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I Live In The UK And I Was Wondering If You Can Still Work With Children When You Have BPD??
I Might Have BPD And Ive Always Wanted To Work With Children Im 16 And Im Not sure What The Law On This Is.
Any Answers Will Be Much Appreciated Thx xx

2007-09-26 07:06:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

Im Goin To The Doc On Friday Bout It So Im Not Sure Bout It Yet But My Mums Friend Who Is A Phsycologist Sed That I Have To See The Doc Bout It

2007-09-26 07:12:10 · update #1

5 answers

First find out whether you really have BPD or not. If you do, take whatever treatment they recommend.

It's true, most companies have no right to know your medical history, but they do have the right to make you take tests that can predict your suitability in certain types of jobs, especially when involved with working with other people, kids especially.

If you have mood swings, would you want that to happen while you are working with kids?

Yes, go to the doctor and find out for sure if you have it. And ask the doctor if you should work with kids or not.

Good luck to you -- I hope you get all the answers you are looking for.

2007-09-26 07:26:11 · answer #1 · answered by chipper 4 · 0 0

I'm in the UK too.
I think firstly you need to wait and see what the doc says about whether you have BPD or not. It'd be quite unusual to be given this diagnosis at your age, it's not usually made til you are completely out of adolescence- with hormones going off all over the place it can make you behave a bit unusually! I hope you don't get this diagnosis, as it isn't a particularly helpful one.

Re work, you usually have to go through some vetting procedures in order to work with children for example the CRB (police check), and a they may well ask if there has been any kind of mental ill health. If you are honest and tell it like it is, you stand a better chance. I worked voluntarily with youngsters a few years ago after being diagnosed. It is possible, but make sure you put your health needs first.

Good luck with the doctor, check out your plans with him, he should be able to answer you. Hope it works out.

2007-09-26 08:59:22 · answer #2 · answered by LISA S 2 · 0 0

Many people who have BPD are very good with children. Because they are very sensitive to their emotions and know how it feels.... They can relate to children well.
In the Us you do not need to tell about your condition unless it will effect your employment. IE, too many days off, self inflicted injuries can't be shown etc.
In the US BPD is not even DX until adulthood.

2007-09-26 08:21:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont know what the laws in the UK are, but here, in the USA, medical conditions are not a factor in employment. Our medical records and illnesses are not publicized.

i suppose that if you feel you are able and willing to work with children, then do so.

take care.

2007-09-26 07:09:27 · answer #4 · answered by letterstoheather 7 · 0 0

I am on the borderline with this one. Might have?

2007-09-26 07:09:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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