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i need to know this stuff i just found out about hitler and i would like to know why did he make some of the jews in the holocaust have numbers on them ??? and what other torture did he do to them? and did he even kill the little babies???

2007-09-25 17:06:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

8 answers




2007-09-25 17:08:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you must be pretty young. Hitler did terrible things that were just unspeakable. He did torture people. He did kill babies. He killed Jews, Romas (gypsies), homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, people with mental retardation and other disabilities. He was obsessed with record keeping and he tattooed numbers on people to facilitate keeping records on them. I read a book in high school called "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which recorded a lot of details about Hitler's regime. It really might be too intense if you're very young "The Diary of Anne Frank," and "The Hiding Place," are personal stories of young women who faced the holocaust. Anne Frank did not survive. Corrie ten Boom did. Adolph Hitler was probably the most evil human being to live in the 20th century. He based his "answer to the Jewish problem" on Andrew Jackson's "anwer to the Indian problem" in this country 100 year earlier.

2007-09-26 00:16:41 · answer #2 · answered by javadic 5 · 1 0

Sophie's choice is a movie I cannot watch, but I have heard it is of a mom in the Hitler concentration camps that had 2 small children and she could only keep one and the other had to be gassed and killed, Oh my goodness !! I tried to watch Schindler's List about it all and made it until they shot the first person.What those people went thru was beyond a living hell. Hitler saw them as animals or worse and that is how he treated them. he thought Jews were like bad and shouldn't be allowed to live. He was a crazy idiot that made it into power thru the good old Peter Principle

2007-09-26 00:10:46 · answer #3 · answered by I Love Jesus 5 · 1 0

So after WW1 which Germany lost and had to give up alot of their terittories per treaty agreement, Germany went into a great depression. During this depression, Hitler rose first as a well spoken activist/politician, he belonged to the socialist party which preached that the woes of the people was due to people with imperfect genetics who polluted the pure aryan race. The people targetted as the pollutants were jews (due to a high anti semitism carried over from christianity), homosexuals, mentally or physically disabled people, jehovah's witnesses and anyone who had a different political view or spoke out against the socialist party agenda. this anti semitic sentiment went from social discrimination to stripping jews of their german citizenship then sending them to the ghetto where they were starved and left to squalor in great disease. As this progressed, hitler extended his propaganda of creating the pure aryan race by invading other countries and putting jews in ghettos. The second world war broke out after he invaded poland. Nazis in need of labor efforts towards the war sent the jews from the ghettos to concerntration camps where they were worked mercilessly, hardly fed and tortured to keep their spirits down and prevent them from fighting back. Towards the end of the war when Germany realized that they were going to loose, they tried to cover up what they did by converting the camps to death camps and killing all the inhabitats in what they called the final solution to the jewish problem. It is a very significant and horrific event in history because a group of people went from owning buisnesses and living regular lives to prisoners who were tortured and killed for no crime whatsoever except human hate of differences. the big lesson that i took away from this historic event is that all it takes to sway a mass of good well meaning individuals is to dehumanize a group of people and then, it becomes ok to treat them in any way because, well, they are not really humans anymore.

I see that today in the way we classify people as the others and label them as evil, terrorists, muslims etc. I believe that this is how it starts. When you label a group as evil then no one is going to fault you for trying to defeat evil, afterall what could be more noble? Read more about the holocaust, obviously, this is just a brief summary of the events but hearing the story makes you realize hoe terrible it must have been to be a jew in those times. The crippling fear of not knowing when your time will come, where your family is and not being able to protect them. It is very very horrific and resulted because one group of humans decided they were superior and that everyone else unlike them should be wiped off the face of the earth. Sounds familiar? Yep. That is why i say it is history that we all need to be aware of

2007-09-26 00:27:30 · answer #4 · answered by uz 5 · 0 0

My father helped to liberate a couple of the death camps... he was a medic and it was worse than he could ever describe... I personaly have viewed seveal films taken by the germans themselves of the things they did to the people in the death camps... and there were as many non Jews there as there were Jews... I was with a group of about 14 or 15 who were invited to view films and records and photos. held in Israel, of the terrible things you want to know about...only 5 of us made it all the way through the presentation...I lost my lunch less than half way through... but I stayed... and I am glad I did... i know what the truth of evil is... and I see the same things happening today... I hope you can go to one of the holocost memorial some time andsee some of the things they have there... I saw film of disections of prisoners who had been killed in all maner of horendous ways... just to see how they would hold up to torture... some were dunked repeatedly in ice water... some pregnant women had different chemicals injected directly into their wombs and the results were precicely recorded... almost always fatal... children, espacialy twins were subjected to all manner of tourture... I have personaly spoken with serviviors of the camps... their stories would cause you to have the most terrible nightmares... young girls, and boys, were used for sexual slaves... untill they were no longer useful for that...then they were killed... all manner of desesas were given to prisoners to see how they reacted to experimental treatment... the list of horror goes on and on... if you can emagin it... the germans probably did it to someone... just remember that even more non Jews were killed in the camps than Jews... many germans fell victim to hitler as well... as did prisoners of war... all dieing equaly horrable deaths..... sorry for the spelling am in a hurry and the spell check wont work

2007-09-26 00:27:12 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

I don't think Hitler personally killed any jew himself. But yes Jews, gays, gypsies, and mentally disabled people were all killed. Men, women, children, elderly. Everyone. Some were killed right away, others were put into labor camps, some were experimented on by doctors (like Bayer the aspirin maker).

2007-09-26 00:12:40 · answer #6 · answered by apocalypso 4 · 0 1

well since there is obviously lots of information you need, why not start by checking an encyclopedia such as the online "wikipedia"

maybe see a movie like "the Hiding Place" or "Schindler's List" to get a hint of what went on

You might also research similar or worse atrocities by Stalin and Pol Pot

2007-09-26 00:09:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It was nothing like that at all.. Hitler and the Jewish people were having a convention in town, and the paparazzi took some photos and turn the whoooooooooooooooooooooole deal around.

2007-09-26 00:09:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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