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Or do you think that by saying he was the son of God he was showing us that he was like every other human because we all are the sons and daughters of God. Do you really believe that Jesus thought he was above the rest of us?

2007-09-20 22:35:31 · 29 answers · asked by Orphelia 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

He was a chosen item from many thousands who were crucified for their beliefs. Used to illustrate a point of view some years later. His name was Josef, and crist comes from the gaelic meaning ruin or plunder - as a thief and a murderer were on either side of him. It justified stealing gold from the wailing wall left for them departed - during the crusades.
I ask: does God believe in christianity?

2007-09-20 22:53:15 · answer #1 · answered by bottle babe 4 · 0 2

A very good question. The key here is that you are asking whether Jesus *believed* he was the son of god, and if that made him think he was *better* that us. (In answering this question, I'm assuming that you believe the bible account of Jesus' life.)

As far as I'm aware, nowhere in the bible does Jesus explicitly say "I am the son of god" (anyone can feel free to contradict me if they have the evidence) although there are numerous occasions where he implies that he has a close relationship with god and that he existed before mankind. Interestingly enough though, in John 20:17, Jesus mentions about ascending "unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God" (KJV). This to me implies that Jesus acknowledged that he was the same as the rest of humanity with regards to his relationship with god.

John 13:5 is the famous account of Jesus' humility where he washed his disciples feet. As I recall, I think this was to teach them to be humble (if he, their teacher could wash their feet then they shouldn't look down on anyone who they, in turn were teaching).

So in answer to your question; He *might* have believed that he was the actual son of god and not just figuratively (certainly, he did not believe that he *was* god), but he did *not* believe that he was better than anyone else.

Hope this helps!

2007-09-20 23:53:38 · answer #2 · answered by Marvin the pedantic martian 4 · 0 0

You don't need to believe that Jesus is the sone of God because simply it's not true...

Jesus, peace be upon him, is one of the prophets of God who sent him to enlighten the paths of people... He's a man, like all prophets from Adam, to Noah, to Solomon, to Abraham, to Moses to Jesus and ending by Muhammad... peace be upon all of them...

This is the logic and the common sense, how and why would God, the creator of all, take a son?! Right?

2007-09-22 18:44:03 · answer #3 · answered by toon 5 · 0 0

I think he was just showing an example, like everything he did was to teach us about god and to show us lessons and how to live our lives.
Because in the bible it calls us the children of god, the sons of god, the daughters of god, I believe Jesus did not think he was above us at all.
Though perhaps more spiritually developed, but not at all "higher" He was human too.
We're all equal and always should be.

2007-09-20 22:45:08 · answer #4 · answered by SuperKylie 3 · 1 1

I believe he was inspired by magical thinking like many artists and other creative people. This is a symptom of some mental illnesses and is close to insanity. Many of the early prophets "mortified the flesh" went without food, sleep or water" want into the desert to pray etc. The insights brought by creative or religious experiences are powerful but can be destructive especially when carried forward by repressive followers. Look at the world today. All the Prophets believed they had special messages but the followers reap nothing but destruction.

2007-09-20 23:19:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Jesus cannot be God's son

To some Muslims, the term “Son of God” brings up images of a sort of divine being with a goddess wife who together have somehow produced a child. When Christians use the term in reference to Jesus, they immediately assume that the Christians are committing blasphemy by stating that God has participated in some sort of sexual union with another god – a goddess wife.

They say: "the most gracious has betaken a son!" Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous! At it in the skies are about to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, that they attributed a son to the Most Gracious, for it is not consonant with the majesty of the Most Gracious that he should beget a son. (The Qur'an, 5:88-92).

This is naturally a ridiculous scenario and is a false assumption. No where in the Bible does it say that God had relations with anyone to produce a literal son, nor has Christianity taught that God produced a son through any physical act whatsoever. Such a thing is heretical. Nevertheless, the Bible in numerous places calls Jesus the Son of God. But, it does not mean that Jesus is the literal offspring of God.
The Muslims need to as ask what does that term mean, in its historic and biblical context. Instead of imposing upon the biblical term a meaning that is foreign to it, the Muslim should learn what the Bible means by the term and think of it in the context as revealed in the Scriptures where it is used. To not do that would be the same as me taking a term out of the Qur'an, remove it from its Qur'anic context, and applying another meaning to it and then saying what the Qur'an teaches is false. The term “Son of God” is used in different senses in the Bible. But, never does it mean that God has a wife and produces offspring.

Old Testament usage of the term Son of God

The term “son of God” is used in two main ways in the Old Testament. Neither way denotes any physical relation to God. Rather, the references deal with those who are under divine obedience to the call of God. It is used of Israel as a nation through the Exodus. Hosea 11:1 says, “When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son.”1 It is also used in reference to angels. Job 1:6 says, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.” Also, in Job 38:7 it says, "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" These are in reference to angels who are created beings and in no way implies literal dependency from God.

New Testament usage of the term Son of God

The Term "Son of God" occurs 47 times in the King James New Testament. In reference to Jesus, it is a title as the heavenly, eternal Son who is equal to God the Father (John 5:18-24). It is Jesus who fully reveals the Father (Matt. 11:27). He is the exact representation of the Father (Heb. 1:1-3), He possesses all authority in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18), and Jesus had glory with the Father before the world was made (John 17:5).
The Muslim is taught from the Qur'an and therefore cannot accept the fact that Jesus is divine. To the Muslim, that is shirk, blasphemy of the worst kind. But believing it doesn't make it so. To the Christian, and according to the Bible, Jesus is the one who alone saves us from our sins. We cannot earn our way to heaven, perform enough good works to please God, or ever be "sincere enough" in repentance to somehow obtain forgiveness from God. Instead, Christianity is a faith of God's great love and sacrifice for His creation. Jesus, the Son of God, is the divine one who fulfilled prophecies, walked on water, healed the sick, and rose from the dead. Only the Son of God can do these things.

2007-09-21 02:16:02 · answer #6 · answered by Furqaan 3 · 0 0

In the Bible Jesus washed the disciples feed just to show that all is equal. Jesus went with God's law and will. Yes, He is above all of us and by being crucified He made us equal to be His brothers and sisters and God's children. Without going through Jesus you cannot get to God, because He is holy and we are sinners.

2007-09-20 22:54:16 · answer #7 · answered by confussie 3 · 3 1

peace be upon you
No , never
We all worshipers of the God . and when Jesus talked when he was a baby ,he said that he is a messenger from the God .and the Jesus and his mother will not shy from being worshipers created by the God as all humans ,eating ,drinking and live as all people

do you think ,if he said he was the God?
Can people believe in a god who can't defend himself against toture which he see?
Isn't the God who create all this world and all humans?

2007-09-20 22:47:46 · answer #8 · answered by rona 6 · 0 0

In the sense that he was divine, no I do not believe that Jesus thought he was a deity.

In the sense that he was a great leader and a messenger of God, yes. I do believe that is what he thought.

2007-09-20 22:46:10 · answer #9 · answered by Gamla Joe 7 · 0 0

Jesus was not the Son of God, according to the criteria of The Bible.

1. THE VIRGIN BIRTH story is unreliable. If Jesus had tried to claim that he was born of a virgin, his ministry would have ended the same day. Those stories was added later, for religious reasons. JESUS NEVER CLAIMED TO BE BORN OF A VIRGIN.
The very idea would be repugnant to any devout Jew.

2. Jesus said that lying was a characteristic of of The Devil, and he himself told lies more than ten times.

3. According to Jesus' "star pupil," John, a Child of God cannot commit sin. Jesus committed several important sins, which a Son of God would not do.

4. Jesus cynically made fun of the religious clergy and laymen by applying the title of "Child of God" to his disciples and to himself, when obviously none of them were qualified to bear that title.
I choose to believe that he was boldly illustrating to them how silly such distinctions and designations are.
When Jesus was able to perform unprecedented healings, and even raise the dead, WHAT COULD IT MATTER whose "child" he was?

The religious leaders said, "Praise God for his healings- but he is a Bad Guy!" (John 9.) But it did not seem to bother them, that they called themselves the "good guys," and couldn't heal [*Bleep!*]!

The Source of Jesus' Power was that he loved God with ALL of his heart, soul, and might (Deut. 6:4-5). Anyone who does that automatically becomes a miracle worker as a matter of course.
The source of the Children of Israel's weakness and helplessness in the face of Satan was their FAILURE to love God with all their heart, soul, and might.

5. Jesus hated his own people, and hid The Secret Doctrines of Power from them -which was a SIN- so that they would not know the motivating factors that would have caused them to be saved.
Therefore he LIED when he told the scribe who was cynically questioning him, what "the first Commandment of The Law of Moses" was. A Child of God woud have freely given people whatever they wanted, whatever the offences he had to hold against them.

6. To call oneself the Child of God, and others the Children of The Devil, is exalting oneself above them to the maximum conceivable limit. This was an obvious violation of The First Abomination of Solomon. (Prov. 6:16-19.)
It was so blatant, that Jesus must have exaggerated to make points. Human social status and concepts of superiority and inferiority are meaningless when measured against the immensity of the majesty of God.

It is enough for a worshipper of Yahweh God to represent himself as a mere Servant of God. He does not have to vaunt himself into an imaginary vain status that will choke the Faith of all who hear it. "Child of God" has lost its meaning, when every Tom, Dick, and Harry in "Born Again" Christianity bears it.

-Olatunde Aroloye.

2007-09-21 08:01:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He did not say he was above the rest of us because he washed his followers feet!
He knew who he was, he controlled the storm brought Lazarus back from the dead etc.
He was Son of God because as you said we are all sons & daughters of God and because of his Incarnation, he represented us. Showed us the way.

2007-09-20 22:45:18 · answer #11 · answered by Plato 5 · 2 0

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