i'm anti ipud. i have a stack of tapes in my carrolla. remembe how a new tape smelled? i thin it was the ink on the liner notes or maybe the plastic they used to make the tapes. i wish they made an air freshener called "new cassette smell". i would spray that shnizz everywhere. i'll never part with my B-52s tapes.
2007-09-29 04:23:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
hehe, I have a slightly different experience. When I was a kid we had 78 RPM records. We had a windup record player, with big horn coming out bottom. When I was about 5 I used to look at the record spinning with the needle and wondered how the heck it was playing. As I grew up we switched to 45, then later 33 1/3 Rpm. Then Reel to Reel Tape came out. Then 8 tracks, then cassettes. Finally Cd's. Now that the Internet is here I listen to music 24/7 off the Net. Click the link and you can hear what I'm listening to as I type. If by any chance you actually like it, just drag it to your desktop. :)
2007-09-28 16:18:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yup. I have a double cassette tape deck on my stereo. I'm not sure the last tape i bought. It was probably a few years ago, but i'm pretty sure the last one i bought was Duran Duran Medazzaland (2nd Hand). I don't like using tapes though. I hate it when they get mangled up in the machine. And also when they go slow and speed up and other horrible sounds. I think they rate up there with being one of the worst formats ever produced. My parents have lots of cassettes as well. I also (sometimes) use my Dad's LP Player.
2016-04-06 06:12:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i was at my moms and i was helping clean out the storage area and found my old tapes and tape player. I put in new bat tires and listened away. i forgot i had them. I even found my little pony eight track player from the early 8o's. I did keep a few of the tapes because they represented certain points in my life. the rest are in the trash. I do still listen to CD'S here and there, but now that i have a cell phone where i can download songs, i pretty much just buy songs for that.
2007-09-28 15:49:49
answer #4
answered by carriec 7
Yes!! ha ha I do, I found an old tape from 7 years ago. I popped it in and some of the best music was on there. As well as the bad. (dont know where my mind was at that time) I am glad I am not the only one, lol. I still have my cd carrier I use to put cds in and use to go for walks while listening to my music, but upgraded to my ipod.Xx
2007-09-28 15:47:32
answer #5
answered by ~§uηƒℓσబєr§~ 5
Haha, I have a 94 Ford Taurus that has a cassette player (which is the only thing on the car that works, by the way) so I put all my CDs on cassette to listen to them in the car.
2007-09-28 15:43:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A co-worker has a bunch of music tapes in his office. I have some old radio shows on tape from about 6-7 years back.
2007-09-28 15:45:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I actually still haven't transferred my Bobby Brown - Don't Be Cruel tape over to CD. Really though, I should probably just break down and download the damn thing.
And I have 8-tracks, booyah.
2007-09-28 17:49:46
answer #8
answered by Brandon's been a dirty Hore 5
I still have a lot of cassettes, but i haven´t listened to them in years. Now i listen the music that i like through the computer or cds.
2007-09-28 15:49:03
answer #9
answered by Julia 6
LOL I was in the sixth grade last time I listened to cassette tapes. Theyre all long and gone now
2007-09-28 15:44:25
answer #10
answered by Par 4 7