Jesus very clearly taught us that His kingdom is not of this
world nor are His people; John 17:14-16, Jesus says,
"I have given them thy word; and the WORLD hath hated
as I AM NOT OF THE WORLD. I pray not that thou shouldest
take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them
Jesus repeated himself, and when He did so, it was very
important for us to take note of what He had just said; "They
are not of the world, even as I am not of the world".
America is a blessed nation, but it is not His kingdom!
America is an earthly kingdom and if divided, it will fall, but
God will protect His own for the gates of hell shall not prevail
against them.
Don't let what the wicked say against your question trouble
you. Know that ALL THESE THINGS were put into motion
by the ONE, who controls the very turning of the earth itself,
and He knows the outcome, so don't fear what man can do
to you!!! Rejoice and lookup, for our redemption draweth
2007-09-29 09:19:59
answer #1
answered by DISCIPLE 2
? 11 of the 13 founding fathers were not Christian, several despised the religion. Most were deists. How was this religion founded upon Christianity. You are in true peril if you believe in Christian dogma, as you worship one of the most twisted Gods to ever come out of the human mind. Believe what you want, but leave others alone.
2007-09-29 08:55:27
answer #2
answered by Jett 4
I definately think that this is true. Many people start to worship false gods unknowingly, and don't realize it for a long time. I also think that we break that command by making money, power, success, and other things like this our "god". A lot of us spend our whole lives trying to get enough money to retire early, or work overtime so we can be the most successful one in the office. We get so caught up in these worldly things that we forget that God should be the only thing that REALLY matters.
2007-09-29 09:07:31
answer #3
answered by white girl 2
Founded on god? Almost all of the founders were all deists and John Adams was an atheist. They definitely weren't Christians. We're already in true peril because of people like you.
2007-09-29 08:56:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Have you ever heard of freedom of religion?
I guess not. If someone tries to force their God upon you (like many CHRISTIANS do) then simply say you are not interested.
Did you know that democracy was founded on PAGAN values in ancient Greece?
Obviously not. Learn what you speak of.
2007-09-29 09:00:20
answer #5
answered by iColorz 4
I frequently hear Christians claim that the United States is a Christian nation, or that the Founding Fathers intended us to be a Christian nation. When they bother to offer evidence it's usually some McCarthy-era addition to our pledge or our money, or some quote (often bogus) from a speech or a letter by one of the Founding Fathers.
Think about this for a second: If you were starting a Christian nation, how would you go about it? Would you make oblique references to "Great Powers" and "Guiding Hands" in obscure speeches and letters, or would you fill your foundational documents with references to Jesus Christ and the Bible?
The Founding Fathers were brilliant men. They spent months and months working on the Constitution. They were very, very careful about what they wrote, discussing and debating every passage at great length. It seems to me that if they had intended this to be a Christian nation they would have said so somewhere in the Constitution. The Founding Fathers had no reason to be vague. There was no ACLU, no "Activist judges." If they had wanted a Christian Nation they could have written:
God Almighty, in Order to form a true Christian Nation, establish Divine Justice, insure adherence to His Laws, provide for the defense of His Church, promote His Word, and secure His Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, has led us to ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Instead they wrote:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The words "Jesus" "Christ" "Bible" "God" and even "Creator" appear nowhere in the Constitution ("Endowed by their Creator" is in the Declaration of Independence.) Just how stupid would someone have to be to create a Christian nation then forget to mention Christ in the Constitution?
Also notice that nobody ever asks what the Founding Mothers might have said. There were no Founding Mothers. The Founders were all men; White men, many of them slave owners. White male slave owners who may or may not have been Christians, but explicitly forbade any kind of religious test for office. In other words, you have a far stronger case if you'd like to argue that the Founding Fathers intended us to be a racist and sexist nation.
I think you can make a good case that some or even most of the Founding Fathers were Christians, but it's absurd to think that they wanted to impose that belief on the nation, and even more absurd to imagine we should be bound by their prejudices.
2007-09-29 08:56:27
answer #6
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
i'm pretty sure they are practicing their own religious freedoms. the country wasnt founded on god. this nation was founded on the belief that everybody has the freedom to beleive and practice as they want so long as they dont infringe on other peoples beliefs.
2007-09-29 09:00:34
answer #7
answered by god_of_the_accursed 6
We in America exercise freedom of religion, so of course, not everyone in America follows the Ten Commandments.
2007-09-29 08:55:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The US was founded only on secular principles (read the Treaty of Tripoly for easy evidence), and your question is incoherent, since you are asking about "other" gods and you believe there is only one god.
2007-09-29 09:00:14
answer #9
answered by neil s 7
Pardon me but exactly who is this "we" that are taking away our religious freedoms? And what false gods are "they" forcing upon us? Your brief (thank God) rant is meaningless without those informative references. I'd really like to know so if you truly have answers to those questions please feel free to email me at;
2007-09-29 09:00:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous