Treadmills are a perfectly acceptable way to train. Once upon a time, running snobs would scoff at anyone who admitted to using a treadmill. However, more and more, coaches are now beginning to acknowledge the positive aspects of using one. For example...
1) Convenience. It may not always be possible to train outdoors due to weather, schedule conflicts, etc. The treadmill allows plenty of flexibility.
2) Control and Feedback. Today's better treadmills are generally equipped with a slew of pre-programmed training options from hills, to intervals, to heart-rate programs, etc. Many are also equipped with heart-rate monitors to give you more direct feedback on your effort level and performance.
3) Safety and Comfort. True, the treadmill can spit you off the back if you don't watch what you're doing. But this is likely to hurt much less than being hit by a bus while switching tunes on your iPod. Let's face it, the streets can be dangerous at certain times. Not so with the treadmill. In addition, better treadmills are equipped with shock absorbing technologies, and will often be easier on your legs and knees than running on asphalt.
Despite some of the conveniences, it's important to note that there are differences between running on a treadmill and running outdoors. While running outdoors, you have to contend with environmental factors such as wind, glare from the sun, bugs, heat, etc. In rare instances, these can help you, but more often than not they are distractions which reduce performance and challenge your concentration. It's important to train with these distractions if you're going to be able to manage them in race conditions.
Running on a treadmill also requires slightly less effort than running outdoors. On the treadmill, you need only keep up with the belt. The machine sets the pace and you just have to keep "jumping" while the belt moves beneath you. Outdoors, you need to set your own pace, as well as work harder to overcome the breaking force of your heal strike. To simulate running outdoors, I like to use a modest 1% incline when running on the treadmill. It doesn't feel like you're running uphill, yet it forces you to work a little harder at equivalent speeds.
So, by all means, keep using that treadmill. However, if you plan to race outdoors, be sure to also train outdoors when possible for best performance on race day.
Good Luck!
2007-09-29 16:17:21
answer #1
answered by Marcus75 3
If the tread mill breaks down, it will cost a bundle to get a new one. So it is best to use a good one at a health club or buy a good one to begin with.
On the positive side, you can run without subjecting yourself to auto fumes or dangerous traffic. Also, a good treadmill will somewhat cushion your knees. A good eliptical machine or arc trainer will do this even better.
2007-09-29 14:11:18
answer #2
answered by Zelda Hunter 7
No, you are doing just fine at this stage. Your technique of increasing your speed, then dropping down for a period of time is called "interval training" and will burn more calories than just walking on the treadmill for the hour. The goal here is to progress when you can, meaning running faster for those "intervals" and then going back to a walk. The fact you are doing this for an hour is good, as your body needs to exercise for at least 30 minutes to delve into fat stores. Also remember to do this on an empty stomach to aid this process, and eat an hour afterward. On eating: Consume small meals consisting of lean protein and vegetables. Cut out all sugar, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Read the book, "Enter the Zone" for this in greater detail, if you wish. Your blood "thickness" is the reason for the coumadin, so eat the vegetables allowed, for now. Also try to eat fish (for the omega 3 fatty acids) and Vitamin E as this will help thin the blood. Cut out all diet soda for now. For some people, they react to the aspartame just the way they do sugar. As time goes on, experiment with "Pepsi Zero" instead, and see if you tolerate the splenda better than the aspartame. Your low calorie diet must seem maddening, the Zone will help with this. You feel less hungry when you eat the right things. Also, do a workout with weights to increase muscle mass, which burns fat. Do not worry about being "bulky" as muscle slims, fat is what makes a person bulky. Continue with your program, because you are almost where you need to be. As your shape improves, you will start burning fat faster. Also, the exercise will likely improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate. Talk to the Dr at regular intervals and see if you can decrease your coumadin intake, as this should also improve in time. Eventually, you might be able to stop it's use altogether if the Dr. oks it.
2016-04-06 07:31:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A tread mill will spit you off the back if you slow down. I never liked treadmills. I prefer being outside on trails, even streets.
2007-09-29 14:29:21
answer #4
answered by Robert L 7
Jogging indoor on a treadmill is similar to running outside.
I have been training for marathons for years with treadmill, with 20 marathons completed thus far.
To me, the mechanics of running on a treadmill and running outside is very similar. I like treadmill much better because it gives me a very controlled environment - flat smooth surface, a pace and elevation I have control at the tip of my finger, cooler and controlled temperature, as well as gentler on knees and foot. For beginner, treadmill help teach you to pace yourself and help you increase your training as time goes along. Treadmill is a great way to train both for beginners as well as veterans.
The problem with treadmill is that it is artificial. The incline tend to be lower, so you have to switch the incline to at least 1 degree to simulate the actual road condition, depending on the treadmill. In addition, the speed may not be very accurate. Running indoor also takes away the psychological training in running outside -- it is boring, it is solitary (so you are not used to having people around you and possibly bumping into you or cut you off, etc), and it is controlled (so you will not be used to the sun and the wind and the rain and all other factors that usually affect the outside running)
2007-09-29 19:03:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
dont u want fresh air?
tread mills are hard on ur feet
2007-09-29 14:49:06
answer #6
answered by brownboy 6
I would so pick treadmill any day!
2007-09-29 15:42:04
answer #7
answered by ChuckDeucez 6