible pains in the stomach and make him sick.... bread needs to be gluten free, flour, if you make home made biscuits or cakes they need to be gluten free. it will be a pain in the bum for you in the short-term because you will need to check every single item you are making for him but give it some time and it wil lbecome habit!!
2007-09-29 21:08:55
answer #9
answered by **Jemma** 2
if he is gluten intolerant and you live near an asda supermarket they have lists of all the products they sell that are gluten free at the customer service desk. they will happily photocopy it and give you it free of charge.
2007-09-30 06:50:42
answer #10
answered by charlieb 2