It's only racism if a white person calls a black person a name, but not the other way around.
2007-09-25 15:57:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hi, I am studying race and language at the graduate level at an American university right now.
First of all, I don't think it's racist to wonder these types of things. However, my answer to this is "no". They are not just looking for something to complain about it.
Next, remember that it was a mere 50 years ago that the civil rights movement occurred in America. So things have not had enough time to heal for many people.
Okay, the reason that black people can use the "n" word with each other, is because by using it they can gain a sense of power or control over the word. Language is often underestimated in how much power it can hold.
Therefore, when someone who is not black uses the "n" word, it has power issues connected to it. For example, the "n" word is and was used to put black people down. So, it is a pejorative term.
It is fine if you are not offended by being called "whity" or "cracker" but to other white people it DOES offend them. But it should be taken into account what is known as "white privilege." In many places in America and around the world, there is an unspoken privilege that white people inherently have, whether they realize it or not.
There is an area of research called "critical white studies" and "critical race theory" if you are interested in this and want to find out more.
To end things, if it bothers other people to be called a name, don't do it. Because language is powerful and invokes issues of power and higher/lower status, etc.
2007-09-25 16:06:02
answer #2
answered by Elisa-chan 4
You seriously need to stop generalizing an entire group of people.
Firstly: N****** is derived from the combination (And corruption) of the two words. The two words "Niger" (Meaning "Black"), and "Nekros," meaning "Corpse." It was used heinously as a pejorative term to describe slaves, and is still used today for various purposes. It also has the secondary definition of meaning "An ignorant person" (With no regards to race) or more aligned to days of slavery: "A person of low socioeconmic status."
C******* has already been explained to you: It involves the whip, it's also pejorative, but some people, like yourself, don't mind being called by the term.
The reason black people would go off on you because you use the word is because of it's historical basis of derogitry, and because of context.
There's many groups of black people that are perfectly fine with a person of another race using the term, because they use it as a way of describing close friends within the group. Others, however, will use it for pejorative purposes, and that's the reason meaning people have a sour look at the whole thing.
It's become a descriptor to some groups similar to things such as tall, fat, short, pretty, et cetera... The only thing is: You can't personally know which group is going to react which way (Some people don't care for the context: They'll get angry at you using it regardless), so its best that you don't use it.
I'm black, but I don't use the term n******** or C****** at all: They aren't in my vocabulary, because both terms are not in the realms of descriptors: I'd rather use black or white, which don't have negative connotations in themselves.
We aren't trying to find something to complain about: It's just that on a historical level: It's use is almost exclusively pejorative. Some people still can't get over the past, but others know that depending on context: It can be used for hateful purposes. The same thing applies for c******, however. I'm not going to sit here and demand that you not use the term, and not restrain myself from using a negative term to describe you: I won't use either.
2007-09-25 18:09:00
answer #3
answered by Kenshiro 5
We don't want something to complain about. It's just the context in which some people use the n word! Black people can usually tell when it's being said to be derogatory or in a friendly gesture. It doesn't matter if you are black, white, or purple and use the n word, and it is perceived to be derogatory then a black person will go off on whomever it may be that's saying the word.
2007-09-25 16:14:59
answer #4
answered by knowitall 1
they have a big chip on their shoulder... when really we dont care what they call us... honky, spook... it's rubbish.. I live in China get called a gwai lo all the time used to mean foreign devil... but they say it means white man, funny how they call black people here that too though isnt it?
but I digress, to go back the the discourse about the "n" word, asking a questiuon is not racist as some have suggested it is a quest for knowledge and understanding..
it seems to be ok for a black man to call another black man a *****, ***** is a french word for black by the way and it seems to be a derivation of this word that has developed by the bad and atrocious use of the English langauge by the southern american white males who cant speak properly, it was possibly changed from ***** to negra then nigra before it became the word we know today... usually used as a derogatory term for a lazy slave in the american deep south. so there you go... I forgotten the question now... oh well I'll go for a lay down now
2007-09-25 15:58:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are obviously a sheltered little white kid who will probably be the next Jefferey Dahmer. First off Cracker is actually a name given to white slave masters who used whips on the slaves back in America's most ignorant and hateful times. As in the crack of the whip. The "N" word was used as a derogatory term agaisnt slaves which means ignorant. All races can be called the "N" if you want to get technical about it. Most racists are "N's" if you really put your small little brain to work. Heres some advice for you go and red a book.
2007-09-25 16:03:55
answer #6
answered by edawg32 3
Here we go: Look,black people dont just want something to complain about.The N-word is offensive to some black people(not all)and personally I hate the word whether it's used by a black person or white person.I dont think you were born yesterday so should know that its not just something we want to complain about.
2007-09-25 16:25:12
answer #7
answered by Due Oct 21 09 with baby boy! 3
Well a black person (at least where I live -FLorida. )
anyways a Black person can usually say it to another black person (not racist just describing) but if a white person says it its kinda rude unless they ar epart of their buddies whom they hangout with. Most white people don't care about being call whitey or cracker because they weren't discriminated againest we got all the good benefits remember? We be pretty pissed if we weren't able to drink in the same fountain or anything and everyone called us crackers back then... and you wouldn't like it.
2007-09-25 15:59:45
answer #8
answered by SSS 3
Well after years of suppression they need little things like that to feel in control of their world. They can say it but nobody else can? Its only been around 2 - 3 generations since they have really become free and equal in the United States. So there are many blacks that can remember being discriminated against and being raised to accept it. It might take another 2-3 generations before this attitude dissipates and the resentment is gone.
2007-09-25 16:01:16
answer #9
answered by Bern_CH 5
because the n word was meant to be degrading. i understand why i shouldn't call a black person that but i don't understand why it is tolerated for them to call each other that. the b word is supposed to be degrading which means female dog, if a woman says it to another woman it doesn't make it any less degrading. in the same sense it shouldn't be okay for black people to call each other the n word. but what do i know i am not black and i could NEVER understand, nor will i act like i could ever fully understand what struggles they face being a minority in this country.
2007-09-25 16:00:00
answer #10
answered by carly sue 5
Because theres nothing else really behind calling a white person whitey or cracker because its just referring to your skin color. When you say the 'n ' word, your not just referring to the persons black skin color, you're degrading them. Even though its not slave times anymore, using the word still refers to that time...theres no getting around that fact. Really, it shouldn't be OK for ANYone to say or white.
2007-09-25 16:02:08
answer #11
answered by Anonymous