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HOw could you think that God created the big bang and just left it to do whatever it wants?? How can you believe God is and yet think that he wouldn't have any power in the creation of the world? That he caused the big bang to happen yet left it to do it's own thing? Where is His power in that?????

2007-09-21 06:23:15 · 25 answers · asked by ~Living4HIM~ 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Basically the whole idea of evolution is that everything evolved. If everything had to evolve where is God's power in that? He'd just have to sit back and watch. But no!! He didn't do that. That's why He created everything at first.

2007-09-21 07:06:07 · update #1

You're saying that it would be more intelligent for God to evolve an animal instead of create it right off, or are you saying that would be cooler? It shows more power and consideration for the animal to be created right off.

2007-09-21 09:03:47 · update #2

25 answers

plus if you follow the ordering of creation, it goes against the actual ordering of evolution.

2007-09-21 06:26:13 · answer #1 · answered by KryptonOne 5 · 4 2

Well, I'm not sure if you are a believer who just wants to know how other believers who accept evolution do, or if you are a non-believer wondering the same; inquiring as to how a believer could still accept evolution. Since I'm not sure I'll respond to both (your wording could be both is how I take it). And keep in mind I am a non-believer.

1) This is my response assuming you believe. Ok, I see your point; but then why is there a Universe? Why can we examine it expanding? Why do we observe other Suns (stars) dying and have provable science that ours will too? Why make a moon? Why require oxegen? Why would God make all these little, obscure things necessary? Why do we need water? Or food? Or protaction from harsh climates?

Why test us with things we can't control? How does free will come into play when a tornado kills someone? What do you tell those people and their families? Why? Why? Why? We couldn't control natural disasters so how can we be blamed?

What makes more sense? A evolutionary perspective, while complicateed and lenghty, verifiable by science; or the things I listed above that have no sense or rational to them?


Go get a Phd in science, come back to me after that, and tell me if you still feel the same. The Universe and it's humbling nature is more real and understood than you know right now. A big bang is an idea that is good for present day science and observation-that's all. It is not an attack on religion nor does it have any baring on it. But it's implications are there. They are real. So you tell me why God didn't just place us in a box not allowing us to observe space, planets, etc. and designed us to need food and water. Why make it like that? If he is powerful why not make it simpler? Maybe it is simple, so why didn't he make it more intricate than it is? I don't know - that's for magical beings I guess. And further, how does God or gods decide how these things were made? Why do we look the way we do? Why do we poop and do weird things like have sex? Why not just push a button or something? And lastly, if we are made in the image of God then why do we look like a lot of other animals on this planet? Why do things have two eyes, a mouth, legs, feet? Why? Relative to that we are not different from other animals. So which one resembles God? HMMM>>>Sounds like evolution, while not perfect, is the best we can do and we are trying. You should support that because like it or not all you have is your fellow man.

2) This is my response assuming you don't.
-I have religious friends who belive in Big Bang and God. Simply their version of God is not a Christian concept - or one found in most Western texts. It usually is more like Eastern philosophy; typically taking the form of energy. This breaks down best to say that everything; you ,me, the world, the universe are all accumulations of particles; which is true science. Partical physics gives way to chemistry which accounts for elements and elements make solids and pretty much everything around you and these solids form to make other things in particular life and there is DNA etc. etc.. Physicist have broken these perticles down as tiny as possible. And one must wonder "where does it come from? where does it get its energy?" This is a valid concern. You may look at people and say God made them by why are there these little particles that make us up? If there is a God why make it so incredibly complex? They think these particle are enrgy and that unknown energy is what God is to them. I think Einstein had the same perspective. He believed in Spinoza's idea of God. Look into it.

2007-09-21 13:53:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, only Deists believe that we have a creator, but the creator didn't influence the direction of the world. They believe the creator started the process and left it alone. Theists who believe evolution is true, believe that God did more than set the Big Bang off. They believe that not only did God use the Big Bang to start the process, but he guided the direction so that we can eventually come into existence to worship God. It was just a process God used to get us here.

Evolution and the Big Bang does not prove God doesn't exist. It just proves that the bible is not a scientific text book, but a spiritual guide for saving your soul.

Why does evolution mean God is powerless? I don't believe in God, but if He exists, I would imagine that He has the power to control the universe, and mold it in the direction He wants to go with it. I think the creation theory takes away from the power of God.

Creationists must think God is some impatient little child who wants everything NOW. Since patience is a virtue, I believe God would have the patience to watch His creation grow and evolve from a point of singularity, to stars, to the planet Earth, to single-celled organisms, to multi-cellular organisms, to fish, to amphibian, to mammal, to an ape-like creature, and finally, to a human with the capacity to understand and appreciate the Lord and all His creation.

2007-09-21 18:37:47 · answer #3 · answered by word 7 · 0 0

I don't think that you get what most Theistic Evolutionists espouse which is that God started everything from nothing but uses ordinarily natural means for the development of His creation.

Most Theistic Evolutionists(TEs) I know are not Deists(who believe that God "made and wound the clock" but is not an answerer of prayer about material and mortal things and Who will not violate His rules of nature by any sort of miracle)but are believing Christians or Jews and do not believe that He left the universe "to do its own thing".

Most TEs I know believe in a personal God and some form of "Intelligent Design" but reject Fundamentalist Creationism and believe that God is All-Powerful,All-Wise,All God,All Just,Eternal,Unchanging in Essence,Infinite, Compassionate etc.

One TE I know said" God dealt out the cards to the Universe for His reasons but for His reasons chooses to use usually the cards the Universe has dealt back to Him for a hand" which would include carnivorism,death, volcanic and other disasters,asteroids,etc.

Most Evolutionist Creationists take Gen 1 and 2 allegorically,poetically,spiritually and,if Christian,typologically.There are TE scientists and others who are Hindu,Buddhist,Sikh,Muslim,Pagan,etc

IMHO I do not see any real conflict between Historic Christianity's doctrines,ethics and theology.

I do not take Gen 1 and 2 literally but I do take John 6 literally since I interpret the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Bible through O,H,C and Apostolic Tradition (oral teaching handed down 1 Cor11:2,2Thess2:15 &3:6 or Paradosis) and the OHC&A Church.

The only consistent Fundamentalist Protestants I know of are Missouri Synod Lutherans who also take John 6 and 1 Cor11 literally as well as much of the OT. I know of no group that takes the whole Bible literally.

I see great divine power in the Big Bang,etc( which was formulated as a theory by a devout and believing Christian) and I am led to praise God the Father and Christ ,Incarnate God, my Lord and Savior, and God the Holy Ghost when I ponder the Big Bang, Evolution and so many other reasonable and verifiable scientific theories.

Evolution is much more than radical Darwinian total and mindless chance(which I find mathematically implauseable and not at all verified by the fossil record) and TE also comes in many forms and expressions

2007-09-21 14:55:13 · answer #4 · answered by James O 7 · 1 0

If God created within the Big Bang (which incidentally has nothing to do with evolution, so I don't know why you are addressing this to "evolutionists") all the natural forces that would govern the subsequent formation of elements, galaxies, solar systems, and ultimately life, I would say that would require infinite intelligence as well as infinite power, wouldn't you?

2007-09-21 13:34:47 · answer #5 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 3 0

The computer program (as an analogy) God created called the material universe has inbuilt control features that maintain and develop the material planets and the physical bodies/minds that souls can manifest into . God designed the program to cope with anything a soul might need on its journey to spiritual maturity. God is that good. God can before the action, design a program to suit the needs of the manifested souls that require the material universe to develop in.

You have heard of Angels? They are a part of the program, just like **** sapiens. Other cultures call them demi-Gods. Not only can natural evolution occur, but also selective breeding (like we use to get nicer tomato's and tastier cows). Yes the universe is self regulating. The supreme God is happy to allow that, as it allows life forms to exercise free will, and take responsibility for it.

Hell and Heaven planets exist witin the material universe. If you spiritually progress, but do not gain salvation, then you can find yourself reincarnating towards the heaven worlds. If you spiritually regress, you can end up reincarnating towards the hell worlds, where other less spiritually advance life forms torment each other.

Of course God could de-compile his program and change it and then recompile it. He has that power, and uses it after the lifetime of the 1st (creator) demi-God (the God of the old testament) whom first designed and instigated the development of simple life forms.

However, it it the prime directive of God to allow free will within the material world. That is why demi-Gods, Humans and demons have to co-exist with each other's free will choices. Demons are unable to reach earth (the demi-Gods prevent it) and the demi-Gods choose to only interfere with earth when it is absolutely necessary for the maintainence of the material world. Thats why UFO's are always seen hovering over facilities that hold nuclear weapons like Roswell in 1947.

2007-09-21 13:46:11 · answer #6 · answered by Yoda 6 · 1 0

The power is having the foresight and knowledge to set up a system that works.

If any one of us were Omnipotent, we could simply zap a zebra into place. That is nothing special, all it would show is that God is powerful.

On the other hand being able to create a universe that will over time create a zebra speaks to Gods genus and comprehension far beyond what we can understand.

Your version of God is a kid with supper powers, mine is much more sophisticated.

Do you understand now?

2007-09-21 13:45:05 · answer #7 · answered by Gamla Joe 7 · 1 0

At least Theistic Evolutionists have the common sense to admit reality. I mean anyone who isn't close minded and ignorant can have evolution proven to them beyond a shadow of a doubt. People who deny evolution have been fed psuedo science. Theistic evolutionists like the Great Scientist Francis Collins, acknowledge that they can no longer deny evolution on the basis of religious doctrine. So they accept it and still choose to believe in the God of Christianity. Good for them.

2007-09-21 13:33:23 · answer #8 · answered by Pathofreason.com 5 · 3 0

To me theistic evolutionist is an oxymoron. I am an evolutionist who doesn't believe that the big bang is fact, but I certainly don't believe in a supreme creator. You can't believe in the bible and believe in evolution. The bible says animals in one day and man the next day. A day is a day, it's not a metaphor. If you call that a metaphor than you have to call ALL other time related references in the bible metaphors as well. Picking and choosing what's metaphor and what isn't just waters down your strength of belief.

I think they believe that because they believe differently than you. It is possible there are people out there that don't believe the same as you, you know?

2007-09-21 13:28:35 · answer #9 · answered by Love #me#, Hate #me# 6 · 2 0

Each year, there are about 150,000 observable collapses of suns in the known universe, each one of those emitting powerful gamma rays that are lethal to life. The Earth has been in the path of such rays during Ordovician times, some 400 million years ago, and we observe its effects with mass extinction of life at that time. If this should happen again, humans would be wiped out, and life's history would reset itself to start the path of evolution all over.

Could this really be the method of creation and destruction used by an intelligence consciousness we call God? Or is it more reasonable to say that suns do eventually burn themselves out, run out of fuel and collapse, and that gamma rays are the natural effect of such chemical forces and if the earth should ever be in their path, life is toast, and that simply is the way the universe and its phyisical laws work? This type of phenomenon, scientists observe, only happens 150 thousand times a year! It seems to me that even hurricanes happen this way, and not nearly as often in one year. Are they, too, the will of God?

Nature is both destructive and constructive. If God is not responsible for the destructive actions of nature, then he is also absent in its constructive processes. We can't have our cake and eat it.

2007-09-21 13:40:15 · answer #10 · answered by DrEvol 7 · 1 1

How could you be aware of the science behind the origins of this universe and see the need for an outside source? Sure you could assert that invisible, undetectable particles were generated, but if the equations work with out them, why add them? You might as well add Santa helping as well.

The point is neither the big bang nor evolution, show any indication of an outside force nor is there any need for one. These are the facts, you my belief what you want, but the facts remain the same.

2007-09-21 13:32:36 · answer #11 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 1 1

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