Yeah, just like all other religions.
2007-09-26 11:41:54
answer #1
answered by Vampira 4
As an atheist who was formally an associate of the Witnesses in my youth (brought into it by my mother when I was a child), my immediate answer would be that yes, they are indeed a cult. I did research on their organization years after I left and compared them to the information I read about cults and given my past experience with the JWs they are indeed similar. Jehovah's Witnesses may not be extreme as the Heaven's Gate or have a heavy demand for profit like Scientologists, but their in the same ballpark as these other cults. As far has using mind control techniques to covert the weak-minded, the ignorant, and/or those just seeking a purpose of existence and spirituality in their lives.
2007-10-02 02:52:44
answer #2
answered by Daemon 4
I don't think I'd call them a cult but their beliefs are different from mine as a Christian as they don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the resurrection. They believe only a limited amount will ascend to heaven and they don't believe in certqain medical procedures either. I had an old high school friend who didn't have a simple operation performed because it required a blood transfusion and he died at a very young age because of his Jehovah Witness faith.
2007-10-03 09:14:51
answer #3
answered by toughguy2 7
I do not think they are a cult such as the Jim Jones group, or brainwashed people held against their will with all their money going to the organization and such.
But it is not a true Christian religion as they profess to be. They do not believe Jesus is the Son of God or in the Holy Trinity -- God the Father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit. If they do not believe in the deity of Jesus, then that clinches it right there. They are interpreting the Bible to suit their own ideas. I know they also have some unusual beliefs toward medical treatment and in other areas of life. They also are arrogant enough to think they are the only ones who are saved and going to Heaven.
So probably not a real cult in the true sense of the word, but certainly having some warped views of true Christianity.
2007-10-03 02:00:45
answer #4
answered by girlnamedmaria 6
No we are not. Cults have a human that they follow. We follow Jesus Christ. So if we are a cult then every religion that says they are Christian is a cult. We do not live in communes or give everything to the Elders in our Kingdom Halls. AND our first born daughters are not given to them either. We live in our own homes and have every day jobs as most people do. We have the Bibles morals and standards which are from Jehovah God.
We live our lives according to the Bible. Our #1 thing is to help make Jehovah God's name be sanctified in all the earth and do as Jesus said for us to do. To go and make disciples of those of all nations and to preach in all the inhabited earth as a Witness, and then the end will come.
2007-09-27 06:20:50
answer #5
answered by Suzy 7
Well, they do have a common thread of hostility about them for anyone that stands their ground on Nicene/Athenasian Christian beliefs.
They quote Scripture to prove their point, but move the meanings around in a shell game while accusing you of incompetence in translating the verses accurately.
They use logical fallacies rather than careful exegesis, insulting you for being so blind.
They will bring ad hominem attacks against heroes of the faith, but quote them as supporting JW beliefs. Of course when you read the surrounding text you will see that what was written did not support JW beliefs at all.
You must keep an open mind, while they do not feel any need to reciprocate.
They "reach out in love" with door-to-door ministries, but will shake the dust from their feet and consider themselves as "throwing pearls before swine" when you refute them. Some love.
When they disfellowship their own, they have no qualms about destroying family ties, friendships, no guilt at all in the hurt and trauma that results from this.
They see the withholding of blood in transfusions as serving God rather than men, and will watch family members die rather than contribute to saving their life.
They use their own version of the Bible, claiming it as having the most accuracy of any Bible, yet it is not even listed on You'd think it would be at the top of the list.
I don't know if this all falls under any formal definition of a cult, but this is behavior and beliefs indicative of an organization I'm extremely suspicious of.
2007-09-30 19:59:02
answer #6
answered by ccrider 7
no, Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult!
to get the best answer, why don't you invite one into your home, or go to a local kingdom hall?
you will then be able to answer that question much better than asking for some of these "opinions", or mis-information about our beliefs
find out for yourself
you may be pleasantly surprised
2007-09-30 15:20:24
answer #7
answered by sugarpie 4
No, they are not.
I have a book on the History of Religion. Jehovah's Witnesses along with Mormons are listed as "Modern Day Movements". Those under "cults" are the Jim Jones group, and the David Karish group. Can't remember if the Moonies or Harry Khrisna are in there or not.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not follow a man, other than Jesus Christ. They live their live according to the bible and base their teachings according to the bible. They accept Jesus as God's Son and the Messiah. There are 6.7 million Witnesses worldwide in 236 lands. They go to work, they pay their taxes and obey the laws of the land in which they live.
2007-09-27 04:28:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult and anyone who has actually done any kind of research concerning Jehovah's Witnesses knows this. People who oppose Jehovah's Witnesses like to use the word 'cult' because this word has a general negative connotation. They are counting on people who are not familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses to simply accept this false label and then ignorantly repeat what they have been told.
The following shows how this label is completely untrue:
Cults are regarded as being small, local groups. In contrast, Jehovah's Witnesses currently number over 7,ooo,ooo and can be found in almost every country of the world.
The World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses is in New York. Located there is the Governing Body, a central group of experienced elders who oversee the worldwide congregation.
Jehovah's Witnesses - Their Worldwide Organization and Work
Cults are also regarded as encouraging their adherents to live in groups apart from the rest of society. Many also think of cults as being secretive about their activities or having something to hide.
In contrast, Jehovah's Witnesses live and work in the midst of other people. They have nothing to hide. In fact, they desire to tell anyone who is willing to listen about everything that they believe.
Their book Jehovah's Witnesses—Proclaimers of God's Kingdom correctly notes: "Jehovah's Witnesses are in no sense a secret society. Their Bible-based beliefs are fully explained in publications that are available to anyone. Additionally, they put forth special effort to invite the public to attend meetings to see and hear for themselves what takes place."
Cult members are also associated with following living human leaders.
Yet Jehovah's Witnesses do not look to any human, but rather to Jesus Christ, as their leader. Jehovah’s Witnesses follow what Jesus taught and put it into practice:
See: "Who is Jesus Christ?"
That is what it means to be a Christian. Accordingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to adhere strictly to the precepts established by the first Christians.
Jehovah's Witnesses base all of their beliefs, their standards for conduct, and organizational procedures on the Bible. Their worship is a way of life, not a ritual devotion.
Rather than relying solely on hearsay and running the risk of parroting bad information, Jehovah's Witnesses encourage people to investigate this further FOR THEMSELVES. This way, one will be in a position to be properly informed as to the true faith and beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The best way to find out more about Jehovah's Witnesses via the Internet is through the pages of their official website:
Jehovah’s Witnesses—What Do They Believe?
Recommended Related Articles:
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult?
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Really a Cult? - Showing How This Label is Incorrect
2013-11-04 12:08:29
answer #9
answered by Moto 3
Yes, they are a cult!
Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be Christian, yet deny basic Christian doctrines. They also dictate a great deal about their members' lives. God gave us our brains to use, not to hand over to someone else!
2007-10-03 10:57:41
answer #10
answered by Rella 6
Well i'm not one to say or judge; But" their teachings seem a bit in question as far as i'm concerned."
The fact they do not believe in the American Flag "but" they still enjoy their freedoms under it sort of pisses me off; They might as well be communists in my book "that is wrong".
And secondly" the fact they don't believe in blood tranfusions.
I can understand about that to a point considering all the damn diseases around with AIDs and all; But" on the contrary if it was'nt for a blood tranfusion almost three years ago on Oct 24" I would've died with no question; And what if my child needs blood? Do i simply turn him away because of some entity that says it's inviting "unclean" substances in my body or whatever?
I think most of your churches could be very easily cults in my book "but" it's not for me to say for sure if they are "or" not
But" no churches should have the right to make your choices for you because you are a member "or" should have the right to turn on a member because they disagree with their doctrines in anyway. God gave us a sound mind to make our own decisions and our own choices."
God is a trinity "They say he is not! Father,Son and Holy Ghost? Are they really in that position to question God or alter hi's words if that's the case? That's takes a lot of balls to do something like that "would'nt you think?"
2007-10-03 08:51:26
answer #11
answered by "Ronnie The Chosen" 2