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To all on each side. As a Christian there is nothing you can say or do that will convince me that evolution is the way life occurred on this planet. I just see to many holes, two many gaps, to many false answers like the (peppered moth). I do not believe it.

As an evolutionist, you do not either believe that life came from a creator, or if you do give any credit to intelligent design, it is limited at best. You see no proof, you do not accept the bible as truth, you trust in what science tells you to believe, and I can not convince you other wise.

Do we both agree so far?

Ok, what is wrong with this. There are issues that are not taught in school. Privet issues, Issues like divorce, religion, (the details of sex) issues that the schools leave up to the parent to teach, explain and discuss with their children.

Why not approach “where does life come from” in the same manner. You can teach biology, health, and science. You can teach how cells divide and reproduce. You can teach how bacteria and virus mutate. Why not leave the one point to the family?

Is that so unreasonable?

2007-09-27 08:55:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

i agree 100%.... but i know atheist dont... why is it such a hard thing for them to say it is theory when they teach it in schools?? i mean, why isnt that good enough?? i understand that if youre gonna teach science in school you have to teach on evolution... but just tell them what it is......THEORY! it doesnt really matter how many test have been to that say, its "likely" or whatever.... point is, they still have not been able to come up with anything CONCLUSIVE! i mean, this has been goin on for what?? thousands of years?? science is very smart, and they do seem to have the answer for everything else.... so, why do you think they cant be conclusive on evolution?

2007-09-27 08:59:01 · answer #1 · answered by heather b 5 · 0 11

"As a Christian there is nothing you can say or do that will convince me that evolution is the way life occurred on this planet. I just see to many holes, two many gaps, to many false answers like the (peppered moth). I do not believe it."

And that's where I stopped reading. Anyone this ignorant doesn't deserve to be answered but I'll try.
Science deals with reality. Evolution is reality.
Religion deals with myths and fairy tales.
Understand now?
If you still don't get it, read Trithemius's reply. It hits the nail on the head nicely.

2007-09-27 09:06:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

What's next? "Sorry geologists and cosmologists, could you actually stop telling people that the Earth is 4.5billion years old and just let us teach what ever we want to teach at home, kthnx"?

Everytime you water down education and/or science with your religious ignorance your god kills a kitten.

And hey, how about understanding what you're arguing? Evolution doesn't explain anything about the origins of life, it's a model for explaining the development of life. And you're saying that schools are only allowed to teach how bacteria and viruses mutate. Do you not get that that IS evolution?

2007-09-27 21:26:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because there is VERY clear scientific evidence that evolution happened. You want to leave all out children ignorant about one of the biggest ideas that science has ever had? Where do you think we should stop? Heck, I can show you guys that use the same type of arguments that the Earth is flat. Maybe we can't teach any of that either? Geology clearly shows the Earth to be very old. So that's out. I could go on, and cover Chemisty and Physics and so on, because there are religious problems with them too.

If we did this it would be about the same as taking all science taught in school back to the Dark Ages. And you wonder why our science education is already sliding in the US? Really????

2007-09-27 09:03:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

One more time – evolution does not deal – at all – with the origin of life. Abiogenesis examines the origin of life.

Evolution is an observed, replicated, verified, established empirical and scientific fact. There is an abundance of evidence from multiple sources that apply consistently and predictably worldwide. There is no contradictory evidence – every argument raised against it has been demonstrably shown to be wrong or deliberate deception and intentionally dishonest.

More than just fact, the theory of evolution is the most powerful general explanatory model in all of science. Without it, every life science collapses and all biological knowledge is false.

This includes medical science which, if evolution were false, would be no more than voodoo and the mystical mumbo-jumbo practiced by Witch Doctors. Creationists, as well as everyone, who submits to the care of a modern physician is placing their health and lives in the hands of Practitioners of Evolutionary Theory.

2007-09-27 09:01:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Well if you are going to teach biology then you are going to teach Evolution. It is true that Evolution occurs and has occurred and we can see that from a biological standpoint.

Perhaps we would be better off by not saying with absolute certainty where life came from in our schools because we do not know. Yet this is a question that should be discussed in our schools since it is a natural question when studying life. (aka biology)

2007-09-27 08:59:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Absolutely! After all, we don't want our kids to actually learn anything or (gasp!) start to think! That could lead to dancing, and we can't have that.

By all, means, let's start caving in every time someone wants to replace conclusions based on evidence with superstitions and dogmas! We're already seeing it done with history (which were heavily edited by right-wing interests to begin with). Rarther than teach scholarship, let's teach opinios, or better yet, not teach at all!

Controversy? No, we can't teach that! Once evolution is off the table, gravity is next... oh, wait! here come the flat-earthers!

Backwards theocracy, here we come! Let the new Dark Ages begin!

2007-09-27 09:09:57 · answer #7 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 4 0

"you trust in what science tells you to believe, and I can not convince you other wise" No, I believe in things that show evidence. Science is based on evidence, testing and re testing. It's not just what they "told me to believe" It's acceptance of proven facts.

To eliminate a whole segment of factual information from education systems is an absurd idea. If you want to counter the facts with religion at home, by all means do so but do not set our education system even further behind the rest of the world.

2007-09-27 09:01:00 · answer #8 · answered by t_rex_is_mad 6 · 6 0

Here's the difference between each other.

People who believe evolution is true, learned it from a CREDIBLE source. We also learned about the Creation story from a "CREDIBLE" source, the Bible. We didn't learn about the Creation story from a scientist.

People who believe the Creation story is true, learned it from their credible source, the bible. However, you learned about evolution from a NON-credible source, Creationists. You didn't learn about evolution from a scientist.

And to say we shouldn't teach evolution in school is ludicrous! It's not a philisophical debate! It's human progess! That's like saying we shouldn't teach History in school because I wasn't there, and it goes against what I learned from non-credible sources. I'll just teach my kids out of my own ignorance.

That's what we need! A society where teachers aren't needed anymore, because the parents who don't have a full understanding of what they are teaching should be the teachers.

2007-09-27 09:03:01 · answer #9 · answered by word 7 · 4 1

Yes, that is unreasonable.
Keep your religion out of my school and I'll do the same.
Science is a subject to be taught in school.
And look around you, evolution is happening ALL OF THE TIME! I need only look at my children and our animals to see this.
The Bible was written BY MEN. And hon, men put their own spin on what God told them. And I;m sure God did not mean for men to oppress women in a church of his name.

2007-09-27 09:13:46 · answer #10 · answered by Chief High Commander, UAN 5 · 3 0

I'm sorry you don't understand the proof for evolution.

The problem is that evolution has facts, tests, and evidence that show it is the most reasonable reason for our development. Creationism has absolutely no fact and it is based on one faith. That has NO place in public schools. That would be like NOT teaching first aid or about medicine to anyone because Christian Scientists deem it wrong.

2007-09-27 09:00:11 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

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