to distract from the bush/rumsfeld rats
backstabbing president carter in office,
contra affair and their own anti-americanism.
2007-09-25 08:31:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yup! "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile but is morally treasonable to the American public."--President Theodore Roosevelt "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." - - Bertrand Russell "If everybody is thinking alike, then nobody is thinking." "We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are" - Anais Nin Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
2016-05-18 02:52:55
answer #2
answered by briana 3
The only time I use the treason card is not when people disagree with Bush but when they think that president of Iran is better than Bush.
When the rants of liberals are just like the same rants we hear from those who want us dead.
That is what gets me to the point to think they are talking treason.
I have no problem with protest but when you have a Congresswoman calling a general a liar.
I start drawing the line about there too.
Like I said I am open for debate and suggestion but name calling and the smear that is going on is not debate.
2007-09-25 10:03:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Federal Government is not set up to handle social issues nor was it ever meant no they can't get it or do it right. They are set up for foreign policy, it's a big part of what they were created for.
2007-09-25 08:30:49
answer #4
answered by Erinyes 6
Plain old ignorance. They don't understand foreign policy any better than the politicians do, but they don't want to admit it. A lot of them don't realize that if you look for treason in the dictionary, Bush's picture is right there.
2007-09-25 08:46:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Arguments in debate fall into two distinct categories:
Intellectual and Emotional.
Intellectual debates employ facts, figures, depositions, scientific findings, rational scientific observation and the recording and publishing of quantifiable, repeatable, verifiable results.
Emotional debate, as it sounds, plays on fears, anger, feelings and emotion. When one cannot use an intellectual style debate (when one's "facts" are not defendible or easily explained), then the only option availbe is to use the Emotional style.
Calling people names, or deliberately misspelling Democratic candidates' names to sound more like the names of Muslim terrorists, cynically attacking in cowardly ways, attacking those who HAVE served this country with honor and fidelity, justifying and diminishing the importance of graft and a level of moral terpitude Bill Clinton never dreamed of (I often wonder if the Republican outrage over Clinton's alleged indiscetions is more because he may have been involved with a consenting adult, instead of the apparent Republican predilection for underage males and females (
How do Republicans justify:
-Calling Democrats "Irresponsible Tax and Spenders", when our Republican leadership took a Fiscal Surplus (acheived by a DEMOCRAT) and turned it into a Nine TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit, borrowing immense sums of money from CHINA of all countries to give to Iraq, while homeless shelters in the US are underfunded or not funded at all?
-Saying Democrats are soft on Homeland Security when their Republican Commander in Chief still has not found Osama bin Laden, nor brought him to justice? When they have not secured America's borders, when they still haven't implemented even ONE of the 9/11 Commission's 42 recommendations?
-Blaming Clinton for the attacks on September 11, which took place 10 MONTHS after he left office, but saying nothing about Bush Sr.'s failures to stop the FIRST attack on the World Trade Center, which occurred only 39 DAYS after Clinton took office? And Clinton didn't have a PREVIOUS attack on the same target for a warning. We were attacked on US soil and he didnt feel the need to invade another country. As Reagan promised the world 27 years ago, America would never invade another sovereign nation pre-emptorally, which had not declared war on us first. I guess Bush doesn't care WHOSE promises he breaks?
-Trying to put equals signs between Saddm Hussein and the attacks on Sept 11, and when no one believed THAT pile of lies, they came up with the nuclear weapons threat, which, as we all know now, was complete hogwash, even Colin Powell has now said the briefing he gave the UN to justify invading Iraq was made up from whole cloth, just so Bush could get the US all whipped up into a mood to invade, and when the truth about no NUKES came out, well then, it was to remove a tyrant (whose people hadn't even ASKED us to). What Republicans NEVER can answer is, why was Bush so intent on removing the ONE leader in the Middle East we know for SURE wouldn't harbor Osama bin Laden and al Qaida?
-Invading Afghanistan to remove the Taliban Militai from leadership in that Country, because they were harboring Osama bin Laden. NOT finishing that mission (the Taliban STILL control vast regions of Afghanistan, 6 years later) then invading Iraq, laying waste to THAT country for 4 years, NOT completing THAT mission, and now banging the drum to start up a ruckus with IRAN. And STILL not ONE of the loudest warhawks will enlist and put their OWN butt on the line for what they supposedly believe in?
-Spending billions of dollars and thousands of American servicemembers' lives, removing all vestiges of the Sunni Power Elite FROM power in Iraq, only to begin RE-ARMING them to combat "al Qaida in Iraq"?
2007-09-25 08:55:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps because treason is defined in the Constitution, and it includes giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Many Libs do not understand the difference between being critical of their own country and it's actions, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Take, for example, Kelly B's rant. She spews "Bush does not promote domestic tranquility ...another act of treason!"
Miss Kelly ought to read the Constitution she claims she knows. Treason is defined there in Article III, Section 3.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."
To claim that treason consists of something else is just stupid.
Your statement that "the government can't do anything right" is a gross exaggeration. Obviously our government does some things right, regardless of the party in power. The nation does not flip upside-down in its way of doing business when Democrats and Republicans switch.
ADDITION: This is absolutely bizarre. Give an answer that fully explains the Constitutional definition of treason, and describe how some actions come close to the sid and comfort clause...and get thumbs downed again and again...
2007-09-25 09:29:17
answer #7
answered by ? 6
Because they "put their political party above priniciple"and instead of what is factual. They do not like facts.
2007-09-25 08:43:01
answer #8
answered by MadLibs 6
Our Government has kept us safe thus far since 911, so something right is going on. There is no quick fix for the war on terror.nor was there one for word war 11, but in the end they got it right . When you don't stand behind your own government at a time like this even if you don't agree with everything , which who does? but for the best interest of our soldiers who are putting there life on the line every second to not have there own country men stand behind there nation % is ANTI American! It is so easy to cast judgement on Bush who has the toughest job in the world, for GOD"S sake be an American and stand up for the country you were luckey enough to live in.Care about our policies we need to tighten up on foreign policies. Everyone is worried about there privacy rights , well you have to give up some of those rights we enjoy to be safe at a time like this . All people do is complaine , and B-tch about Bush. YOU DO THAT JOB!!!!
2007-09-25 08:58:11
answer #9
answered by DC 2
It is called framing the debate. This is a technique used to convince people to believe lies about one's opponents because one is unable to prove his own righteousness.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it." Josef Goebbels Reich Minister of Propaganda for the Third Reich.
2007-09-25 08:38:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
When others support someone, or something against the values of America, like the Libs clapping and cheering for the Iranian leader, and continually supporting celebrities, like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Michael Moore, Kevin Spacy, Darryl Hannah, etc. etc, who hate freedom, and America, some having visited Cuba, and praising their leader AGAINST American policy, and are (have been for 10's of years) Americas enemies, duing to the fact they lack a belief in freedom, you are a TRAITOR to your country! It isn't a card, it's a fact! If you support anything, anyone who hates us above our own COUNTRY, you are a TRAITOR! Look the definintion up of traitor in a dictionary, and it will be clear to you.
2007-09-25 09:06:54
answer #11
answered by xenypoo 7