OK - here is an honest, Biblical answer:
When God created the world - the universe, earth, plants, animals, and man - it was "very good" - as declared by God Himself.
Sin brought forth fallen angels, a fallen world, and fallen mankind - all "fallen" from their state of being "very good".
That which was "natural" before the fall - was good.
Things since the fall - that which is now "natural" - is bad, corrupt, and messed up.
It is obvious to see how "messed" up things are - natural disasters, wars, famines, diseases, cancer, horrific crimes, overcrowded prisons, etc, etc, etc...
Man "naturally" sins...as it is now a part of the "human condition". All children lie; all people lie. If you are a parent or have ever personally cared for children, this conclusion is obvious. Now, in their "innocence", their "badness" is often humorous and basically harmless to themselves and others, but it is impossible to miss the fact that they are "naturally" disobedient! Adults are simply more "subtle" in their "badness"; for instance, they are MUCH better liars, as they have had more practice! And, of course, the "badness" of adults has more obvious harmful effects on themselves and others...but only because they have more authority and power than children...
Tell a child not do so something, and they will invariably do it. They are "naturally" disobedient. When they are "bad", they are doing what comes "naturally" to them. When confronted about what they have done, they will lie or blame someone else. This is even true with a 3 year old who sneaks into a cookie jar and has chocolate all over their face. They will look you straight in the eye and lie!
When speaking about homosexuality as "natural" or "unnatural", people often mean different things.
When a homosexual lusts for a person of the same sex, this desire comes to them "naturally". When a heterosexual lusts for a person of the opposite sex, this desire also comes to them "naturally".
We can't even agree on what a homosexual is in our society, to be honest with you...and this word does not exist in the original Greek language that is in the Bible. Is one lustful thought...or a dream enough to make someone a "homosexual"? Or is it multiple thoughts and desires? Or do they have to act on it? If they only had one episode of acting upon such an urge for one person but then no further desires or actions come, what then?
But it doesn't matter. For this is a "skirting" of the REAL issue.
When the Bible speaks about fornication and adultery as a sin...a person does not actually have to ACT upon such lusts. The lusts themselves make one guilty of fornication or adultery in their heart. And God is a judge of the heart of man in addition to man's actions.
And whether a person lusts for someone of the same sex or the opposite sex makes no difference.
Furthermore, whether or not a person is born a homosexual or heterosexual makes no difference either! For God does not label people as one or the other (or as a bisexual).
God declares that all people are either SINNERS or SAINTS.
He also declares that since the fall of man, ALL people are born sinners. It is their very nature to sin. They sin BECAUSE they are sinners. They are NOT sinners because they sin. Sinfulness is the nature of natural man since the fall. When people "do what is natural"...this means they sin.
And this is the crux of the problem and the CENTER of the need of the "Gospel", which means "good news":
Whether or not a person is a homo, hetero, bi, etcetera-osexual...does NOT matter. What matters, is that ALL people are sinners in need of salvation from the penalty, power, and presence of sin.
And this comes by grace (a FREE gift) - from God offered to all for the receiving - through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ who came and died for the sins of those who believe in Him.
By repenting of sin and turning to God, asking Him for mercy and forgiveness for sin, and believing in and receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you are instantaneously saved from the penalty of sin (and declared in God's sight a saint). In addition, God gives you the Holy Spirit, which will indwell you and give you strength to battle the power of sin for the rest of your life (though, you will still sin...). Finally, when Jesus Christ comes again or when you die, you will depart this fallen world and get rid of your sinful fleshly body and go to Heaven...finally free of the very presence of sin in Heaven!
I have been married over a year, now. And I am sorely tempted by other women. It seems VERY natural to me to pursue these other women. It seems VERY natural to me to desire them. If I were to act on these impulses, I would have many adulterous relationships...and have sex with MANY women. And MANY married men DO have affairs - both Christians and non-Christians. It is "natural" for men.
YET...that does NOT make me an "adulterosexual"!
I could argue that it is my very "nature" to want, desire, and have sex with many women. Perhaps it would be more "natural" for me to have multiple wives! Perhaps I should lobby the government and ask for MULTIPLE tax breaks for my multiple wives. And if the government refused, perhaps I should picket the government as being discriminatory!
I mean...was I not born a man with a strong sexual drive??? Am I not an adulterosexual? I DID NOT choose to have this desire! I did not choose to be driven by such lust for women other than my wife! Did this have ANYTHING to do with my freewill???
...just because something is "natural" does not mean that it is "good"...especially since the fall of mankind.
In heaven, I will NOT struggle with lust. It will be IMPOSSIBLE. For in heaven, there will be no sin.
When others speak of what is "natural"...what they REALLY mean is: "the way things will be in Heaven" is "natural". In this, they are saying that God created nature...and created it perfectly...and there was no sin. And in heaven, this will also be the case. The problem now, is that man sinned and brought forth that which is "unnatural"...or out of the revealed will of God for mankind.
By this understanding, a Christian may say that fornication, adultery, lusting, cheating, lying, stealing, and killing are ALL "unnatural". But as I said above, since "nature" has fallen...the "unnatural" has become a part of our very nature. So, fornication, adultery, lusting, cheating, lying, stealing, and killing are now "natural".
So, that is your answer.
It is a relatively *moot* point as to whether homosexuals were "born" with such same sex lustful desires...! Even if these lustful desires were not sinful, they are guilty of TONS of other "sins".
As one person jokingly stated, "God thinks everything is bad".
This, of course, is not universally true. For with His Son Jesus Christ He was "well pleased". But this person hits on a very important Biblical concept that I spoke about above. If we tried to get to heaven by "being good", we would ALL fail and end up going to hell. The Bible directly declares that "with man, this is impossible". The Bible also states that "no one is good", that "ALL fall short of His glory", and that none are "righteous"! So, yes, God does think that all people are "bad".
In fact, in James 2:10, it bascially states that anybody who is absolutely perfect...yet just messes up one little small time, they are guilty of breaking ALL of the law!
Again, the whole point is that we are born "sinners"...and no one is good enough to go to heaven. And the "good news" is that although we all deserve to die and go to hell, yet God FREELY offers us forgiveness of ALL of our sins...and gives us eternal life...and this through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, who came and died on the cross for our sins.
So, this is how it all "makes sense" as you asked.
And all who read these words make a choice:
Either you reject what I have said...and reject the Gospel message that I have shared, or you accept the Gospel message.
To reject God's free gift of forgiveness is to remain "sinful" in the sight of God, and when you die, God will punish you for your sins...in the torments of hell, for all eternity.
To accept God's free gift of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ is go from "sinner" to "saint" in the sight of God. God will give you the Holy Spirit - which brings forth the fruit of love, joy, peace, etc in this lifetime, and when you die, you will become one with God in Heaven, for all eternity.
By reading this...
You have been warned (Ezekiel 3:17-21)
...and you have been invited (Zechariah 3:10)
Grace and peace in Christ be with you!
2007-09-26 07:59:18
answer #1
answered by yachadhoo 6
Trying to explain what animals do from a theological perspective is a complete waste of time. The western mind is so easily entertained by such futile efforts. It is a further demonstration that the goal of the western secular mindset is to elevate human existance above all else, leaving no possiblity of anything greater. Protestant, Reformist and even Roman Catholic beliefs were formed by people who embraced a western mindset. It is not suprising to hear modern followers try to explain things that we cannot possibly know; Such as the theological ramifications of the animal kingdom.
Is homosexuality natural? Yes, For some it is. Just like some will naturally Rape, Steal, Murder, Torture or Hate. Freewill is the exercise of chosing to do something after you know it is wrong. The prediliction to "do good" does not come naturally to mankind.
God has revealed God's existance to mankind. It is not a matter of 'making sense' of it. How can we 'make sense' out of the ability to bring matter into existance out of nothingness? Reason is an inadaquate tool to contemplate divinity. There are at least as many reasons not to believe as there are to affirm belief.
If nature is your sole estimation of what is correct, then feel free to form the opinion that homosexuality is acceptable. You might as well accept that it is equally okay for others to steal from you. Neither of which are acceptable by God.
2007-09-26 08:03:58
answer #2
answered by Aletheia 3
Animals don't have sex. They breed. It is instinct that drives them. Not sexual lust, like humans. It's not the same thing as humans. Animals can't sin. They don't have souls. We are NOT animals. We were created in God's image. WE ARE HUMANS!!!!
The Bible says homosexuality is UNNATURAL, and that it is a SIN. God created man and woman to become one. Why do you think they fit together so well? They were made that way! Why would God expect two males to become one? They have the same parts. The same with females, they also have the same parts that don't fit together. God created Oneness for MARRIAGE. Read the Bible. As a matter of fact, He doesn't even call it sex, when it is between a husband and a wife. (male and female married partners) He says "Abraham KNEW Sarah, and she bore a son" Or, So and so LAY WITH so and so, and they begat so and so. It doesn't say they had sex.
Whenever SEX is mentioned in the Bible, it is a BAD THING. Like SEXUAL IMMORALTY, HOMOSEXUAL, etc. Have you ever noticed that?
Read 1 Cor.6:9 Read 1 Cor. 6:13-20
Read Rom.1:26-32 Read Jude 6-19
I hope this helps you to see the truth, and not to compare us with animals. We are ABOVE all the animals.
Finally, please note this verse:
" All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of man, another flesh of animals, another flesh of fish and another of birds. 1 Cor.15:39
2007-09-26 07:42:50
answer #3
answered by byHisgrace 7
Well, I'm now an Atheist but used to be Christian..if you think about it the Bible states that God made Adam and Eve. One man and one woman. God did not make two men. God also doesn't want you to have sex or children out of wedlock. So my interpretation is that God intended humans to love the opposite sex. I hope you find the answer your looking for. I'm very much for everyone who wants love. Same sex or opposite. All religions have it's complications.
2016-05-19 01:18:03
answer #4
answered by glennis 3
It doesnt make sense and my God/ Goddess says that there is nothing wrong with being homosexual....i think we are all created perfectly...just the way we are and just the way we are supposed to be.
Homosexuality is not a choice....
Blessed Be
2007-09-27 02:44:14
answer #5
answered by trinity 5
These are my thoughts on homosexuality and why I am not inclined towards it and yet I can not criticize homosexuals either.
I want to get one point established first. Each person is responsible for the moral decisions regarding what God wants us to do. Remember that if you prescribe to christian morality, you are in fact affirming the originator of morals is God and that you obey God's will. That isn't to say you have no will of your own; you simply choose to follow your God for many reasons including, you believe it's right.
Let's define homosexuality as the preference for the same gender sex as a choice or a biological inclination that is so overpowering it is nearly impossible to change. Given that homosexuality remains an issue about with whom to enjoy the most intimate relationship with another human being, some might argue that this is a most dear right no one can take away--even God.
However, the ultimate reason we are alive and live the way we do is via choice, which is reflected in our daily social activities and the people with whom we share procreation drives and urges--or not. In the most extreme case, we can choose to be celibate or nymphmaniac sex-fiend. Celibacy, asexuality, or whatever you want to call this lifestyle that does not include sex or sexual passions or urges. The person after a while may no longer have urges, and this can be by choice. A hedonist out there in the clubs or whereever sexing it up is choosing this lifestyle out of enjoyment or debauchery--the way he/she likes it.
In the bible, it states we are to walk in the spirit. Now, it may seem so entirely a ridiculous demand, as we humans are sexual beings. However, as some people do, they can and do live without constant sex drive stimulated or acted on.
Such a life does yield satisfaction and peace when dwelling on thought of God and conversing with Him. He makes it possible us to do this--to stop focusing on sexual urges and look upon unclouded spiritual dimension of God and pure things we can only imagine we are.
Gathering up my thoughts, I believe we are to follow God's will for us to walk in the spirit (as best we can). Thus, many sexual lifestyle problems become less of an issue as one desires after God and desires to walk in the Spirit--the Holy Spirit who guides us when we seek after God, to know Him and embrace Him.
So for us humans to judge another is a bit harsh. But we know the basis for being one with God--it is how much do we want to know God and commune with Him versus enjoying human interactions. This isn't to say christians and other people lead lives revolving around God don't have sex. It is just in a more controlled setting and conditions.
2007-09-26 07:33:54
answer #6
answered by Pansy 4
My grandfather owns a cow farm, we sell our beef.
I've seen lots and lots of animal sex, yes homosexuality is prevalent, however they don't do it because they're conscious of being homosexual and they're attracted to that same sex cow.
Also, older cows (male cows) not bulls, try to have sex with the younger calves...does that seem natural? Sure, but we kick them off the younger cow, because it's wrong to US humans. We also persecute pedophiles, we don't just say, "it's normal, get over it, because it happens in the animal kingdom."
Animals and humans can't be compared.
We have ethics, we have laws, we have rules and we have scripture. God has made it very clear in his commandments that all creatures on earth should multiply and replenish the earth, it is a commandment for humans as well as animals to reproduce.
Can homosexuals do that? No. It is against the natural order and progression of life. Therefore it is wrong and unfortunately for homosexuals they are conscious and aware and are deliberately making a wrong choice, unlike animals who get confused by the pheromones being produced and get mixed up in the herd.
2007-09-26 07:23:46
answer #7
answered by CurlySue 6
To the ancient world, nothing was more important than fertility. They knew that same-sex relationships didn't produce kids.
These same cultures had strict taboos on menstruating women, too. For the same reason. A woman who was menstruating wasn't pregnant. They didn't know what role it played in reproduction, but they know she wasn't pregnant, and they considered that a curse (literally). So she was "unclean" and had to undergo ritual purification.
Weird, ain't it? Society gave up on most of the other taboos in the old testament, and is only trying to hang on to this one.
2007-09-26 07:22:38
answer #8
answered by Robin W 7
Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord our God for He created Adam and Eve so that there could be a female companion for His creation. Beware those who think that homosexuality is normal and that they are not commiting a mortal sin whilst having sex with creatures of the same gender! The Holy Book clearly states that homosexuality is evil in the eyes of the Lord our God. But Our Father in Heacen is also merciful and ready to forgive your homosexual sins if you truly repent and forever condemn and reject your perverted ways. May you be blessed with true wisdom from above... Animals do not have wisdom. They are irrational and exist so that they can serve man. Man is truly blessed with the will to choose and may go to heaven or hell according to his deeds. Women can also go to heaven and hell where they may serve man and God. Animals just die.
2007-09-26 07:22:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God made people to be higher than the animals ... in his own image and likeness ... then he reaffirmed our human dignity by personally redeeming us ... and God is not a homosexual.
That's why.
2007-09-26 09:54:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I believe in God, but I don't think he would condemn someone for being that way, if they were truly born as such. Anomolies occur in nature all the time, and it is deemed "unnatural".
But, if it occured in nature, simply because it's not the norm, does not make it unnatural. I believe that God takes this into account. We, must accept people in life.. and the die hard Christians (who I relate to more than atheists) must accept that the "good book" is meant to spread love.. not hate, intolerance, and judgements. yet, that is what they do.
2007-09-26 07:35:03
answer #11
answered by S&NFervor4Ever 4