Meningitis is an infection/inflammation of the meninges - which I suspect you already know since this is a well thought out and difficult question. The disease process itself interferes with the normal functioning of the blood brain barrier. As the infection subsides and inflammatory changes resolve, the integrity of the blood brain barrier returns, and it becomes more difficult for penicillin to cross. Why it does not cross normally is a biochemical phenomenon which has been examined. It's complicated, but the simple answer is that it is probably related to water solubility of the penicillin molecule.
Lipid soluble molecules pass more easily.
Below is one site. If you search "penicillin blood brain barrier" you will get much more complex basic science research on this topic. It depends how deep you want to go with this.
When I saw this question I first thought that penicillin DOES cross, but you are right - normally it does not cross well. We used various penicillins for decades to treat CNS infections, so this surprised me.
2007-09-21 07:42:19
answer #1
answered by Spreedog 7
Penicillin lacks molecules that transport it across membranes. In the normal meninges, approximately 1 percent of the serum level is found in the CSF. When the meninges is inflamed, that only goes up to 3 percent.
2007-09-21 12:59:06
answer #2
answered by a simple man 6
No, it fairly is impossible to stay away from the blood suggestions barrier even doing an IV. in case you laugh something it first absorbs into your blood flow contained in the direction of the mucous membranes then crosses the blood suggestions barrier interior the blood vessels of the suggestions. the only thank you to get a substance for the time of is to surely inject it immediately into the suggestions itself.
2016-10-19 07:54:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i have just took this one yesterday,
my pharmacology book doesn't tell why, but i think that in meningitis the bacteria somehow disturbs the tight junctions.
2007-09-21 09:48:28
answer #4
answered by DNA 4
Cross-sectional area..........
2007-09-21 07:25:42
answer #5
answered by muddypuppyuk 5
because its a living bacteria and for all our sakes please phrase and write the question properly WTF
2007-09-21 07:39:30
answer #6
answered by I'm Lying 1