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Hope Solo had a right to be angry!! She was just stating that she thought she could of made those saves. I as a starting goalkeeper have been unfairly benched b4. You feel so terrible when they let in easy shots!! Granted, she didn't have to publicize it, but the media was more then likely pumping her 4 info!! She even went back and apologized and said that she didn't mean to put Scurry down. WHat was she supposed to do, say oh, I would of made a stupid mistake too because I'm a starting keeper? I think it's also kinda rash that her team had to go and tell the whole world she was wrong and they won't let her even come to the game!!! I just wanna see Scurry let in a bunch of goals or get hurt or something and they'll have to put a player in the goal!!

Can I have your opinion?

2007-09-29 07:58:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football Women's Football

19 answers

I love what Hope has done, spoken out about what she thinks is right. I applaud her and she is my sports hero. I am tired of people just covering their asses in this world and not speaking from the heart. I hope I have a daughter like Hope one day, who is beautiful, excellent, and knows what she is all about and not afraid to let people know about it. Shame on Coach Ryan for blowing the World cup for United States Women's soccer and messing with hope's dreams, likely for dubious and illegitimate reasons.

2007-09-30 17:58:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hope Solo was 100% accurate in the comments she made. The fact that she didn't play the semifinal against Brazil was the reason they lost.

The first goal was 100% goaly error. Scurry should have called off all the defenders and made an easy save, but that didn't happen. The second goal should have been saved also. The shot by Marta was struck well but was shot on the SHORT side of the net. Scurry got a hand on the ball but let it in. A great goalkeeper like Hope would have made that save. The other two goals were "garbage goals", in which Brazil struck when the US was pushing forward to score in the second half. The US got behind on the first two goals and this set the tone for the entire game.

The USA coach Ryan is a sneak. He purposely removed one of the world's best goalies before the world cup semifinal, and then he claimed that Scurry didn't play poorly. Now that the world cup is finished, he is stating he made the wrong decision in order to save his job. He also turned Hope's statements into a HOPE vs. TEAM situation, when he should have immediately apologized and become a mediator to resolve the situation. Ryan doesn't even have the dignity to step down after the US got blown out by Brazil 4-0 in that semifinal game.

Lilly played a big part of getting Hope kicked out for the third place game, mainly because she's played with Scurry for a long time and they are friends. Unfortunately, this friendship makes it impossible for her to view the situation objectively.

So there you have it. This is why it doesn't pay to be honest. If you are truthful, usually someone will be offended and you will be portrayed as being selfish. This case is similar to workplace politics. Your boss (Ryan, in this case) doesn't care to hear that he is inept, and the more this is true the less he wants to hear it. Additionally, your co-workers will always support their friends at the workplace (Lilly supporting Scurry, in this case), no matter how bad their friends are performing. Thus, as an individual you get the respect of your peers, but the bottom line is your peers will leave you "hanging out to dry". They will not verbally support you (even if they agree) because they don't want to jeopardize their own individual situation (Hope's teammates, in this case).

2007-10-01 10:49:25 · answer #2 · answered by ZO 2 · 1 0

Solo had a right to be angry, but the first rule of TEAMWORK is to not criticize your teammates publicly. And don't blame the media. Solo could have walked away from the mic. She's 25 years old, not a teenager. Ryan's decision to start Scurry in the semis was a joke, but Solo should have taken him to task privately.

As for wishing more ill on Scurry, you're way off base. She's the reason the US won the World Cup in '99, blocking the PK during the shootout against China. Her save on one of China's best shooters set up Brandi Chastain's winning goal.

I was a goalkeeper too, by the way, and was put in Scurry's position once. It's a horrendous situation. But the backup is the last person who should ever be blamed. That demoralizes the entire team.

2007-09-29 09:42:14 · answer #3 · answered by Karen 1 · 6 0

Hope Solo has a right to be upset but one thing I can't stand is someone who will openly criticize her teammate..from what Kristine Lilly said in an interview that I read online is that the coach and the team decided that Briana Scurry should start..was it the right decision? No not in my opinion but dont be bitter about..she acts as if its the first time that a great player has been benched..in case she didnt know it happens all the time whether you're playing well or not..looks like they decided to go with the more experienced player and unfortunately it backfired

2007-09-29 19:21:27 · answer #4 · answered by beautyful_brown_eyez 5 · 2 0

In the US constitution, the first amendment gives us the right to FREE AND UNPROTECTED SPEECH!!! Hello?!?!?! Athletes sound off all the time and get unpunished. I do think that it's a little odd that US forward Abby Wambach said, regarding Solo's comments, that "...this is uncharted waters for us." This says to me that no one is allowed to speak out period. Whether she was right or wrong, she should have vented in the locker room and maybe she could have had some kinder words to say. I think that she still has a future with the team.

The comments of Hope Solo are fruit from the poisonous tree. It's one bad decision followed by another.

2007-09-29 11:22:19 · answer #5 · answered by Gibbs 2 · 4 0

Most assuredly you are correct. I talked to my high school soccer coach and he said it was possibly a psychological thing. Kinda like you prepare for One goalie and you get the other. he disagreed with the move and said it was stupid.

What I also don't agree with is her dismissal from the team. That was a rallying point? They played more aggressive? GOOD GOD. You are in the Women's World cup, for Christ's sakes. You play aggressive for 90 minutes. You leave it on the field. if you aren't giving it all, then go home.

i'm not a soccer fan by a long shot, but, when i heard this, my blood boiled.

As the saying goes

HO HO HO, That coach has got to go.

2007-10-01 07:33:50 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Cellophane 6 · 1 0

I agree completely. She did nothing wrong, her coach is probably the worst in history, he needs to go. I can say without hesitation that I will not watch another U.S. women's national team match until and unless Hope Solo is back on the team. If I had my way, Greg Ryan would issue a public apology to both Hope Solo and to the American soccer fans for being such an idiot.

2007-09-29 18:08:40 · answer #7 · answered by nighthawk892005 3 · 1 2

Ryan should be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scurry was great in her day. But, time has gone by. She is 36 years old.

Maybe Coach Greg Ryan thinks that Joe Montana and Dan Marino should start for the 49ers and Dolphins this weekend.

Ryan made one of the most ridiculous decisions in sports history.

If he truly supported Scurry, why didn't he let her play all of the games over the past several months?

2007-09-29 08:27:51 · answer #8 · answered by Duminos 2 · 3 2

How dare you wish for another player to be hurt. US Womens soccer has such a storied history of victories because Scurry has been such an incredible goalie!!!

I love Hope and was puzzled by the switch but it was unsportsmanlike to speak out against her coach and teammate in the middle of a tournament. All my best wishes to the ladies, and Bri, on Sunday morning. I'll be watching!

2007-09-29 08:05:13 · answer #9 · answered by jjmlucky13 3 · 4 2

Solo was right, the coach was wrong. It's as simple as that! I support her remarks and am tired of all these politically correct people who say she was out of bounds. The hell with them. You play to win the game! Solo gave he USA the best chance to do so. Those that can't see that are blind to the truth. Not only did the USA not even get a chance to play for the championship, think of the endorsements they lost. We're talking major bucks here!

I'm glad she spoke her mind and if it hurt that panzy *** coach's feeling, too bad!

2007-09-30 04:55:59 · answer #10 · answered by The Mick 7 7 · 1 2

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