Indeed, I do! I have seen God's Hands at work many times concerning healings! I will share only one as there are many!
Ten years ago, I gave my left kidney to my eldest daughter as she had a very rare disease called vesicoureteralreflux. It is called a silent killer as there are NO symptoms until the kidneys are almost at end stage!
Three years after the transplant, the docotors told my daughter that she could become pregnant as all was well with the kidney! Well, they did an amnio to see if the child had downs syndrome as many of the rejection medications can cause this. She did not have Downs but, the water emptied and my daughter birthed a still born daughter.
She spiraled into a very deep depression and became ill. At this time, they thought the kidney was rejecting. It was not! It was merely dehydrated and instead of waiting to see, they gave her a very strong anti-rejection medication which has horrible side effects. One of the side effects was meningitis! Cindy contracted meningitis of the brain!
I had no clue how sick she was until one night, I had her sleeping with me so I would be there in case she needed me. Something woke me up and I gazed at Cindy and found her in a pool of blood! My heart was racing so I could hardly breathe! Blood was coming out her ears, nose and mouth!
I got her to the hospital and seven hours later, I was told that Cindy was dying and that she would never return home! I thought I would die listening to those words!
I prayed and I prayed and then, when I could take a little time to go home and rest, my grandson, asked me if I would pray with him. He asked God to take him to heaven if He took his mommy! I tod Blake that I would take him to the hospital if he wanted to lay hands on his Mom and pray for her...he did!
When we got there, Cindy was packed in ice as her fever has risen again to 105! She knew us and wanted to hug Blake. When I picked him up and placed him on the bed, they embraced and Blake began his prayer. He used my oil to annoint Cindy with and he did it as though he had done it many times before! He wept, and asked God to please let his momma get better..."I need my momma, God"! My heart was breaking but, I was standing with that boy in agreement to his crying out to the Lord!
Now, two days later, Cindy came home! No fever, no headache, no was as though she had never had meningitis at all! The doctors told me that they had already given up as the antibiotics were not working! They had NO scientific reasoning for her to be alive! NONE! Two of the doctors (nephrologists) simply said, "it had to be divine intervention as her brain had swollen so large that they could actually see brain matter behind her eyes!" Noone, could explain this any other way...other than a miracle!
I call it a healing from God's hands! That baby boy cried out to God for the sake of his mother's life and God heard his little cries! I too, thought if Cindy ever got better....she would not be the same person! I was wrong! Oh Me of little faith! lol God has done many things through this situation which no man can explain nor, can science!
Praise be to God, He is so much greater than science!
Now, how do I know this was from God....because those doctors just loved Cindy and she them! They worked feverishly to save her life and yet, nothing they did helped her! It was a matter of time as far as they knew. God had other plans! After the annointing and prayer from the mouth of an innocent....things went to normal, concerning the meningitis! That is God! This is how He works when we truly submit ourselves to HIM, in prayer.
2007-09-24 11:18:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hello sister:)
I do believe that God has healed a lot of people in a genuine way. Some have been healed in ways that are questionable from what we have witnessed on TV and in the media .. or through various cults.
The thing about genuine healing is that it should draw us to the Lord in a deeper way. Some of us need physical healing.. others psycological healing.. some need their spirit renewed .. we see this in our brother David's psalm.. "Create in me a clean heart Oh God.. and renew a steadfast spirit within me"
Genuine healing comes from God Who is the Great Physician. It should not be a means for showmanship... its source should be God and its end result is that the receiver of such healing has a thankful loving heart that is open and given for the Lord.
Even in a church situation..You will know if a church is healthy if the believers are growing.. if they are healthy spiritually and if they are fostering a deeper..richer.. more intimate love for the Lord in their day to day walk. If they are those that do not only seek after themselves but also also others.
May the Lord reach so many who need Him as their Great Physican:)
Good Q sis
2007-09-24 13:59:18
answer #2
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
Hi Beth.
I believe that God heals today as he did in the ancient days of old. Our faith is all we have to determine that something came from God. We really have nothing else but faith. Faith says that I believe that God can make what seems impossible, possible through the word of faith, and our faith in his ability and willingness to do far beyond anything we could have ever imagine. There is absolutely nothing impossible with God. He specializes in the impossible. He can turn water into wine. He can feed five thousand people with a couple fish and a few loaves of bread. He can restore sight to the blind and cause the lame to walk again.
Sometimes God chooses not to heal physically but he chooses to heal spiritually and mentally. The Apostle Paul had a thorn in his flesh. He ask God to remove it three times and God wouldn't do it. The Apostle finally resolved in his heart that there was a purpose for his affliction. God doesn't always remove the mountain but he will give you the strength to climb it.
Have faith dear friends in God.
John 3:16
Romans 10:9
Romans 8:28
2007-09-25 10:21:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you don't believe in healing, then you don't believe in God. You take Him either at His Word or call Him a liar. God says in His Word"I am the God who healeth thee."
How do you know if God is the One who healed you, He is the only one who can heal. Whenever we take medication , He is the one who makes it work. Sometimes He heals us miraculously and you will know that it was Him because there is no logical explanation for it.
2007-09-24 15:03:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes I believe in Healing (and healings) and I'd know of they were from God because all healing comes from God.
(The devil comes but to kill steal and destroy. - Never in any manner would any healing come from him.)
God Bless you
2007-09-25 02:44:13
answer #5
answered by BLI 5
Yes, I do.
I also believe that we in America have gotten so far away from dependence on God that we fail to see what is in front of our face.
We believe in the power of a doctor to heal, but not God.
In Africa, the power of Gods healing is felt and seen much more than here in America. Missionaries report miracle healings in africans and in themselves.
One Missionary I spoke with was personally affected withGods healing power while in Africa. He was injured on a motorbike in a large mudhole and his leg was broken.
Unable to continue, he and his riding partner prayed for medical attention and mechanical attention for the motorbike.
They prayed while pulling themselves out of the mudhole, and continued to pray while trying to tug the motorbike out of the mudhole.
No one came along the road, so they started pulling and crawling some more. SUddenly, the pain in his leg went away and he had more strength than he had before.
They were able to get themselves and the bike out of the hole, and the motorbike started right up after they got it out of the hole.
Mighty powerful God we have, if only we find the courage to unleash that power in us and around us.
2007-09-24 10:30:28
answer #6
answered by cindy 6
60 Minutes did something on them several years ago. Often the people in wheelchairs don't normally use them. They're people that use canes, and they are offered wheelchairs as a "convenience". The minister walks up to them, tells them to stand, and they do. They usually don't even know they are part of a con. In other cases, people who thought they had been "healed" wound up having relapses or problems a day or two later - sometimes seriously.
2016-05-17 21:24:24
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Yes I have seen healings , and I have received healings. PPL try to say this was done away with, just like tongues. BUt, no God says these things will stay till The perfect shall COME< JESUS THE PERFECT> HE isnt here yet, so yes they are still here and we need them. God is still in the healing business. Yes. Jesus still performs miracles today as were told about in the Bible. absolutely. HEalings still come, deliverance still comes, and it will come till we no longer need it. YOu must believe for you to receive this, and you must speak out your healing. The power of words, power of Confession, is so rarely taught today, buts it real. God talks about the power of the tongue, and He makes it clear that we can speak life or death into a situation by the words we speak. IF you believe for healing and confess it, it will come, in the name of Jesus. Can the devil ever bring healing?? Well, probably, as he is also very powerful. But, if we are living for God and in Christ, we will know what spirit we are under and that God was the one that healed us. But we must be walking with God to go to Him for healing, having the character of Christ, and if we arent, then we must be able to at least wonder who did the healing. But dont make the judgment. ITs blasphemy of the spirit to see the devil healed them when it was Jesus Christ. Dont give credit to the devil for what Jesus did. But, if we know we are living in Christ and we pray for healing and it comes, we know where it come from. The Holy SPirit when living in you will reveal these things toyou and you just know. YOu are in the spirit of knowing. Miracles still come today, and faith still moves mountains. PRophecies still come, knowledge and wisdom still come to us from the spirit also. ALl will remain till JESus Christ comes. WHen ppl show you where God says that one day those things will end, get them to read all of it, where it says they will end when the perfect shall come. Since wisdom and knowledge are mentioned there also, have they ended? HOw could we learn more without Knowledge and wisdom? NO< they will end when the perfect shall come and HE is not here yet, so we have them all. Tap into the full Spirit of God, its alive and its real and its here for us, if only we will believe and ask for it and allow it to come to us.
Great question girl. Press on with Jesus. God bless you.
2007-09-24 11:13:20
answer #8
answered by full gospel shirley 6
Who did you pray to for healing? And yes I do believe in Healing....
2007-09-24 10:28:31
answer #9
answered by 2muchcoffee 4
this is a very good ?.. sickness comes from the devil himself and I do believe if he can put it on you he can come as the Word of God says and take it from you.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
I have seen with my own eyes and known in my spirit when there have been false preachers and healers...I call it white magic here in the pineywoods where I live.
1 Timothy 5:21-22
21I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.
22Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.
But...I've also experienced and seen the mighty hand of God do what only He can do...and it sticks for life!<>< <>< <><<><
2007-09-26 04:41:45
answer #10
answered by ? 4
Do I believe it is possible for God to miracluously heal us today? Yes.
Are there some 'fake' healers today in the world? Yes.
Who are they? That is God's call, not mine presently.
2007-09-24 10:25:55
answer #11
answered by 7