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I'm a sophomore and I was inviting a couple freshman boys to my sweet 16 party. This really annoying ninth grade black girl came over by me and like told me I needed to invite her. I told her that she has no right telling me what to do and I told her I don't know her so no. She got all up in my face and I just told her I don't like her because she is annoying and talks to much. Was that a mean thing for me to do?

2007-09-28 08:54:26 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

I'm not racists.

2007-09-28 08:54:44 · update #1

Why would I want to invite someone like her. She talks back to the teacher. Would I want her at my house if she disrespects adults. If my dad tells her not to do something she's just going to argue with him. I don't want that to happen so yea. Thanks for the answers!

2007-09-28 10:12:39 · update #2

35 answers

No it is your party after all.

2007-09-28 08:57:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Anyone should have been told the same thing. She was pushing you and trying to scare you. The only reason you're giving this a second thought is because of her being black. If she was white, you still wouldn't want this girl pushing you around and telling you to invite this stranger to a party that was to be for friends only. You don't know her. If you invite her will she bring someone else you don't know and can't control and tear up your house. Her mouth will continue to get her into trouble.

2007-09-28 09:02:06 · answer #2 · answered by Marty M 3 · 0 0

When you're in a jam, it's best to wait for an answer from someone else, from yourself or whatever. Time will tell you what you need to know.

Use questions to help learn more important information and to help diffuse the situation. In this case you might aske something like, "What is it about me that you like so much that you want to come to my party?"

No need to be upset or internalize the problem.

I don't think it was a mean thing for you to do. It sounds like you were just struggling to deal with a different and new challenge that you hadn't thought about before.

2007-09-28 09:02:16 · answer #3 · answered by WonderingMan 2 · 1 0

Okay, you must feel a little racist for saying black girl in that paragraph, but to make sure you dont feel racist I am going to say you mentioned black girl to give the reader a visual of what you were talking about.

Anyway, its your party and you dont have to invite anyone you dont want to. Next time she says that let her know that there will be a nice array of security guards at you party and i will give them your picture if you show up you will be arrested for trespassing! And if you get in my face again i will personally make sure that you will regret it. And walk away! Who cares what she thinks. then invite one of her friends just to piss her off! LOL just kidding. dont do that last part. Dont start nothing wont be nothing.

2007-09-28 09:02:00 · answer #4 · answered by ask me again 3 · 0 0

Yes it was mean. She clearly was hurt that she wasn't invited and got defensive. i mean, you could have been nice about it and said maybe you have invited all that your parents will allow. Maybe she wanted to be your friend. Why does any of this story matter what color she is, why did you even mention it at all. Maybe you need to really question yourself, also its a birthday party , not MTV. stop acting like a spoiled brat about your birthday, that isn't about what people can give or do for you, its about celebrating your life and enjoying your day, not being a b*t_ch to someone who wanted to celebrate with you and be friends with you.

2007-09-28 09:02:49 · answer #5 · answered by Maalru3 6 · 0 0

although she was rude to tell you to invite her you could have handled it in a nicer way. you could have said "oh iam sorry but iam only inviting a few close friends and its by invitation only", and left it at that. She wouldnt show up to the party b/c you wouldnt have given her the invite anyways. there is no need to go into why, why not, like, or dislike. it didnt need to escalate

2007-09-28 09:01:23 · answer #6 · answered by mimi 3 · 0 0

no! it was not mean if she hadent gotten all up in ur face non of it would have happened! its her fault and its ur party ull invite who u want and she cant tell u to invite her just caz she thinks she has the power to do that! i dont care who she thinks she is but honey u were goin down the right path a soon as that b*itch was walkin ur way.

2007-09-28 09:06:10 · answer #7 · answered by anonymous 2 · 0 0

No, it wasn't mean. The young girl needs to know that she can't push her weight around and have people like her. If it was at a public place then anybody could come, but not if it is at your house. You have the right to choose what ever friends you want.

2007-09-28 09:05:32 · answer #8 · answered by LIPPIE 7 · 0 0

Coming from someone old enough to be your mom.
It is your party, your say who can come.
However, you might not want to get into a persons face about it.
She started it, you ended it.
Just try to be nice about a brush off. Even if you never want to hang out with her, someone you do want to hang out with might see what happened and not like you for the way you handled it.

2007-09-28 09:05:54 · answer #9 · answered by Vickie 1 · 0 0

I think it is funny that you put you are not racist and you also made it a point to say the "BLACK GIRL" instead of this girl.
Maybe you need to really ask yourself what the real reason is

2007-09-28 08:58:48 · answer #10 · answered by Kristi S 3 · 0 0

No! Who does she think she is?!? If you don't know her no need to especially if she got in your face. Now telling her shes annoying might have been over the top but hey the that b***h to get out your face!!

2007-09-28 08:57:55 · answer #11 · answered by KiRACASNiAGA 3 · 1 0

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